Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 611 Talents Of North, West, South Cosmos Converge In Eastern Cosmos

Chapter 611 Talents Of North, West, South Cosmos Converge In Eastern Cosmos

?Wang Jian stopped in front of Cui Lan, his gaze locking with hers. “We need information,” he declared, his voice dropping to a low murmur. “Information on their strengths, their weaknesses, the factions they represent. We need to know everything.”

Cui Lan’s lips curved into a knowing smile. “Leave that to me, My Lord,” she purred. “The Heavenly Jade Pavilion has its… resources.”

Wang Jian nodded, a satisfied glint in his eyes. “Excellent. Deploy our most… charming resources to the areas where these intruders reside. Let them mingle, gather intel, but remember – discretion is paramount. No hint of their affiliation with the Heavenly Jade Pavilion should be revealed.”

Cui Lan bowed again, her ruby lips curving into a predatory smile of her own. “Consider it done, My Lord. Our ladies are skilled in the art of subtle seduction, and extracting information comes as naturally to them as breathing.”

She turned to leave, eager to put his plan into motion, but Wang Jian stopped her with a raised hand. A mischievous glint appeared in his eyes, the playful glint familiar to Cui Lan from their more private encounters.

“Hold, Cui Lan,” he drawled, his voice carrying a husky tinge. “Before you depart on your mission, there’s a certain… reward due to you for your exceptional service.”

Cui Lan raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile gracing her features. “Indeed, My Lord?” she replied, her voice a sultry purr.

A slow smile spread across Wang Jian’s face. “Indeed,” he confirmed, his gaze sweeping over her alluring form. “After all, what better way to ensure discretion than to fully occupy the mind of the one tasked with securing it?”

Cui Lan chuckled, a delicious sound that echoed through the opulent chamber. “A wise decision, My Lord,” she agreed, stepping closer to him. “Consider your information needs well and truly… satiated.”

The air crackled with unspoken desire as they embraced. Cui Lan was a master of many arts, and the art of seduction was one she excelled in. The night that followed was a symphony of passion, a dance of pleasure that left them both breathless and satiated.

As dawn painted the horizon with hues of rose and gold, Cui Lan emerged from Wang Jian’s embrace, her lips stained crimson and her eyes gleaming with a satisfied fire.

“Fear not, My Lord,” she declared, her voice husky but firm. “The information you seek will be yours, delivered with the utmost discretion.”

Wang Jian simply smiled, the playful glint in his eyes replaced by a steely determination. With Cui Lan’s network of beauties deployed and his stolen destiny energy coursing through his veins, he felt ready to face the storm of talent flooding the Eastern Cosmos.

As Cui Lan disappeared into the shadows, Wang Jian took a moment to appreciate the tranquility of the morning. But the peace was fleeting. He had a city to manage, a woman to love, and a new breed of rivals to conquer.

Cui Lan wasted no time putting Wang Jian’s plan into action. She gathered a select group of young beauties from the Heavenly Jade Pavilion – women whose faces were known within the Jade Pavilion but not to the wider world. These women were not just stunningly beautiful; they were also cunning, quick-witted, and possessed of a natural ability to charm and manipulate.

Cui Lan meticulously assigned them to different factions among the newcomers. Each beauty was briefed on the specific group they would infiltrate, their mission to gather information on the talents, strengths, and weaknesses of these foreign cultivators. They were instructed to maintain an air of mystery, concealing their true affiliation with the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. Their beauty would be their weapon, a tool to gain access to information and sow discord amongst the factions.

Back in the Celestial Jade Palace, Wang Jian acknowledged the potential shortcomings of his plan. The Heavenly Dao might have indeed chosen individuals whose focus wouldn’t be swayed by mere beauty. These “champions,” as he thought of them, were likely to be driven and determined, not easily distracted by the allure of his carefully chosen agents.

However, Wang Jian was a master manipulator. He knew even a slight disruption could have a ripple effect, potentially fracturing the unity amongst these newcomers. And even if information gleaned was minimal, it was still valuable. It could reveal weaknesses, expose internal conflicts, or offer insights into the motivations of these factions.

He couldn’t rely solely on the beauties of the Jade Pavilion. He needed another angle, another string in his web of manipulation. With a flick of his wrist, he opened a spatial tunnel, the energy crackling around him as he stepped through, leaving the familiar confines of the Astral Jade City behind.

His destination – the Ancient Devil Starry Cluster, a realm where devilish energy pulsed through the very air. He materialized within a lavish chamber, adorned with crimson tapestries and obsidian statues depicting fearsome devilish deities. It was the personal chamber of Queen Xiulan, his powerful mistress and leader of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe.

A frown creased his brow as the opulent chamber lay empty. He knew the layout of this palace like the back of his hand, having spent his fair share of time within its luxurious walls. He navigated the corridors, arriving at the imposing council hall.

Pushing open the ornately carved doors, he found Xiulan nestled within a vortex of black robes. The council of devil ministers, not just from the Blue Moon Eclipse Tribe but also representatives from other powerful clans, surrounded her. A heated discussion filled the air, punctuated by gestures and furrowed brows.

Xiulan, upon noticing her unexpected visitor, a surge of joy surged through her. However, propriety reigned supreme. Her position demanded an air of authority even amidst loved ones. Yet, a subtle change in her eyes, a softening of the edges, betrayed her true emotions.

“My apologies, esteemed ministers,” Xiulan declared, her voice resonating with regal authority. “An urgent matter has arisen that necessitates immediate attention.”

The council members, momentarily surprised by the sudden dismissal, grumbled amongst themselves. Still, they didn’t dare question the queen’s judgment. One by one, they filed out of the chamber, casting curious glances at the human figure standing beside their leader.

With the doors firmly shut, Xiulan finally allowed her true feelings to surface. A radiant smile bloomed on her face as she rushed towards Wang Jian, her movements fluid despite the encumbrance of her regal robes. In a swift movement, she bridged the distance between them, her voluptuous figure pressing against his.

As she embraced him, a low purr escaped her lips. “My Master,” she whispered, her voice husky with desire. “It is a pleasant surprise to see you grace my humble abode with your presence.”

Wang Jian chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that echoed through the chamber. “And it pleases me to see your continued success, Xiulan,” he replied, his hand trailing down her spine, sending shivers of anticipation down her back. “Under your leadership, the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe has grown into a force to be reckoned with. Your influence stretches far and wide.”

Xiulan moaned softly, her body arching into his touch. “It is all thanks to your guidance, Master,” she murmured, burying her face into his shoulder.

Wasting no time on pleasantries, Wang Jian plunged straight into the topic at hand. “Xiulan,” he began, his voice laced with a hint of urgency, “you must have heard about the influx of cultivators from other Cosmos into the Eastern Cosmos.”

Xiulan’s expression turned serious. “Indeed, Master,” she confirmed. “In fact, the council meeting that just concluded specifically addressed this matter. It seems the intrusion has unsettled the balance of power within the Ancient Devil Starry Cluster.”

Wang Jian nodded, his eyes glinting with a calculating gleam. “Tell me, what have you learned about the devils from the Northern Cosmos? Any connection to the tribes within this cluster?”

A frown creased Xiulan’s brow as she pondered his question. “There is indeed a connection, Master,” she finally admitted. “However, it’s not a comforting one. The Northern Cosmos devils are considered to be… superior in many ways.”

Her voice dipped to a whisper as she elaborated. “Their devil bloodline techniques are far more refined, their understanding of destructive laws far deeper. They seem to have mastered a method of passing on insights through bloodline inheritance, a technique beyond our comprehension here in the Eastern Cosmos.”

Wang Jian listened intently, his mind churning with the information. This unforeseen complication added a new layer to his already complex plans. Superior devilish techniques meant stronger opponents, a factor he hadn’t anticipated.

A moment of silence settled between them, broken only by the soft hum of the chamber’s lighting crystals. Finally, Wang Jian spoke again, his voice regaining its usual composure.

“Where does the Blue Moon Eclipse Tribe stand amongst the other devil tribes here?” he queried.

Pride flickered across Xiulan’s face. “Thanks to your guidance and support, Master,” she declared, her voice ringing with gratitude, “we have climbed to the esteemed position of being amongst the top four devil tribes within the Ancient Devil Starry Cluster.”

“Your support during our battles with the large human sects has been pivotal in securing our position,” she added, a subtle reminder of the debt she owed him.

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