The Villain's Story

Chapter 456 [456] Sweet, Sweet Revenge.

Chapter 456 [456] Sweet, Sweet Revenge.

[Ladies and Gentlemen! I present to you the final fight of the District Semi-Finals!]

The host announced, as he was stationed in a strange platform made of what appeared to be gold. It wasn’t Harrison this time, but rather someone else who we won’t ever know the name of because he doesn’t really matter.

[Now, I know all of you are probably exhausted, some may still have the sight of Elijah stuck in their minds, But I beg of you to let that all vacate your mind!]

His voice reached even towards the outside the small stadium dedicated for this districts matches. There weren’t a lot of people who had paid for this match. It was to be expected to be honest, Alan and Elijah’s duel had come just before this match, some strong willed viewers had made it here, whilst most went to take a rest.

Also, a point to be noted would be that most of the people here were those who fawned over Sabrina’s and George’s looks. Fan clubs, to be more precise.

These ‘clubs’ had been formed only a few moments prior to the match having been announced, and most of the people who came were those who had actually paid attention and spotted the masterpieces of charm that George and Sabrina were.

They, quite literally, did not give a fuck about their backgrounds or history, they just came to see two beautiful people fight.

And they also came to hurl whatever curses, slurs, or anything twisted that could come out of a human’s mouth.





And a lot more.

‘How annoying.’

In stark contrast, one of the two who were the cause of this conflict, were finding this meager exchange of curses quite annoying.

Sabrina wanted to end this quickly. Because she didn’t want to have her opponent in her sights for long, and thus found this useless banter annoying. Mainly because it distracted the host from actually starting this damned match.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, George was enjoying this. What kind of man wouldn’t when he saw a small platoon of girls fighting for him?

He would feel as if he was at the top of the world. He, with an arrogant gate walked towards the stadium and set up a ‘show’ for his fans.

A bird of fire soared into the skies and exploded into beautiful fireworks. this decreased the morale of the men and had the opposite effect on the women. They got even more excited.

Sabrina’s club looked at her with expectant eyes, yet those eyes were met with a disgusted look accompanied with a sigh.

She didn’t give a damn what they thought, she didn’t want to be in this stadium a second longer, why would she entertain them? She was just here to give the bastard that was her opponent a good beating and leaving. She was also dissatisfied with the number of people that had attended, it meant it would make her lose some profits(from betting).

[Haha, Please do calm down.]

Thankfully, it seemed like the announcer was also getting tired of this farce.

Sabrina’s fans quietly retreated towards their seats, and George’s fans triumphantly.

[May the contestants please take their positions?]

Gestured the host, and Sabrina stepped on the stage, her gaze fixed on the ground.

[The final match of the fourth district, Contestant’s Sabrina Wellington and George Drakmor, Are you ready?]

He asked, ascending higher so that he wouldn’t be injured, unlike the audience, he knew who these two were, and thus took some necessary caution. He didn’t want to get involved in the feud between two powerful families after all.

“Damn, you got even more beautiful.”

Praised George in his usual cocky tone, he was busy gazing at Sabrina whilst She?just had her head down. π˜ͺπ‘Ž.π’Έπ˜°

“Oh come on, I won’t steal your heart if you spare me a glance now, would I?”

Every word out of his mouth made her want to rip his limbs apart, but she controlled herself and kept her eyes on the ground.

[Are both the contestants ready?]

“Yeah, Yeah.”


[Then, BEGIN!]

And just like that, the match begun, and the fan’s cheered.



Sabrina immediately activated [Mana Sense] so she could be aware of George’s position. She wasn’t using her eyes after all. She had her staff filled with dark mana and was ready to attack and defend.

Ever since Alan had gifted her the bracelet and Necklace, not only did she have to worry about the Corruption of Darkness, but she could also use quite a lot of Dark mana without any repercussions. Of course, there was a limit but she didn’t need to worry about it.

“Oh come on…!”

George transformed into a half-drake, reddish scales appeared on his body and bat like wings appeared.


Sabrina thought, that transformation of his was pathetic compared to Alan and Elijah’s. Although she didn’t know much about Elijah, she had seen with her own every eyes what Alan was capable of in his transformation. The mana levels emitted by Alan then were a dozen times more than the meager amount of mana George was releasing.

Well, that was just the difference between the species of Dragon and Drake, even ten fully evolved drakes could not compete with a single adult dragon.

Dragons were just built different. They weren’t the strongest race for no reason after all.

“Why are you still looking at the ground?”

George appeared right in front of Sabrina and fired off a breath. Sabrina calmly casted a shield in front of her.

‘…Even the flames…’

Now, she compared the strength of his flames to Elijah’s. And they still paled in comparison. Maybe she was using the wrong people to compare or this bastard was really that weak? π˜³π‘Ž.𝒸ℴ

George wasn’t weak, it was just Alan and Elijah were people he would never be able to compete with. He was the strongest in Eden, and also the brightest prospect of the Drakmor Family.

He was more powerful than Sabrina, however, her artifacts and knowledge of mana gave her a better chance.

Her shield effortlessly stopped the flames, and to Georges confusion, the flames he was ‘proud’ of were useless.

“What the h-”

His face was then hit by a lightning bolt.

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