The Royal Contract

Chapter 510 - Through The Grapevine

He woke up, unable to open his eyes wide, with a slight headache and an aching back. He stretched his arms only to realize that he had fallen asleep on the couch.

He looked at the source of the noise that had woken him up and saw his phone buzzing. It was his alarm notifying him of an early meeting.

  "Uhmmm." He sighed as his body still refused to cooperate with him. He could not blame him. He was indeed very exhausted.

He shook his head to clear his mind of the sleep and finally remembered what happened last night. He looked around, but he was alone in the room.

He began to wonder if it was just a dream, tapping his cheek to assure himself that he was wide awake. But when he inspected the room from his point of view, he did not see any sign of her.

"Jacky." He called as he stood, twisting his body from left to right, even his neck, down to his shoulders, to get rid of the stiffness of his muscles.

He noticed that he was still wearing his clothes minus the coat, tie, shoes, and socks. He only remembered loosening his tie and unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt.

Maybe it was Jacky who helped him out of some of his clothes. But he wondered she could be because he could not find her anywhere.

He walked towards the kitchen and found a pot with hot coffee already prepared on the counter. "Jacky." He tried again, but the place remained silent.

He just confirmed that she was in here. She was not just a figment of his imagination. Although where she went was the question.

He took a mug out of his cabinet and returned to the counter. When he lifted the coffee pot, he found a note underneath. Obviously, he knew where it came from.

Looking at her handwriting, he knew that she had left the note for him. He immediately lifted it up and read the content. He could not help but smile at the first and the last part.

Marc was written first before it was scratched off. Then, she changed it to his full name. He wondered what was wrong with her. But then again, he was thinking of Jacky. 

Everything was wrong with her, he thought. The exact reason why he was... But he stopped his thought, contemplating if that was it. He was crazy about her. He finished his deliberation, returning to the message. Rereading it one more time.

I am glad that we had our talk.

I am sorry I had to leave early, but something came up in the office. I wanted to wake you up, but you look so tired. Can I just make it up to you with a coffee?


Can I take you to dinner tonight?


He folded the paper and placed it back on the table. He drank his coffee, still wearing a smile on his lips. Then, his phone rang again. He remembered that he also had to go to work.

It would be a long day. Then, the thought of dinner came to his mind. He would have loved to dine and wine her, but for now, it would have to wait.

He just hoped that she would understand that he would not make it to dinner tonight and not take it the wrong way. He suddenly wished to tell her the truth, but that would only complicate things. He just had to make a better lie.

"Can you give me an update on my appointments today?" Marcus said to Alona as soon as he stepped inside the office.

He had never dreamt of stepping in Alex's shoes before, but now he had no choice. Whether he liked it or not, he had to take over his position while Alex was indisposed.

As far as everyone else was concerned, Alex was on his honeymoon with his lovely wife, having the time of their lives. No one had to know the truth, or it might cause a series of problems for the family and the company.

More importantly, it might further endanger the lives of his friends. He had to use his best asset today and the following days until they had found them. His ability to wear a poker face.

"The board meeting is already set in thirty minutes." Alona, Alex's secretary, explained to him. 

Then, she enumerated the next meetings he had to attend for the entire day. She even left at least three pages of his schedule for the rest of the week.

"Thanks, Alona. Please be patient with me because this would be a long week for the two of us." Marcus gave her a head up, apologizing in advance.

He could already see him banging his head on the wall at the end of the week. He was not cut out to be the CEO. He was contented to just follow Alex's lead. But for his friend, he would do this.

"I'm sure you will do just fine," Alona answered him with a reassuring smile.

She had seen him work with Alex. She was confident that he would manage this company just like her boss. She had no doubt about it.

"Thanks," Marcus replied to her before sitting down on his temporary chair. He still had to prepare for the meeting. Then, he remembered something.

"Alona, would you mind doing me a favor?" He stopped her before she could leave the office.

She turned around and looked at him. "Of course, anything." She answered back. "What is it?"

"Can you send flowers with an apology that I will not be able to make it to dinner tonight?" He shyly stated, knowing what his reputation was before. 

He was not aware if she had been privy to his past, but the smile on her lips told him that she was. But he had no time to explain to her that this was different. 

This was a regular recurrence in his office before.. He believed his secretary might have shared this small information about him through the grapevine.

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