The Royal Contract

Chapter 511 - The Big Boss

Nick was at his office since he arrived from his trip. He thought he had it all planned out. Apparently, there was something wrong, or someone might be sabotaging him.

He was infuriated because he almost had Dani and Alex under his control. But he had to attend to other urgent matters. The two of them would just have to wait till he returned.

"What else have you learned?" He asked his assistant, who had been his eyes and ears when away from his business. 

He had been over the reports that his team had submitted earlier. He had studied and analyzed them thoroughly, but he always ended up with one conclusion.

He was searching his brain for the possible culprit behind the attack on his company. He could certainly think of several enemies who would want to take him down.

"We are not the only ones having the same issue," Michael told his boss what he had heard from the grapevine. "Rumor has it that even the Hamilton Corporation and Alex's company are dealing with the same problem."

He had been closely monitoring the progress of the other industries, especially in terms of the stock market. They had tried buying several more shares of Ethan's company and even Alex, but their efforts were blocked.

Alex had learned of their efforts and was prepared to keep them at bay. But under their noses, Alex bought their shares, but only a few. He was not interested in buying more. He just wanted to make a point that he could do it.

"Do we have a lead on who is behind this?" Nick asked, still furious that someone would dare challenge him. And even take away the company he was going after.

It was not him. Somebody else was trying to make a play on taking over Ethan's company while Alex was gone on his honeymoon. Then, who could be behind the hostile takeover?

But, the fool thought that he could also buy his company. He should think again, whoever the man was behind this game. He would not let him get even one piece of his company, not if he could help it.

"They were using several dummy companies to buy the shares. Only their representatives were negotiating for them. Luckily, our investors are loyal. They reported the offers immediately." Michael told him.

However, he was doubtful if loyal was the term he would use to describe their investors. In his mind, he believed that the better word would be scared. 

Terrified for their lives, just like he was. If Nick ever learned that they even thought of betraying him, then it might cost them their lives. 

Maybe not everyone was motivated to follow him due to fear. Some were handsomely rewarded for their loyalty, while some needed something from him.

"I want you to be on top of this situation. Find out everything you can about the buyer. I want to know who he is." Whoever was trying to buy shares from him and his competitors just declared war.

He seriously doubted that it could be Ethan since his company was in trouble, too, especially now that Alex was out of the action. 

Besides, he could imagine Ethan holding on by a thin thread after he had lost his only daughter. Ethan could not possibly hold a campaign against his company and stage a show.

If it was not Ethan and then who could be behind this. He allowed his mind to wander, deliberating all their competitors and enemies capable of such action.

"Sir, would you need anything else?" Michael asked his boss, who seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

He did not want to leave without being dismissed. He waited until he found a moment to interrupt his boss from his musing. He could see that this incident was troubling him deeply.

He wondered why since they had encountered this kind of situation before, but they managed to pull through. However, his boss was exuding a different vibe today. It was as if this was far worse than they had encountered before.

"No, go back to work and get me a name." He instructed, realizing that his assistant was still waiting for him. 

He prepared himself for the next board meeting. He had to calm down his investors and make sure that they understood that he was in control of the situation. 

He did not want them to panic and started abandoning ship just when he was about to win the war. But there was another war he had to prepare for, which might be more brutal than the other one.

"One more thing, Michael. Can you get me some coffee?" He needed something to energize him.

Then, his mind returned to his current situation. He wondered who would have the guts to attack Ethan, Alex, and him simultaneously.

He could also be a big fish in the industry who wanted to climb to the top. Or someone who had inside knowledge of what was actually happening.

"Damn." He expressed angrily upon realizing that it was a possibility. 

It could be another competitor or enemy who had learned of the abduction. He could be capitalizing on an opportunity to squeeze into the top while everyone was not looking, busy with their different problems.

Now, that would be a big problem for him if that was the case. His business and freedom would be compromised if this unknown entity knew about the abduction. He might even have pieces of evidence against him.

He immediately grabbed his phone and dialed a number. He needed help, fast. He had to find out who was behind this new hostile act and put an end to him for good.

"Yes, I need to speak to him as soon as possible." He spoke on the line. 

He tapped his fingernails on his wooden table as he waited for a response. Maybe today would be the day that he would finally meet the man he had been dealing with for years.

He had not met the big man behind the shadows but only talked to him on the line. The one who was pulling the strings in the underworld business. 

He had helped him several times with his concerns. In return, he did him a favor here and there. Now, he sought his help again because he had the broadest connection in the world, even in the business industry.

"You know the drill. Expect the call any time of the day." The man said, then it was abruptly cut. The man used a voice modulator to change his voice, rendering it unrecognizable.

The man he called did not even give him a chance to reply, but he was already expecting it. They had never stayed on the line long enough for anyone to trace the call. 

He always wondered who was calling the shots in one of the most lucrative illegal businesses in the world. He might even say that it might be as big as Ethan.

Why did he have to hide in a mask of anonymity when he could be the king of his own world? He could rule and be feared by everyone. Who was this man that they kept calling The Big Boss?

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