The Villain's Story

Chapter 455 455: Blackout.

Chapter 455 455: Blackout.

[Colosseum, Capitol, Tower of Trials Area.]

[Elijah Ardor POV.]

An upper body almost cleaved apart, and a wide hole in his chest where his lungs were, his heart somewhat exposed, it was a wonder how the attack had missed it. Elijah’s body ‘lifelessly’ dropped towards the ground. The tower discarded it out like it was trash. Completely disregarding it as Elijah hadn’t just given it the fight of the century with Alan.

His blood and organs, or whatever remained of them at least spilled out like entrails. .𝒎


“Holy shit…”

The audience screamed, the parents covered the eyes of their children and themselves and some screamed.


His father jumped down and rushed towards his son. His mother and sister were just shook. In a state of shock. However, Mary fell unconscious soon after, unable to bear witness to the sight of her son in such a state. It wasn’t just her, the weak minded ones also fell and some were able to remain awake by vomiting whatever they ate.

Even the most hardened veterans would find it hard to see this, the seasoned awakened simply prayed for Elijah.

They did not think…No they knew he was dead. To survive that attack was simply impossible to them.

And whether they knew it or not, even dragons would be dead.


Air escaped from his mouth, accompanied by blood and everything was silent for Elijah. His body was numb to the pain, and he could only try to breathe to sustain his life as he felt small vibrations from everywhere, rushing towards him maybe?

He found it hard to see, everything was blurry and there was strange feeling in his chest. He didn’t know it was because of the fucking hole in it.


“Stay back! Medical Personnel are on their way! Sir!”

He didn’t know that his father was fighting against multiple awakened who were trying to stop him from worsening his condition in his state of anger. Almost every healer the association had was rushing towards him, the medical staff on standby were also doing their best to save him.

‘It feels…nice.’

He couldn’t hear their words, but all he felt was a kind and warmth on his body.

“It…feels nice.”

He said, grave expressions appeared on the faces of the people around him as they tried even harder. Elijah saying those words could never be good.

He was at death’s door, fuck that, he was all but one hand through it.

The supposedly cold and chilly embrace of death was instead a warm hug for him. Now, almost every healer available was using their skills on him, slowly reconstructing his flesh but if they did not hurry.

Elijah would truly die. 𝑖𝘦.𝑐ℴ𝘮

His skills were still active and Elijah was too out of it to deactivate them and give himself a better chance.


“Cast everything! Throw every potion you have at him!”

‘What are they saying?’

He said, as his vision darkened. Slowly the light in his eyes darkened, and he could only see through a faint hole. The rest was all dark.

And then, even that hole was gone.

[System Warning: Life Force is diminishing. Host is dying.]

[Emergency Reboot: Activation of all regenerative skills and emergency mana storage being activated.]

[Skills have been activated.]

[Host is dying, emergency treatment insufficient.]

Even the system would fail at saving him. Slowly, all his skills shut down.

[One with the blade has been deactivated.]

[Regeneration is being deactivated. Successful]

And the final one was here.

[One with Fire is being deactivated. Su-]

All of a sudden, A pillar of fire engulfed Elijah and the audience screamed. Elijah’s father and Serena looked at the source with bloodshot eyes.

It was Ragnar, who had made the pillar come into existence from his high seat. He restrained the wrathful Michael and Serena and said.

“Calm down, It’s good for him.”

Ragnar, who was eagerly watching the battle between Alan and Elijah knew Elijah still had one skill active that would help save him. He needed fire for it happen however.

[One with Flame is in effect.]

The one skill that could save him.

[One With Flame(?)]

Description: To be one with fire itself.


+Immunity to all Fire.

+Strengthened Fire Elemental attacks.

+Heart of Ember.

Heart of Ember: All fire heals you.]

It was this skill that had saved him, with help from Ragnar of course.

“Everyone go back, I’ll take care of him.]

Ragnar said and descended, all whilst casting a multitude of fire skills in order to save Elijah.


[Some time later.]

After the earlier events had been cleared, mainly Elijah and his sorry state. The audience found it that the Tower had once gone completely black. The broadcasts had now been disabled. It was different this time however, instead of the displays and all streams going blank like when Elijah and Alan were clearing the floors from 41 to 49, the displays had now completely disappeared and no one was able to enter within a hundred meter radius of the tower. Not even Ragnar or Harrison. An invisible forcefield was blocking their entry.

“So it doesn’t want anyone else now huh…”

Said Ragnar as he looked at it from his throne, he asked his attendees.

“How is the Battle fest doing?”

“The Semi-Finals are underway sir. Only two more rounds left.”

“And what was that report George made?”

“Young Master George claimed he had a short encounter with a suspicious individual who he thinks is a demon.”


Ragnar sighed, massaging his head. His son, George was known to lie and do anything to be honest. The next words of his attendant however disproved his thoughts.

“We had sent someone to investigate, and traces of demonic energy were found.”

“What? He wasn’t joking?”

Ragnar asked, almost stupefied. He was already annoyed by the youngest’s actions…who would have thought he was actually telling the truth after years of being a son of a bitch.

“Send some more to survey the area and increase the patrol guard. I don’t want any shenanigans to pop up during the convergence.”

He said. The attendant was about to leave but Ragnar stopped him.

“What’s the next match?”

He asked, referring to the Battle Fest’s current scheduled match.

“It’s Young Master George against the Princess of the Wellington’s Sir.”

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