The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 818 Fireworks

Chapter 818  Fireworks

That seemed to end their meeting with the Lord, as the man was already beginning to sketch magical circles and notes in a small book before his wife even called for the Butler to escort Karl and Dana back to the Garden Party.

Few would notice that they had disappeared for so long, as there were many other important people to meet, and going off to a private meeting room wasn’t uncommon when there were business deals to finalize.

Soon, it was becoming dark, and a quiet announcement was made by the serving staff that the fireworks would start soon.

{Everyone, the fireworks are going to start soon, get yourself into a good position with a clear view of the Castle. The staff say they’re launched from the tower.} Karl warned.

{You’re not coming?} Lotus replied.

{We’re still at the Garden Party. I don’t think that we can make it to you in time.}

The staff began to bring out reclined chairs for the guests to lay on and look up at the fireworks without straining their necks. They were immediately popular with the younger couples, and some of the older ones, who chose to share a seat for the show.

Karl did the same, pulling Dana back so that she was lying halfway on top of him and looking up at the night sky, which was rapidly fading to black as the city of Drodh turned off all unnecessary lights for the evening.

That would make it a pain for some to get back home tonight, but they would certainly get the best view of the fireworks.

The Lord went all out on the show as well. The first set of explosions lit the air exactly on the hour, as promised, and Karl noticed that while there were conventional fireworks in the mix, about half of the show was actually magical lights, creating a backdrop for the setting.

The reason for that was actually quite obvious. The explosions of the fireworks could be felt from the ground, and the sound was part of the whole experience. The magical lights didn’t have that, so casting them in time with the actual fireworks didn’t detract from the overall experience.

The show went on for half an hour, and then the sky went dark and silent as the magical lamps that lined the streets of Drodh came back on, marking the end of the festivities.

Karl led Dana out of the Castle and out into the city streets, which were filled with revellers and drunks. Karl was briefly concerned about the ladies, then realized that Thor was with them. If something had happened, he would have already known.

So, Karl was not surprised when he arrived back at the house to the smell of popcorn and caramel.

The kitchen staff was mixing up a batch of snack mix for the night. Popcorn, caramel and peanuts, all mixed in a huge bowl.

“What do we have as a show tonight?” Karl asked as he paused at the base of the staircase.

“I don’t know yet. Little Butterfly won’t tell Thor, but there are actors on the stage, waiting for us.”

Karl followed Dana up the stairs, playfully batting at her tail, and then walked down the ramp that had been added outside the tower window by the butterfly, making it easier to get to the city below without wings.

When Karl got down to their chosen seat for the night, a pile of cushions with a large blue blanket, he looked down at the stage and frowned in confusion.

He knew all these people, they were the group that had accompanied him on the first outing he had taken from the Academy.

But there was no way that the Butterfly could know about that. He hadn’t thought about it in ages, and the butterfly certainly hadn’t been there. Nor did it have any time element skills that Karl was aware of.

But there was one possibility. It might not be that the butterfly wouldn’t tell Thor about the play, but that Thor and the butterfly had been working together to prepare this one, and Thor was making excuses not to tell the others.

It didn’t take Dana long to recognize them as well. She couldn’t help but laugh at how young and nervous they all looked. They had all been somewhat terrified on their first trip out of the Academy.

A floating cart delivered the vats of caramel peanut popcorn to every group’s seating area, arrayed in a semicircle, so they could all still talk to each other if they wished.

“Do you know what we’re going to watch?” Tessa asked once she noticed that Thor was doing a terrible job of hiding his excitement.

At that point, the kitchen staff entered with their own popcorn mix, and the actors began to move.

“Welcome to the first episode in our new series of plays. Here begins the Saga of Thor the Honourable, and his good friend Karl.”

“Hey!” Thor called to the stage, only to have an image of a much smaller Thor appear and stick out its tongue at him.

“Oh, this should be fun. Lord Thor was so adorable when he was little. Is this his first group outing? Did you have a cute little sword then? Or did you stay in Cerro form?” Loros asked.

Lotus giggled. “Cerro is his natural form. He only learned a humanoid transformation much later, when he was already at Monarch Rank.”

Karl had forgotten how excited and adorable Thor was when he was little. The play started with them getting off the train, and Thor was crashing through the underbrush, running back and forth between Karl and somewhere in the distance.

At the time, he was only a bit taller than a large dog, not even chest high on Karl, who looked exceedingly young to the gathered viewers.

“Oh, Dana is there too! So cute!” Dana leaned over to whisper to Karl. “I swear that we didn’t look that young when we arrived at the Academy.”

Karl shrugged. “Let’s call it creative liberty. But they did a pretty good job on Thor. I wonder if they will have Rae in the show.”

Indeed, they did. The show ran through their entire journey in the course of three hours, ending with the epic battle against the Drakes, which brought thunderous applause from the watchers.

“Thank you for watching us through to the end. Soon, we will have a second episode ready for your viewing pleasure.” The image of young Karl declared, then the stage went dark.

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