The Villain's Story

Chapter 679: [679] A proposal.

Chapter 679: [679] A proposal.

“It’s an honor, I’ll have you know.”

He approached her with short, measured steps, his figure cast a deep shadow on her figure soon, blocking the light of the river. Sabrina stepped back, but he caught her chin, raising it


“A dragon, the apex. I will give you that chance, because you are fit for it.”

|| ||

The skin on her face shivered as his cold breath escaped from his mask. She asked.


“I want you to do something.”

“Which is?”

He smiled, letting out a short laugh, he released her chin, and the smile on his mask widened.

“Are you aware of the relationship the prince has with his father, the supreme of chaos?” “… what?”

“Suleras, the supreme dragon of chaos, is also one who has blessed the prince. The drop of ichor, it is his.”

Her eyes laid upon the dark blue crystal in the air, even looking at it strained her eyes, an insidious energy, the mana of chaos could not be contained within the crystal of blue ice completely.

“I studied the prince, and trust me, he is not even using half of what he is capable of. The first to receive the blessing of two supreme beings, and perhaps the only one who can.

And do not take these blessings lightly, One belongs to my queen, the youngest daughter of death itself, Lanesha, and the other, to the only dragon equal to the king, Suleras, supreme of chaos, and as much as I hate to admit it, his blessing far surpasses the Queen’s.”

He ordered the mana in the surroundings to bring the crystal forth, he held it in his hands, restraining the mana of chaos with his own power.

“I had a hope…”

The tone of his voice turned…sorrowful, Sabrina couldn’t believe her ears for a moment. “I had hoped that the prince would be suited for our house, that his true aptitude would lay with death, but it does not. His aptitude for chaos is much, much greater. It surpasses affinities, and it is like… he is built solely for chaos.

He has absorbed the ichor of her highness Lanesha, and her majesty Ariel, yet even then, his aptitude for death is subpar compared to his aptitude for chaos.

I had hoped it would not be, but [Dragon Eyes] caused me to see many things. Many… things. I do not like the prince wasting his potential, if he uses [Chaos], he will be unlike any other.

But he does not, I want you to convince him, slowly, I do not mind if it takes years, I want you to do it.

I want him to realize his true potential, and I want you to help me.”

He came close in a second, his hands behind his back, and bent down, his mask right in front of her.

The fire of his eyes enlarged, now filling the abyssal hole of his eyes fully. He smiled, revealing teeth for the first time, and proposed.

“I shall make you a dragon, the apex, masters of mana and magic, and you will make the prince realize his ambitions, fix whatever relationship he has with Suleras, and make him use [Chaos]. Forcefully, even. With that soul crystal, you can do it. You are the on-” “No.”


The response was quick, it interrupted him, and was the last thing he wanted to hear, in fact, it was the only thing he expected not to hear.


He questioned, refusing to believe his ears. Had he heard wrong?

His age must be getting to him…right?

“No. I’m not doing it.”

But it wasn’t. As old, he would get, his senses wouldn’t fail him. He wasn’t a human, or any other species, that could not beat the curse of old age. He was a dragon, the few that would get stronger with it. A strong dragon was an old dragon, after all.


His voice turned cold, he had not expected her to reject even for a moment, after all, all she had to do was talk, talk to the prince, ask him what the reasons, and convince him through words. Words!

The soul crystal was simply something to be used if the prince was obstinate.

“I offer you the chance to be a dragon, the masters of magic and mana, you know how hard it will be, how difficult it will be to master the sorcery of names, runes being a human. Even with your talents, it will take centuries.

Humans don’t live that long. He listens to you, I have seen both your memories. So why?

There was no reason to reject him. None at all, from his perspective. He was basically offering her…everything.

But she did have a reason to reject him.

“I have no right to interfere with his relationship with his… father, that is something he needs to deal with himself.”


“I don’t even know why their relationship is rocky, what if he isn’t at fault? There are times when a parent is a dud, you know? If he has his reasons, then he has his reasons. Even if I am his girlfriend, as someone who also has a rocky relationship with her family, I know what it

feels like.

So no. You can take your blessing up your ass.”

She grabbed his collar and pulled him down, face to face. Something that shocked Azmakul.

“And I don’t care if you taught me for a year, or even if you are an ancient dragon, it’s rude to read someone else’s memories without permission, got it?”

She let go, and walked off, extremely pissed. She should be, in fact! Someone had just tried to read her personal memories, it was her right to be pissed, the identity of the criminal didn’t matter at all.

First and foremost, she was unaware of what both parties had done, but she knew Alan, and she was quite confident she knew him well. He was not the type to do this, so it was probably the supreme dragon Suleras at fault.

She had to put herself in his shoes as well, if it was Alan who butted in her relationship with her uncle, or even her father, she would despise him. That right was given to him only if the relationship advanced a stage.

So what if the reward was being a dragon? She liked working hard, but what she loved was proving others wrong. Would it not be a wonder if she actually mastered the sorcery of runes

and names in her lifespan?

That would be a lovely achievement.

“Where are you going?”

Azmakul asked, as he watched her leave, heading towards the endless plains of snow, with no

idea of where she was.

“Back to the castle!”

“You don’t even know where it is?”

“I’ll find my way back!”

It only took her a while to disappear from his sights, with the help of flight magic, she was

fast. Azmakul stood there, at a loss.

“Maybe my age is getting to me…”

He stroked his chin, his [Dragon Eyes] failed for the first time in his long life.

“Are humans not inherently greedy?”

It was unknown how long he stood there, deep in thought.



It was like he was seeing the tower of trials again, only this time, it was far greater in both length and width. From where Alan was standing, he couldn’t even begin to see the entire spear. It was like a wall.

It was made out of a pristine, white material. It was not metal, but it was much, much greater than any metal he knew of. The texture of the shaft bore a striking resemblance to the ground he was standing of.

It was a spear made of bone, similar to Gáe Bolg, only he did not know the origin. Gaebolg was a spear made from the bones of an insidious tyrant titan, whilst this one? He had no idea.

It was not Kizmal, but he could not even begin to imagine what kind of creature was used to make this spear. Whatever it was, it had to be gigantic.

Unfortunately, he found it hard to grip onto the spear, the material was so robust, his strength was ineffective, it was incredibly slippery too. He was unable to teleport towards the top using [Instantaneous Teleportation] as well, there was an impenetrable fog halfway up the spear.

Most likely the reason Azmakul told him to not try the easy way, which was flying, the winds were rough as well up there, he would find it hard to remain in control of his own body.

“Guess I got to climb it…”

He transformed into a Draconian, figuring his claws would be able to help his ascent.

But even his sharp claws did not help, he tried to stab his fingers into the spear, but that only resulted in his them breaking. Healing his fingers, he let out a troubled sigh.

He put his palm on the surface of the spear, and simply froze it, encasing his hand in ice. It

allowed him to at least grip onto it.

He repeated this process, countless times.

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