Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 610 Injuring Spirit Of Heavenly Dao

Chapter 610 Injuring Spirit Of Heavenly Dao

Time was of the essence. With a thought, he channeled the destiny energy, directing it towards strengthening his body. Every fiber of his being pulsed with newfound resilience, his flesh hardening into an impenetrable fortress. This was the peak of the Divine Tribulation Realm, his physical form pushed to its absolute limit.

Next, he focused on his divine spirit. The destiny energy flowed inwards, nourishing his consciousness, expanding his perception, and sharpening his mental faculties. His divine spirit, once a powerful force, now rivaled even established cultivators in the Divine Harmony Realm.

Finally, he poured the remaining destiny energy into his most potent technique, the True Holy Devil Draconic Dominion. This technique, a culmination of his Celestial energy, draconic bloodline, and the residual power of his devilish heritage, surged with newfound power. As he unleashed it, a colossal domain materialized around him, a swirling vortex of celestial light, draconic might, and a hint of crimson devilish aura.

Within this dominion, the chaotic energies of the Heavenly Tribulation seemed to falter. The lightning bolts, once potent enough to obliterate mountains, fizzled out upon contact with his enhanced physique. The crushing gravity, designed to turn cultivators into dust, struggled against his strengthened bones. The very flow of time, manipulated by the Heavenly Dao, seemed to slow and bend around him.

A cruel smile twisted Wang Jian’s lips. “So predictable,” he muttered, his voice echoing through the void. “You sent this tribulation based on the strength I possessed before entering the Divine Harmony Realm. A clever trick, but a flawed one.”

Wang Jian thought to himself that his plan to intentionally delay his ascension and accumulating more destiny energy worked. He had intentionally delayed his ascension, waiting for the Heavenly Dao to set its parameters. Now that the Heavenly Dao’s tribulation had materialized completely based on his strength at that time, the tribulation wouldn’t be able to adapt.

This was because the Heavenly Dao couldn’t arbitrarily increase the tribulation’s power after it had manifested just because the cultivator became strong during the time of facing the tribulation. Such a blatant violation of its own laws would destabilize the very fabric of the cosmos.

“Today,” he declared, his voice resonating with newfound power, “you don’t test me. I test you! Is your so-called Heavenly Dao truly worthy of its position? Or is it a tyrant, blinded by fear and clinging to its fragile authority?”

With a roar that shook the heavens, Wang Jian unleashed the full potential of his True Holy Devil Draconic Dominion. The chaotic energy within it collided with the Heavenly Tribulation in a spectacular display of light and sound. The very air crackled with raw power as these opposing forces clashed.

The battle raged for what seemed like an eternity. Celestial lightning danced against draconic flames, the crushing gravity battled the counter-force of Wang Jian’s strengthened physique. Time itself became a chaotic blur, the clash bending and twisting the very fabric of reality.

Yet, with each passing moment, Wang Jian felt a growing confidence. The Heavenly Tribulation, designed to eradicate him, was slowly weakening. The stolen destiny energy proved to be a potent shield, constantly repairing any damage inflicted upon him. While the Heavenly Dao wouldn’t allow its tribulation to increase in strength, it also couldn’t replenish its dwindling power indefinitely.

Finally, after a fight that defied description, a gasp echoed through the void. A wisp of energy, almost transparent and formless, materialized at the heart of the tribulation. It was the manifestation of the Heavenly Dao’s spirit, the very being overseeing this celestial trial.

On its ethereal form, a small, crimson mark bloomed like a defiant blossom. It wasn’t a major wound, but it signified a significant blow to the Heavenly Dao’s spirit. It was the first time, perhaps in the entire history of the cosmos, that a cultivator had managed to inflict damage upon the embodiment of the Heavenly Dao.

With a defeated sigh, the wisp of energy dissipated. The Heavenly Tribulation, its purpose thwarted, began to recede. The storm clouds retreated, the chaotic energies dissipated, and a fragile peace settled upon the void.

Wang Jian, panting but unbeaten, stood triumphant amidst the remnants of the battle. He had not only survived the tribulation, but he had also managed to wound the very spirit of the Heavenly Dao. It was a momentous achievement.

A ringing echoed in the aftermath of the battle, a faint voice cutting through the silence of space. It spoke with a weariness that surprised Wang Jian. “You… you truly shocked me, cultivator. Never before has a mere mortal dared to challenge, let alone injure, the Heavenly Dao.”

The voice belonged to the spirit itself, a fragment of its essence left to oversee the tribulation. Disbelief tinged its ethereal words. “You exploited a loophole, a technicality within the laws you claim to defy. Yet, your victory is hollow. The next time you attempt to ascend, the full might of the Heavenly Dao will be unleashed.”

A tremor ran through the void, a ripple of power that spoke volumes. The spirit continued, “Furthermore, you have forced my hand. From now on, the talented cultivators of the cosmos will receive greater support. Your dominance, cultivator, will not be so easily maintained.”

Wang Jian chuckled, a defiant sound that echoed through the emptiness. “Weak threats from a wounded entity,” he countered, his voice ringing with newfound confidence. “Even just at the start of the Divine Harmony Realm, I managed to defy you. Imagine the damage I can inflict when I reach the Divine Ascension Realm.”

The spirit remained silent for a moment, a tense pause that stretched into infinity. Then, with a final, almost melancholic sigh, it dissipated entirely. The remnants of the tribulation followed suit, leaving behind only an eerie stillness.

The battle was over, and Wang Jian had emerged victorious. But the victory came with a bitter aftertaste. The warnings of the Heavenly Dao echoed in his mind, a chilling reminder of the challenges that awaited him.

However, as he surveyed the cosmos around him, a new development unfolded. Across the vast expanse, a ripple of energy spread outwards, carrying an enticing message. Powerful cultivators from the Western Cosmos, the Southern Cosmos, and even the distant Northern Cosmos began to converge upon the Eastern Cosmos.

Divination experts had deciphered the message embedded within the energy ripple. It spoke of powerful inheritances left behind by ancient Godkings, hidden within the Eastern Cosmos. This revelation sparked a frenzy amongst the talented cultivators of the other Cosmoses.

From the West came Star Lords, renowned for their mastery of celestial formations, and Astral Wraiths, ethereal beings with unparalleled control over spatial laws. The Southern Cosmos sent forth its finest – beautiful Nature Race experts who commanded the very fabric of life, destructive members of the Corrosive Dragon Clan wielding potent toxins, and even human cultivators who espoused the Corrupted Path, a dark and forbidden art.

And from the Northern Cosmos, a stark contrast emerged. Mighty ancient devils, their very essence brimming with chaotic energy, materialized alongside divine angels, beings of pure celestial aura who wielded devastating light-based techniques.

These diverse races, each with their own prodigies and geniuses, flooded into the Eastern Cosmos. A wave of excitement, tinged with a hint of apprehension, swept through the land.

And the most intriguing detail – the Heavenly Dao, in its veiled attempt to counter Wang Jian, had subtly lifted the suppression on these foreign cultivators. They didn’t experience the usual power dampening effect when crossing into a different Cosmos. Instead, they arrived at full strength, bolstered by an unseen force. It was clear – the Heavenly Dao was hedging its bets, supporting these talents in a desperate attempt to create a new generation of powerhouses who could potentially challenge Wang Jian.

Meanwhile, within the opulent confines of the Celestial Jade Palace, Wang Jian received these reports from Cui Lan, his ever-reliable Pavilion Mistress.

Wang Jian leaned back, a sense of calm settling over him despite the escalating situation. This influx of talented individuals wouldn’t be a problem, not for the new and improved Wang Jian. He had defied the Heavenly Dao once, he could do it again.

In fact, he welcomed the challenge. The Eastern Cosmos was about to become a fascinating stage for a grand play of power, ambition, and destiny. And Wang Jian, fueled by stolen power and a burning ambition, was determined to play the leading role. 𝘧𝑤𝘰𝑣.

He closed his eyes, picturing the crimson gaze of Yu Qing awaiting him within the opulent chamber of the Celestial Jade Palace.

Wang Jian landed gracefully within the opulent confines of the Celestial Jade Palace, the echoes of his recent battle fading away. He found Cui Lan waiting for him, her crimson robes clinging to her curves. Her eyes, usually sharp and calculating, held a flicker of concern beneath their surface.

“My Lord,” she greeted, bowing gracefully. “The reports I provided, have they been… enlightening?”

A smirk touched Wang Jian’s lips. “Indeed, Cui Lan,” he replied, his voice smooth as jade. “The influx of talent from the other Cosmos is quite… intriguing.”

Cui Lan remained silent, waiting for his next instruction. Wang Jian paced the room, his eyes gleaming with a predatory glint. “These newcomers,” he began, “they are brimming with ambition, fueled by the whispers of ancient inheritances. But they are also… naive.”

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