Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

Chapter 183: The Best Day of My Life...

Chapter 183: The Best Day of My Life…

Alex and Min-Ah stalked through the tropical forests of the rather large private island in the middle of the Pacific. And with each step they took, they discovered new wonders to record and share with the world. That is, once they got back from their little excursion.

During their journey, they saw a variety of wildlife, some big, some small. Among them was a sambar stag, which Alex was tempted to shoot with his 10mm auto, and eat for the night. But Min-Ah’s adorable expression of wonder as she watched and recorded the majestic beast flee was enough to give him second thoughts.

It was then that Alex noticed something peculiar, as the girl stopped recording, and leaned in close to him.

“Thanks Oppa… I know we still have a long way to go, but I have never seen anything so spectacular in my life!”

Following this, the system sent a message to Alex’s vision, which caused the man to grin as he grabbed hold of his lover and dragged her in close.

[Min-Ah is overjoyed by the wonders of nature, and feels comfortable by your side even now!]

[+15 Affection from Min-Ah!]

[Min-Ah’s Affection: 175/200!]

Alex held the girl close to him, as he led her through the woods on a long hike towards their destination. Where eventually they settled upon a large waterfall which flowed into an enormous pool of water that fed into the island’s freshwater river system. When Min-Ah saw this, she called out in joy, as she danced around the otherwise secluded area in a fit of joy.

“Oh Oppa! It’s so wonderful! Look at it, isn’t this just the most beautiful place you have ever been to?”

Knowing that Min-Ah liked cheesy romantic gestures and comments, Alex held up his phone and recorded the girl as she pranced about like a majestic wood nymph who had just discovered an ancient sacred grove. She was completely unaware that her beloved Oppa was recording her until he finally spoke aloud.

“It’s all the more beautiful with your presence Min-Ah…”

This comment caused Min-Ah to look over at Alex and blush with embarrassment as she realized the man was recording her. She tried to get him to stop, but he would not oblige.

“No! Oppa don’t record me! I’m all sweaty and gross!”

This caused Alex to laugh as he recorded the girl’s embarrassment and spoke his thoughts without even thinking.

“That’s not gonna stop me! I’m having way too much fun!”

It was only after saying this that Alex consciously realized what he was feeling. His heart was beating more rapidly than usual, and there was a genuine smile on his face as he watched Min-Ah dance around like a fairy. Was this the happiness that he felt?

Now that he thought about it, he could not remember the last time he felt actual joy, and thus he instinctively lowered camera and shut it off. Before forcing himself back into a happy state of mind as he took off his backpack and pulled out a small forestry axe.

“Alright… That’s enough playing around. We’re going to be staying here the night, so why don’t you go gather some firewood while I build us a shelter?”

This remark caught Min-Ah off guard. Build a shelter? Were they not backpacking? So why didn’t they have any tents? But Alex was too busy felling branches from some of the larges trees, and thus he did not notice the perplexed look on the girl’s face, as she nodded her pretty little head, and agreed to her Oppa’s request.

“Okay, be right back!”

Nearly an hour passed, and Min-Ah had been busy either collecting firewood or water to purify with the various tools Alex brought with him. Meanwhile, Alex had created a basic A frame shelter with nothing but some wood, some foliage, a tarp, and some good old-fashioned paracord. He also built a wooden cot, which he made more comfortable with some basic bed rolls, and some sleeping bags.

Once Alex had finished this, he walked over to the center of the campsite and built a small campfire, which he had little difficulty getting a flame out of. In order to do this, he used a ferro rod and some tinder that he had made from some tree bark. Min-Ah watched in awe as her beloved Oppa made a fire appear seemingly without effort.

And once the fire was lit, the man smiled, as he began to make a proper setup to boil the water from. While they still had quite a bit of clean water that they brought with them, Alex wanted to make sure they had everything they needed from natural sources in addition to their own supplies.

Thus, he informed Min-Ah how to keep the fire burning before going off and grabbing another stick. Which he fashioned a primitive fishing leister with, from some wood, and some plant fiber cord he had fashioned from local flora. The only tool he really needed for this was his own hands and his trusty bushcraft knife.

Once the fishing leister was finished, Alex shamelessly stripped out of his clothes before hopping into the pond, where he attempted to spear some fish for dinner. All the while, Min-Ah maintained the fire as instructed, and continued to boil the water, and separate the clean water into a different bowl for cooldown.

Min-Ah did not know how much time had passed, but by the time the sun had begun to set, Alex returned from his fishing venture with three medium-sized catfish. An act which astonished Min-Ah. She instantly stood up from her spot and ran towards Alex, who bragged about his haul.

“Would you look at that? This place has a bunch of catfish crawling about it… What do you think of your Oppa now?”

The young woman’s jaw completely dropped as she gazed at the three catfish her Oppa had caught. She quickly hugged the man and thanked him for the food he had managed to provide for them with a wide smile on her pretty face.

“Oppa you’re the best! Where did you learn all this stuff?”

Alex wore a smug smile on his face as he patted himself on the back for his extensive survival knowledge.

“Most of it I learned from my uncle, and the other stuff I learned from the internet. Come, let’s gut these little fishes and have ourselves some grilled catfish!”

Alex would proceed to break out his bushcraft knife where he would butcher the catfish, and cook them on a thin and flat rock which he had placed over the fire, one that acted as a primitive grill. He sprinkled a bit of salt and pepper onto the catfish which he had brought with him from his pack, along with some other spices, before pulling out some sauce and dousing the grilled catfish with that. Once it was fully cooked, Alex handed Min-Ah a fork and knife from his bushcraft pack, where they began to dig into the perfectly grilled meat.

Though it wasn’t meat cooked by a master chef, or even by her mother. Min-Ah had to admit that she enjoyed the catfish that had been grilled on a rock, and given the bare minimum amount of spices and sauce that Alex had brought with him from the mansion.

After their bellies were full, and they had properly hydrated themselves with freshly purified water. Min-Ah and Alex laid down in the makeshift shelter they had. Where the girl was completely exhausted by today’s events. Still, she could see the stars above, from just beyond the entrance of their shelter, and smiled as she hugged Alex tightly in her arms.

Despite the lack of modern conveniences available to her, Min-Ah had truly enjoyed this day, and as she fell asleep in her beloved Oppa’s arms, she left one last remark.

“Oppa… This has been the best day of my life….”

After Min-Ah had fallen asleep in his arms, Alex saw a message appear in his eyes, which was another notification by the system.

[Min-Ah is thoroughly impressed by your ability to provide for her, even in a less than ideal setting. She is convinced that her future is secure as long as she is by your side!]

[+25 Affection from Min-Ah!]

[Min-Ah’s Affection: 200/200!]

Before Alex even had time to celebrate, a familiar face appeared in front of him. She was dressed in what can only be described as a leaf bikini, which showed off her ample assets, and her many tattoos quite well. There was a smug look on the Queen of Hearts’ face as she chastised Alex for taking his sweet ass time to make it this far.

“Well, well, well… What do we have here? It’s about damn time you maxed out your first heroine! And here I was thinking you were going to leave these poor girls in limbo forever. So… Loverboy…. Are you ready to hear what your prize is for getting this far with your beloved little sister?”

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