Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 612 Yu Qing Informs Wang Jian About Terrifying Star Gods

Chapter 612 Yu Qing Informs Wang Jian About Terrifying Star Gods

?A sly smile played at the corners of Wang Jian’s lips. “Speaking of debts, Xiulan,” he began, his voice taking on a playful tone, “perhaps it’s time for repayment.”

A mischievous glint entered Xiulan’s eyes. “Repayment, Master?” she purred, stepping closer to him, her movements fluid despite the cumbersome robes. “And how do you propose I settle this debt?”

A playful tug on a loose strap of her dress sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine. “Perhaps,” Wang Jian murmured, his voice husky with desire, “a more… intimate repayment would be in order.”

A playful glint entered Xiulan’s eyes. “My devotion knows no bounds, Master,” she murmured, her voice laced with a seductive undercurrent. “Tonight, in the privacy of my chambers, I shall repay you a thousandfold.”

Wang Jian chuckled, a deep sound that vibrated through the chamber. “Such enthusiasm is commendable, Xiulan,” he said, his gaze flickering around the council hall. “However, the urgency of the situation demands immediate action.”

A flicker of surprise crossed Xiulan’s face, momentarily replacing her seductive demeanor. “Immediate action? But the council…”

Before Xiulan could voice her surprise, Wang Jian’s hand darted out, a blur of power. With a soft rip, her silken dress tore apart, revealing the exquisite curves of her body beneath.

Instead of shock or anger, a knowing smile blossomed on Xiulan’s face. This wasn’t just a display of dominance by her Master, it was a thrill, a secret fire that only they shared.

With a feline grace, she moved closer, her movements echoing a silent invitation. “As you command, Master,” she whispered, her voice husky with anticipation.

The opulent council hall, once a space of political discourse, was now transformed into a scene of passionate intimacy. Wang Jian, the powerful cultivator, and Xiulan, the loyal devil queen, became consumed by their desires.

He explored her body with a masterful touch, leaving no curve untouched, no desire unsatisfied. Her moans echoed through the chamber, a testament to his dominance and her willing surrender.

Hours melted away in a feverish dance of passion. Wang Jian pushed her to her limits, relishing her cries and the way her body convulsed with pleasure under his touch.

Finally, with a satisfied sigh, Wang Jian released her, the intensity of their encounter leaving them both flushed and slightly breathless. He pulled her close, his embrace a silent promise of affection amidst the whirlwind of their desires.

Xiulan nestled into his warmth, a contented sigh escaping her lips. They held each other for a moment, the lingering heat of their passion slowly subsiding.

As they caught their breath, Xiulan rose, gracefully rearranging her torn dress. Wang Jian followed suit, a glint of strategy returning to his eyes.

“My love,” he began, his voice laced with a hint of command, “I need your focus to be razor-sharp. Gather the leaders of the other devil tribes. Let them understand the threat posed by these intruders. We must maintain a unified front against this unexpected invasion.”

Xiulan nodded, her movements imbued with a renewed sense of purpose. “As you wish, Master,” she replied, a subtle sway to her hips emphasizing her loyalty. “The Blue Moon Eclipse Tribe will stand at the forefront, ready to crush these invaders.”

A smirk touched Wang Jian’s lips. “Excellent,” he declared. “But I require further information. Make contact with the Northern Cosmos devils. But do so discreetly, through a third party, someone from another tribe.”

Xiulan’s brows furrowed in thought. “An interesting task, Master,” she mused. “Why such an indirect approach?”

“Their motives, Xiulan,” he explained, his voice serious. “Why have they come to the Eastern Cosmos? And why do they seem allied with the Angelic Tribe, their sword enemies.”

This question echoed Xiulan’s own suspicions. Throughout history, the devils and the Angelic Tribe had been locked in a bitter rivalry. Their ideologies clashed, their powers negated each other. Why then, were they seemingly collaborating?

“I shall uncover their secrets, Master,” Xiulan vowed, determination glinting in her eyes. “No stone will be left unturned.”

With a satisfied nod, Wang Jian activated the pre-prepared spatial tunnel. A shimmering gateway materialized in the air, a portal back to his Astral Jade City.

“Until we meet again, Xiulan,” he murmured, stepping towards the shimmering vortex.

“Until then, my Master,” she replied, her voice a soft melody.

With a final glance, Wang Jian disappeared through the portal, leaving Xiulan alone in the wake of their passionate encounter and the weight of his instructions.

Alone in the council hall, she straightened her wrinkled robes, a steely resolve hardening her expression.

The intruders would be dealt with, the secrets of the Northern devils unraveled. All for the glory of the Blue Moon Eclipse Tribe and, of course, for the pleasure of her powerful Master.

With a swift stride, Queen Xiulan left the hall, her mind already formulating plans.


Returning to the Astral Jade City through the shimmering portal, Wang Jian found his council chamber buzzing with activity. Reports piled high on the polished jade table, advisors pacing with furrowed brows. The sudden influx of foreign cultivators disrupted the city’s usual rhythm, posing a multitude of challenges.

With a calm demeanor, Wang Jian settled into his seat. He listened intently as his advisors reported on resource allocation issues, skirmishes with rogue cultivators attempting to plunder city resources, and anxieties amongst the populace.

“Maintain a steady supply flow,” Wang Jian instructed with a firm voice. “Prioritize food and medicinal resources for the citizens. Increase patrols to deter looting, and implement informative sessions for the public, assuring them of our unwavering protection.”

His directives were crisp and efficient, reflecting his years of experience in handling city affairs. The advisors, seasoned veterans themselves, were impressed by his ability to cut through the chaos and formulate solutions with laser-like focus.

As the chamber started to clear, a familiar figure caught Wang Jian’s eye. Yu Qing, his celestial beauty radiating like a blooming lotus, stood hesitantly at the doorway. A flicker of surprise crossed his face, but it was quickly replaced by a warm smile.

“Yu Qing,” he greeted, his voice laced with affection. “Please, dismiss the rest. We have matters to discuss.”

The remaining advisors bowed and departed, leaving the chamber cloaked in the intimacy of their connection.

Yu Qing approached him, her expression a mixture of concern and determination. “Wang Jian,” she began, her voice low and urgent, “there’s something I must tell you about the Western Cosmos intruders.”

Wang Jian leaned back in his chair, offering her a reassuring smile. “Speak freely, my love. What troubles you?”

“Three Star Lords demand your utmost caution,” Yu Qing revealed, her voice taut with tension. “The Brahma Divine Star Goddess, Yun Qianying, the Dragon Emperor Star God, and the Tyrannical Emperor Star God.”

A cold glint flickered in her eyes as she spoke each name. “They are all formidable enemies.”

Wang Jian listened intently, his expression turning serious. “Tell me about them,” he urged.

Yu Qing took a deep breath and began her narration. “Yun Qianying, with her mesmerizing beauty and cunning mind, is one of the strongest Star Gods in the West. Her cruelty is matched only by her power, for she seduced and murdered my own brother to steal his origin power. Her cultivation level is on par with mine – the Divine Ascension Realm.”

She paused for a moment, the pain of her past evident in her voice. “Then there are the Dragon Emperor and the Tyrannical Emperor,” she continued. “These two colossi, with their immense strength and robust physiques, are revered even amongst the peak of the Western divine realm.”

A flicker of surprise crossed Wang Jian’s face. “And why, my love, would these powerful beings be interested in you?”

Yu Qing met his gaze, her eyes filled with a dark secret. “They seek my Star Power. Its origin energy is vital to a forbidden ritual they wish to conduct. This ritual, rumors say, holds the key to transcending the Divine Ascension Realm and achieving the level of a Godking.”

Wang Jian processed this information, his gaze hardening. ‘Powerful, ambitious… formidable foes indeed,’ he thought to himself. ‘But not the protagonists, I sense. There’s something missing.’

He reached out and gently took Yu Qing’s hand. “Thank you, my love,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude. “You have given me valuable information. Rest assured, I will handle these threats.”

“Is there anything else?” he inquired, curiosity piqued. “Perhaps… another rising star from the Western Cosmos, someone of exceptional talent and rapid rise from humble beginnings?”

Yu Qing furrowed her brow, pondering his question.”Hmm,” she mused, “I haven’t had contact with the Western Cosmos in quite a while. Perhaps such a talent exists, but their name escapes me.”

Wang Jian nodded, accepting her answer. “I understand,” he replied. “But if anything comes to mind, do not hesitate to inform me.”

The conversation shifted towards other pressing matters. Yu Qing, with her vast knowledge of the Western Cosmos, provided valuable insights into the Astral Wraiths, another group of powerful cultivators known for their unorthodox methods.

“The Ghost Emperor and the Nether Empress, both leaders of prominent Astral Wraith factions, are formidable threats,” Yu Qing warned. “Their mastery of the Astral Plane and its dark energies makes them unpredictable and deadly opponents.”

Wang Jian absorbed this information, his mind already formulating strategies.

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