Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

Chapter 182: An Unexpected Outing

Chapter 182: An Unexpected Outing

After spending some time with Claire, and taking her chastity. Alex sent her off to the rest of the mansion. She was absolved her need to act as his bartender, but she ended up saying that she wanted to do it, nonetheless. Thus, he left the woman to her own devices for the time being.

Instead, Alex had a plan for how to maximize his time on this island, and make his women gain affection towards him. Thus, he got his women settled in one area, and explained to them how over the next month, he would be spending twenty-four hours secluded alone with the girls. But not in the mansion. Oh no, Alex planned to take them on an expedition through the island, and survive only on what this tropical paradise provided for him.

Luckily for him, the mansion came equipped with a bushcraft kit, which Alex had the skills and know how to use. And thus, he was dressed in a set of attire that was appropriate for hiking and backpacking in a tropical environment. He also carried a customized Glock 20 chambered in 10mm on his hip, which sat in a mid-ride holster.

The reason for this was not for hunting, but in case some wild animal like a boar charged him and his girl while they were out in the wilderness. After all, though he didn’t know much about this island, Alex suspected there was some wild game based upon what he had been told by Claire after arriving on the island.

The girls were a little iffy about straying so far from the mansion, but Alex assured them they would be safe on the journey. And thus, after some convincing, they all decided it would be fun to go “camping” in the wilderness of the island. Sakura was the first to make a comment about the situation. One that got the entire group pumped up over the idea.

“Alone…. With daddy!?! And no other bitches around to interrupt our fun? Sounds like totes amazing! Count me in!”

The other women ignored Sakura’s unseemly comment, because Diana was quick to speak up as a well.

“Finally, I can get some alone time with MY son.”

Diana glanced over at the other milfs in her son’s harem, with her focus fixated on Chae-Yeong, who she saw as her largest competition among them. Ultimately, Alex realized this was about to erupt into a massive catfight. Thus, he immediately broke it up and announced who he had already decided would go with him.

“Knock it off, all of you! I have already decided to who coming with me first, and that is none other than my beloved little sister Min-Ah! Min-Ah, how about you go get yourself properly dressed and the two of us will head out immediately?”

Min-Ah was incredibly surprised when Alex called out her name. In fact, she was reading a book during the entire discussion that Alex was having with him and his women. She had missed most of what he said. She looked up at her beloved Oppa and tilted her head with surprised expression on her pretty face.


Alex returned the curious gaze of Min-Ah with a smile, before assuring her she was his first choice.

“Of course… Do I have another beloved little sister?”

Mina-Ah flushed in embarassment when she heard this and looked around to see that all the other women were pouting in jealousy. She was a city girl through and through. The only “hiking” she did was walk through local parks, and their “mounds” She had never been outside the city really, other than on the previous trips Alex had taken her on. And she sure as hell had never gone out into the wilderness before. Thus, she was slightly anxious as she stepped forward with a heavy sigh. The girl bowed slightly before Alex as a sign of respect, before following his lead.

“I trust you Oppa… I will follow you anywhere you want me to go.”

Min-Ah’s eyes were noticeably drifting towards the gun on Alex’s hip. This was only the second time she had ever seen a gun before in her life. And the last time she did was when she visited America, and Alex pointed a similar weapon at Chad. All of her experience when it came to firearms was through movies, tv shows, and video games.

She knew that Alex was an American, and was thus from a culture obsessed with guns. But she herself didn’t feel quite comfortable around them. Alex, however, did not notice this. Possessing firearms and handling them was second nature to him at this point, and on more than one occasion, they had saved his life. Thus, he hugged the girl, thinking she was anxious about the trip, and assured her everything would be alright.

“It’ll be fine Min-Ah, reconnecting with nature won’t kill you, at least not when I’m by your side. I’ve asked around, and there are no poisonous animals or insects on the island. So we don’t have to worry about such things. As for everything that might be potentially dangerous, that’s why I’ve got this bad boy. You’d be surprised at how powerful 10mm is. Some people actually use this handgun to kill bears!”

Min-Ah shook when she heard the word “bears”. And Alex realized he had accidentally spooked the girl, thus he ruffled her hair, before dispersing her worries.

“Haha, relax Min-Ah, there are no bears on this island! Alright, so how about you head upstairs and get dressed properly? Don’t worry, I had the staff lay out the appropriate clothing for you. This mansion has everything….”

Min-Ah silently nodded her head and ran upstairs to get dressed in some attire that was appropriate for the climate and their activity, before eventually arriving down in the doorway where Alex was waiting for her. Once more he hugged the girl, and kissed her while complimenting her.

“There’s my girl. You look adorable! Alright here, take this sun hat, and let’s get going!”

Min-Ah was dressed in an adorable “explorer’s outfit, almost as if she were going on a safari. And Alex truly thought it fit her. The “sun hat” that Alex placed on the top of her head was not one made of straw, but was fashioned in the style of the old school “pith” helmets used by European colonial powers a century prior. And was made of the same sun and sweat absorbing material.

However, while Min-Ah may be dressed the part of an “explorer” she had no experience in the wilderness, and quickly latched hold of Alex’s hand. The one on his right side. After all, as a southpaw, he needed his left hand to quickly draw his pistol in the event that they run into trouble.

Min-Ah only felt comfortable after holding onto Alex’s hand, causing her to warm a genuine smile, as she finally spoke up in a voice that was no longer trembling with anxiety.

“So Oppa. Why did you choose me first? Could you not have chosen Sakura, or Mimi…”

It was clear that the girl was beginning to question her place in the man’s heart. And thus he turned around, as the sun glared across his back, and spoke to the girl with a warm smile on his face.

“I believe I told you a long time ago that you are my first wife, did I not? I mean, you were the first girl I was ever with in this life of mine and that means something to me… So yeah… I’m going to take you out first before any of the others.

This isn’t just some camping trip I came up with for the purpose of entertainment… I am doing this to connect with each and every one of you on a deeper level. And naturally my first wife comes first… Now come along Min-Ah, we have quite a climb ahead of us if we want to get to the waterfall before the sun sets!”

Min-Ah had to wipe a tear from her eyes after he heard Alex call her his “first wife” and state how she “came first” whether or not this was true, she was happy that he still remembered the promise he made to her when she decided to let him see other women.

Thus, she firmly gripped her Oppa’s hand, and followed him into the wilderness of the tropical paradise, with nothing but a pair of packs on their back, a couple of canteens, and some basic rations to get them through the day in case Alex didn’t manage to catch any dinner for them.

Alex, of course, planned to make Min-Ah very happy on this little outing. After all, it was exactly like he had said. She was the first woman he conquered upon entering this world. And he intended to take good care of her, since she was the first girl he had ever met, who actually allowed him to go out and bang other chicks. Because of this, he had to continuously make her feel like she was the most important of all the women in his life.

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