Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 609 Going All The Way With Yu Qing

Chapter 609 Going All The Way With Yu Qing

Within the opulent gardens of the Celestial Jade Palace, a tender dance unfolded. Sheltered by the cascading petals of a thousand blooming spirit flowers and the soothing symphony of a nearby waterfall, Yu Qing and Wang Jian finally shed the playful facade they maintained in public.

Yu Qing, the fiery Scarlet Star Slaughtering Goddess, found herself blushing like a maiden. Her crimson hair, usually a symbol of her formidable presence, seemed to echo the blossoming flowers around them. Her voice, normally a command on the battlefield, was a mere whisper as she confessed, “Jian, while I was in seclusion, I realized… I missed you.”

Wang Jian’s heart skipped a beat. The playful teasing forever etched on his face softened into an expression of genuine surprise and joy. He reached out, his hand hovering over hers for a fleeting moment before gently intertwining their fingers.

“Missed me?” he asked, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine. “But, Qing, you were cultivating. Surely there wouldn’t be time for such… distractions.”

The amusement in his voice sent a playful spark through her. “Oh, there were distractions alright,” she countered, her eyes sparkling with newfound boldness. “Distractions in the form of a certain arrogant cultivator who kept on appearing in my thoughts, completely breaking my concentration many times and delaying my fusion of star core with my divine spirit.”

A delighted chuckle escaped Wang Jian’s lips. This playful banter, once a source of exasperation, now felt like a cherished melody. He pulled her closer, the warmth of his body a stark contrast to the cool evening breeze.

“Perhaps,” he whispered, his breath dancing across her ear, “we can remedy that interruption with some much-needed silence… together.”

His words sent a blush creeping up Yu Qing’s neck. She leaned into his embrace, the touch of his hand tracing the curve of her waist sending a jolt of electricity through her. In that moment, the warrior within her surrendered to the awakening woman.

As their lips met, a spark ignited between them. The kiss, unlike their playful pecks of the past, was a declaration, both passionate and tender. It spoke of a yearning that had simmered beneath the surface for too long, a yearning for connection, for intimacy that transcended friendship.

Wang Jian was the first to break the kiss, his eyes filled with a hunger that mirrored her own. He didn’t waste time on unnecessary gestures. With a gentle reverence, he cupped her face, whispering promises of a night she wouldn’t forget.

He led her to his chamber, a haven of silken sheets and fragrant incense. The room, adorned with shimmering moonlight through jade-carved windows, had been meticulously prepared by his watchful maids. Every detail spoke of care, of anticipation, a testament to the depth of his unspoken feelings.

The night unfolded like a dream. Wang Jian, his usual arrogance replaced by a tenderness that surprised Yu Qing, explored every inch of her body with a reverence that bordered on worship. Each caress, each kiss, was a brushstroke on a canvas of passion, painting a masterpiece of intimacy.

Yu Qing, the fiercest warrior in the Cosmos, found herself surrendering to a new kind of strength. The strength of vulnerability, of trusting a man with her heart and her body. As the night wore on, she cried out not in pain, but in a joyous release, a surrender to the pleasure he so skillfully elicited.

By the time the first rays of dawn peeked through the jade window, Yu Qing lay nestled in Wang Jian’s arms, utterly content. The warrior had been tamed, replaced by a woman completely and irrevocably in love. The fierce fire in her heart had been tempered, replaced by a gentle warmth that burned only for him.

As they lay entwined, the weight of the world seemed to fade away. They spoke in hushed tones, sharing dreams and aspirations, forging a bond that transcended the physical. In that shared vulnerability, in the aftermath of their passionate encounter, Yu Qing discovered a new facet of Wang Jian – a man who craved love and connection as deeply as she did.

As the first rays of dawn painted the Eastern Cosmos sky, a shift occurred within Wang Jian, imperceptible at first, but undeniable nonetheless. The lingering warmth of intimacy with Yu Qing wasn’t just a physical memory; it was a catalyst.

The vast reservoir of destiny energy he had accumulated from vanquishing Lin Fei, Chu Yang, and Chen Feng, energy he had been meticulously suppressing until the opportune moment, surged forward with a force that surprised even him. It was as if a dam had broken, releasing a torrent of celestial power that flooded his being.

This influx of destiny energy coincided with the consummation of his love with Yu Qing, a potent blend of both martial prowess and deep emotional connection. The fusion was explosive, propelling Wang Jian’s cultivation forward at an unprecedented rate.

He felt the shackles of the Divine Tribulation Realm loosen, his very essence expanding and refining. The world around him seemed to slow down, his perception sharpening to an unimaginable degree. He could sense the very fabric of space and time, the ebb and flow of energy that underpinned the universe.

Suddenly, a brilliant light erupted from the Astral Jade City, a beacon that pierced the celestial expanse and reached every corner of the Eastern Cosmos. It took the form of a colossal galactic star dragon, its scales shimmering with the colors of a dozen different constellations. Its mighty roar echoed across the cosmos, a declaration of a momentous event.

This phenomenon was a harbinger, a celestial sign signifying the birth of a cultivator with the potential to reach the realm of the Godking – a realm beyond imagination, a pinnacle of power rarely achieved. Cultivators across the Cosmos, from fledgling disciples to seasoned Celestial Lords, all lifted their heads in awe, their senses overwhelmed by the celestial dragon’s majestic form.

Just as the Galactic Star Dragon solidified, a crimson tear streaked across the cosmic canvas.

It was the mark of a Heavenly Tribulation, a test of mettle imposed by the Dao itself. But this was no ordinary tribulation.

The crimson tear morphed, twisting and contorting into a vortex of unimaginable power. Within it swirled a chaotic mix of elemental energies – the laws of time, space, yin, yang, lightning, flame, gravity, and all the fundamental forces that governed the cosmos.

Unlike a normal tribulation, designed to test and refine a cultivator’s strength, this one reeked of malice. It wasn’t a challenge; it was a death sentence. The Heavenly Dao, sensing the potential threat Wang Jian posed, sought to eradicate him before he could truly blossom.

The Celestial Jade City, nestled amidst the four interlinked stars, bore the brunt of the wrath. The vortex above them unleashed a maelstrom of energy, each color representing an element seeking to tear apart the fabric of reality. The city’s grand formations, designed to withstand immense power, groaned under the strain.

Wang Jian, however, remained surprisingly calm. The power surging through him thrummed with a resolute defiance. He wouldn’t go down without a fight. He looked back at Yu Qing, his eyes filled with a love that burned brighter than the fiery tribulation around them.

“Qing,” he said, his voice steady amidst the cosmic turmoil, “this tribulation… it seems the Heavens don’t want me to reach my full potential. But I have no intention of becoming their pawn.”

He squeezed her hand, the warmth of her touch a source of unwavering strength. “Stay safe here,” he continued, his voice low but firm. “I will return. I promise.”

With that, he soared into the sky, the celestial storm following him as he distanced himself from the Astral Jade City. He understood. The Heavenly Dao wouldn’t hesitate to destroy the entire city if the tribulation remained confined within its boundaries.

He flew, leaving the worried gaze of Yu Qing behind, his body a beacon of celestial light amidst the chaos. His laughter, a defiant challenge against the heavens, echoed through the void. This wasn’t just a tribulation – it was a declaration of war between him and the very essence of the cosmos.

As he soared through the void, Wang Jian felt a surge of power course through his veins. The stolen destiny energy, once a dormant force, now burned with a vibrant intensity. A wry smile touched his lips. He had always known this moment would come. The Heavenly Dao wouldn’t tolerate a cultivator with the potential to eclipse the gods themselves. Yet, he had planned for this.

Over the years, he had meticulously accumulated this destiny energy, resisting the urge to utilize it for minor breakthroughs. He knew his true challenge awaited – the ascension to the Divine Harmony Realm. The trials of the Divine Tribulation Realm were mere stepping stones. However, the Heavenly Tribulation that followed that ascension, it was a different beast altogether. He needed the full might of the stolen destiny to survive it.

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