The Royal Contract

Chapter 512 - Promising Story In The Making

Harlowe was fascinated with the development of her story. After reviewing all her facts and consolidating them with the other reports she received, she finally had her conclusion. 

She believed there was a big story brewing and waiting to explode. Many people were doing their best to cover it up. Her instincts were sounding alarming bells for her to investigate this further.

"Are you sure about that?" She asked her secretary. "Not even for later or tomorrow at the latest." But her secretary only said the same thing.

She had asked for an appointment with the duke when she finalized her conspiracy theory. She needed confirmation that she was on the right track with her new story. 

If her information were correct and she had all the facts pieced out accordingly, then she might have a scoop at her hands, a story that would shake the world.

But she learned that the duke was temporarily unavailable, even for her, which only added to her suspicions. They were keeping the story away from the press.

"Give me a couple of hours. I am going out." She instructed her secretary as she left her office, canceling most of her appointments.

She went to another possible source, hoping that person might have more information that could enlighten her about the current situation in the palace. 

Well, at least give her an idea if the newlywed runoff somewhere else for their honeymoon. Or, something else was at play in this elaborate mystery in her hands.

"Please, help me out." She pleaded with the person standing before her, wiping the kitchen counter with a hand towel. While she sat on the other side, waiting for her to cooperate.

She could not let her story die, not when it was causing one heck of a storm in the media circuit. Everybody wanted a piece of her story, but she had exclusive coverage.

Besides, her instinct still told her to look into it more. She could smell a juicy story, and she was not about to let it get away. Not until she found out the truth.

"Eida, there is nothing to tell. Alex and Dani left after the wedding to enjoy their honeymoon. The duke is probably busy running the kingdom as usual." A chubby woman told her as she busied herself with her work.

In all honesty, there was nothing she could tell her. The palace had been silent after the wedding. She had not heard much about the newlywed, except that they were off to their honeymoon destination.

She was informed by the duchess about their decision to stay at the grand palace for a few days. But she was not about to tell her about that.

She could see nothing unusual since the couple frequented visiting the king. Especially when there were things that the duke had to take care of regarding the kingdom's concerns.

"Aunt Grace, I am sure that you know something. Please tell me. Where is Duke Frederick? I really need to speak with him." She tried her best to make her aunt talk, but she still would not budge.

She sat down on the kitchen counter where her aunt was entertaining her. She had dismissed the other maids so they could have the room all to themselves.

She had been serving the duke and his family almost her entire life as the head of household staff. She was bound to know what was going on inside the palace.

"You know I will not tell you anything, that is if I knew something. I am bound by my loyalty to the crown." Her auntie spoke in her loud voice, emphasizing her stand on the matter.

"I could not just give information, especially Duke Frederick's whereabouts or the happenings inside the palace." Her auntie shook her head as she continued with her litany, still refusing to help her.

She took a cake out from the pantry that she baked this morning and handed her a piece. She hoped that the sweety goodness that her niece always loved would shut her up and stop her from asking more questions.

Her niece had always been the curious one. She never ran out of questions. Always made people think on their toes when she was around. But she could not break her.

"Just this once, Aunt Grace, you have to trust me. I am not doing this just for a story. I know something big is going on in the royal family, and I only want to help." She was unsure if she could convince her auntie to tell her anything. 

Her auntie was a tight lip person when it came to privacy. She could be loud and nagging, but when it came to secrets, she would never spill even a drop.

She could not blame her since she had always been loyal and trustworthy to a fault. It was one of the reasons why the royal family had kept her around for so long.

"What is this really about, Eida?" Her aunt asked, expecting to get to the bottom of the problem. 

She noticed the desperation in her niece's demeanor which she had only seen in her once. She was only like this when she believed she was saving the world from destruction.

That was a long time ago and a silly story to tell about her very eccentric niece, but she loved her just the same. Eida might be overbearing sometimes when she was going after a story. 

However, she could also be sweet and caring when she wanted to be. She only wished that she would finally meet a man that could make her settle down and be happy with a family. She did not want her to end up like her, old and alone.

"All I can tell you now is that I have a hunch. But I could not tell you yet what it is." She pushed the plate of the delicious cake away from her. Trying to prove to her auntie that she was serious about this.

She wished she could tell her aunt about her discovery to convince her to help her, but she could not. It was a sensitive topic, and she still needed confirmation. Else it would just be rumors, a trashy story that the media tabloids produce.

"I am sorry, my dear, but there is nothing to tell." Her auntie gave her a tight smile, telling her she was telling the truth.

She did not see anything unusual with the couple. Maybe a bit of sadness in their smile. But it was common for parents who sent their daughters away to go with their husbands. Well, at least that was what she thought, having no child of her own.

"Fine," Eida finally conceded, taking the cake back closer to her. Just like old times, she attacked the piece of heavenly delight with gusto thinking that she might as well enjoy it.

She decided to take a different path and not get her auntie involved. She could not let anyone think that her auntie was leaking information to her. 

If she was wrong with this suspicion. It would only jeopardize her auntie's honor and position in the palace. It would be better if she only knew as little as possible. 

However, her thoughts began to wander to her other story. She still could not decide if the two were somewhat connected. But she was curious about her other project. It was getting more interesting.. It seemed to be a promising story in the making.

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