Chapter 184: A Stunning Transformation
Chapter 184: A Stunning Transformation
Alex wanted to lean up in excitement after hearing the Queen of Heart’s question, but he knew by doing so he would wake up Min-Ah, who lie next to him with her arm wrapped around his chest. Thus, he just silently nodded his head.
The Queen of Hearts took this as a cue, thus she pulled out a heart-shaped wand seemingly out of nowhere and pointed it toward’s Min-Ah where she said the most stereotypical incantation in the most cutesy voice she could manage.
“Bippity boppity boo!”
Immediately a swirl of sparkles enveloped Min-Ah, which she did not even appear to notice in the slightest. And just when Alex began to panic, they disperse entirely, leaving him completely bewildered at what he saw. Min-Ah was always a beautiful young woman, among the most beautiful in the world, he would argue. But like all women, she had her imperfections. Thus, she wore makeup to cover them up.
Yet all of a sudden, those imperfections disappeared. Her natural beauty was enhanced, her skin became completely devoid of any flaws, and her facial features were adjusted slightly to align perfectly with the golden ratio. Alex simply gawked at the girl lying in his arms for several moments in silence before finally looking over at the Queen of Hearts and demanding an answer.
“What the hell did you do?”
The Queen of Hearts smirked as she explained the prize for a heroine reaching 200/200 affection.
“What do you mean, I made your beloved little sister reach her maximum potential? She has absolutely zero flaws in her appearance now. That’s the prize! And yes, it will happen to all your heroines when they reach 200/200. Which btw, there are also other benefits.
For example, Min-Ah now trusts you more than anything. She will now worship the ground you walk upon as if you are her god. Everything you tell her to do, she will do without hesitation. So you better be careful.Because if you get angry and say something like “why don’t you go jump off a bridge!” she will do it, and without hesitation! When she wakes up, after having her good dreams about you, she will be eager to help you in any way she can, rather than just waiting for your orders to do so. So just be prepared for that.
No need to thank me, this is after all the result of all your hard work. Anyway Loverboy, I have got to get going. I’ll see you when the next major Arc begins, or when you max out another heroine’s affection. Whatever comes first. Toodaloo!”
With a snap of her fingers, the Queen of Hearts disappeared, and Alex was left lying next to Min-Ah in shock at just how beautiful she had become. The young woman was practically a goddess made flesh. Her beauty could easily rival the legendary Aphrodite. It was truly astounding. And though he had every urge to pounce on the girl, he did not do so. Instead, Alex had a hard time getting himself to fall asleep.
The next morning, Alex woke up to a familiar sensation. First a kiss on the lips by the lover or lovers by his side, and then a morning act of fellatio on her or their part. In this case, it was Min-Ah who was performing these sensual acts.
But something was different. Alex felt a far greater sense of arousal out of Min-Ah’s morning blowjob than he normally did. Not only that, but the pleasure had increased by at least two, no threefold! And, of course, he could not help but feel drawn to the girl in an almost supernatural way. It was at this point, a familiar voice entered his ears, one he had heard the previous night.
“Oh, I forgot to mention, when a girl reaches 200/200 Affection, she will also have the same effect on you, that you have on her with your skills. So what you’re experienced right now is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the new world of pleasure that you will now experience with your beloved little sister.
Now I know you will want to spend every moment of your day in bed with the girl now that you have discovered this, but you can’t neglect your other women! So I suggest you have a little taste of your darling little sister, and get your move on. Because the next Heroine awaits! And just imagine, with a threesome between Min-Ah and Su-Jin, will feel like once the older sister has undergone the same transformation!”
Alex had barely heard a word of this, because he felt like his entire boy had turned into one giant sensitive spot. One that Min-Ah was currently sucking to her heart’s content. For the first time in this world, Alex realized he was about to cum after only a few minutes, and thus he tried to warn Min-Ah, but he could not even complete his sentence before coating her mouth with his semen.
“Min-Ah… I’m sorry! But I’m-”
Min-Ah was surprised that her beloved Oppa had cum so soon, but she enjoyed the taste of the man’s sperm as she drank it as if it were the tastiest milkshake. After which the two of them would spend the entire morning making love on their makeshift cot, before descending from the secluded area and back to the Island’s mansion.
It was a matter of shock when Alex and Min-Ah arrived at the mansion. At first, the girls were happy to see the two of them back safe and sound. But they could not stop staring at Min-Ah. There was a noticeable transformation that she had undergone.
One that made her look even more beautiful than before. In fact, every single one of Alex’s women, including the ones with superior bodies to Min-Ah, stared at the young woman barely out of high school with a deep sense of envy.
Ultimately, it was Sakura that broke this awkward silence. As the young gyaru grabbed hold of her best friend and shook her for information.
“What the hell Min-Ah! What happened to you!?! You look so… You look so…. You look so gorgeous!”
Before Min-Ah could even react to this statement, Su-Jin stepped forward and questioned what had happened to her little sister.
“What the hell is right? Min-Ah, you haven’t even been gone for twenty-four hours, and all you did was go camping, but why do you look so… So gorgeous!”
The rest of the women quickly swarmed Min-Ah, and she had no idea how to react. Because she had yet to witness her reflection. But something was indeed strange. First her Oppa kept Cumming in her quicker than usual while saying how beautiful she was, and how she was his little goddess. Which was definitely unusual, and now all the man’s other women were saying similar things? What was going on?
It wasn’t until Min-Ah finally looked in a nearby mirror and saw her reflection that she was absolutely stunned at what she saw. Since when was she this stunning? What happened to her last night?
Min-Ah quickly looked over at Alex for confirmation, but Alex seemed to want nothing more than to fuck her again. Thus, the man picked her up in the air, and carried her off princess style upstairs to the master bedroom while shouting some excuse to his other lovers.
“Min-Ah and I need to shower after yesterday’s ordeal. We’ll be down in a bit, and then I can take Su-Jin out to the campsite!”
Once they were alone in the shower, Min-Ah tried to get an answer out of Oppa about what happened to her, but he couldn’t stop touching her body. It was like just the touch of the girl sent him into a sexual frenzy. And thus they spent another two hours making love in the shower before descending back down to the main hall. Where as promised, Alex planned to take Su-Jin out to the campsite.
Su-Jin had so many questions about Min-Ah’s transformation, and almost didn’t want to go without an answer. But the idea that something magical happened at the campsite, and that it might happen to her too, compelled the young woman to follow her younger stepbrother up the mountain and into the secluded cove where he had spent the previous night with her sister.