The Villain's Story

Chapter 678: [678] A proposal.

Chapter 678: [678] A proposal.

“It is a good start, I may not be well versed I’m romantically relations but at least I know it is genuine.”

Azmakul, clearly observing her strange actions with a faint smile on his face, said.

“How… Is it genuine?”

Unaware of the reason of her fondness, frantically wondering what it was and clearly losing herself, forgetting how to think clearly and trying to hide the blush on her face was genuine? She didn’t understand.

Fortunately, Azmakul was kinda enough to tell her quickly, instead of delaying like usual. A strange habit.

“When the heart is infatuated, the mind becomes muddled. Unable to think, I’ve seen this happen many times in my long life.”

Hearing that, she abruptly raised her head, giving him a look, and asked.

“What about experienced?”

“Don’t push your luck.”

“… Alright.”

“My circumstances were not the same as yours. An era of peace has it’s pro’s and con’s. Frankly, I abhore this kind of thing.”

“Did you get rejected?”

He turned around, startling Sabrina for a bit, and looked at her. The look was clearly saying. ‘Are you serious?’

She quietened down, sticking her finger in the snow and making circles. Something to clear her mind. To calm her down.

“You show talent, but there is something you must be aware of. Beyond your importance as a romantical partner, you are…”

She stopped in her tracks, paying attention to his words. Special attention.

‘What is beyond that?’

“A weakness.”

Well, that certainly was not what she was expecting. His words turned the atmosphere a little… Odd, though Sabrina was sure he did not care about it.

It did turn her mood, incredibly sour.

‘Darned rune.’

“The soul crystal you possess, I may have taught you a way to use it, remember it must be something you use when there is nothing else on the table.”

“An ace up my sleeve?”

“A last resort. I have no idea what means.”

“Same thing.”

He sighed.

“Please, do not treat this nonchalantly. If any opponent, an enemy finds out about this, they will use it. Trust me, you are strong, I made sure of that.

But you are not invincible, one way or another, a time will come when someone will capture you, or even out right kill you.”

He emphasized it heavily, Sabrina rolled her eyes, making herself look nonchalant just to get on his nerves, aware it would not be successful.

It wasn’t meant to be, it was simply meant to make her believe what she wanted to believe.

Ever since she had been taught the workings of the soul crystal, on a greater level of depth than whatever she could manage previously.

With the level of control, the level of danger also increased. She perfectly understood the implications.

However, understanding them and being made aware of them, especially like this, was getting on her nerves.

A year may be like a blink to the lifespan of a dragon, it may even be shorter than a blink, but she believed she had made an impression, at the very least.

An impression that would make this dragon realize she wasn’t stupid enough to not realize.

She was still unaware why Lanesha, Alan’s guardian dragon and also ‘mother’ had given it to her, but she understood that she will eventually get to it.

If she was this obstinate dragons superior, she had to be great..

“What choice were you talking about?”

She asked, intending to change the topic and make sure she wasn’t reminded she was the precious prince’s weakness, and a method to control him

“Become a dragon.”

There wasn’t a response, not even a confused ‘What?’. Hearing that had shut down her incredible brain for a brief moment.

“What is exactly the process behind becoming a dragon, I am sure it is not easy, and is the choice between becoming a dragon or staying a human? Because I believe one side has an overwhelming advantage, wait…

I won’t grow scales, will I?! If so, I refuse!”

Azmakul chuckled, his laughter surprisingly loud. She had never heard him laugh so loud. Her overreaction at the thought of having scales worked.

“The chance to be a dragon, the masters of Mana, the apex of the universe and you would decline just because of scales?”

“Beauty and brain is everything to a woman, I don’t want scales. Frankly, I hate it when Alan has some scales on his body, what he calls a partial draconian transformation. Worst of all, he

thinks it looks good!”

She was honest, the partial draconian transformation was simply horrendous! She was unaware whatever kind of media Alan had absorbed and come up with it, but it was not appealing to her.

The scales covered up the tattoos and the muscles, and for little benefit. A full draconian transformation was simply better, in both aesthetics and practicality.

“You have no idea what people would do this, even a saint would become the devil himself for this, you know?”

“Just tell me the process, oh dragon of myth.”

“I do not necessarily appreciate sarcasm, but I will let it slide. The process is relatively simple, a dragon with enough authority and power simply decides it, they choose someone who they want, and is capable and grant upon them their blessing, the evolution process may be somewhat painful, but nothing compared to the reward of being a dragon.”

“And who is going to bless me?”

She asked, standing up and walking over to him, crossing her arms.

“Me, who else?”

She was expecting it, but not as well.

“With how much you emphasize your age, I thought you would have given your blessing


Wait, does thing have a limit?”

Azmakul shook his head, Sabrina’s eyes widened in shock.

There was no limit on blessings?

“It depends on the dragon giving the blessing, but I can give it as many times as I want. The

limit is the capabilities of the one fortunate enough to be blessed.

Also, I have never given my blessing to anyone, you will be the first.”

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