Chapter 817 Hiding Presents
Chapter 817 Hiding Presents
Karl returned to the main room, where he found that Dana and the city Lord were sipping juice and eating sandwiches, while discussing the details of wind magic theory.
They had moved past their initial awkwardness, and once they realized that they both shared a passion for magic, they had become completely engrossed.
So, Karl and the Lady of Drodh did not disturb them, and the Lady decided to take him to another room for an additional surprise.
“You have extensive knowledge of Runes, is that correct? Can you create a ward that will tell me who keeps breaking in to ruin my surprises? This is where I keep my presents for future events, and someone keeps letting the knowledge reach my husband.” She whispered.
“Are you certain that he isn’t just reading the minds of the servants to find out in advance?” Karl asked.
“No, I tested that. I deliberately let a few of them know, then had an enchantment placed on them to see if they were contacting my husband. It’s not my closest confidants. So he has to be finding out some other way.” She insisted.
She would notice if he was reading her mind, given her Rank. But after four hundred years, he might just know her so well that he could guess her next move every time.
That said, it was not hard to create a ward.
Karl took out a copper coin and pressed it flat with his fingers. Then he rolled the edges smooth and stuck a claw through it to make a hole for hanging the ward.
The simple rune for detecting presence was added, and intentionally left at the Awakened Rank, with the bronze Runes closely matching the copper of the coin.
Then he took out a piece of metal from a damaged Giant’s ring that Hawk had tossed aside as hopeless, and rolled it into a ball. With the magic faded, the soft metal was easy to work, and the metal in Karl’s veins was harder than the ring. This one, he brought all the way up to Commander Rank, and engraved it to turn red and buzz when it detected a magical effect on the target area.
“Alright. We have two steps to this one. The first is the alarm. It’s not loud, but if your hearing is good, you’ll be able to detect it from the sitting room. It’s at Commander Rank, so anyone who uses a spell to search the room will find it.
The copper disc is the actual detection charm, and when you activate it, the disc will tell you the next person to enter this room. Once it is used, you will have to recharge it again, just a trickle of power will do.” Karl explained.
Lady Drodh clapped happily as she activated the spell and placed it in an unused drawer.
“That will do perfectly. Nobody will suspect that I added two new layers to the defences of the gift room. Now, I suppose that we should likely go rescue your friend. My husband has been studying the more obscure arcane arts for nearly five centuries now, and once you get him started, he will never stop.”
Karl smiled, more concerned that he would somehow get roped into their conversation. Dana knew that he could make spell books or transfer skills, so if they were really into their conversation, it was bound to be revealed that he could demonstrate the intricacies of many of the spells she was describing.
And sure enough, when they got back, the Lord of Drodh had an expectant look on his face.
“I am told that you have a wide area strategic level attack spell known as Annihilation? Or Apocalypse or something? What sort of bribe would it take to get you to teach me that spell?
It’s so rare that I come across a spell that I don’t know. I am skilled with a Water Element version of your duplicating tornados, so that’s not entirely new. But such a rare combined spell is like nothing I have ever encountered, apart from a few Divine Beasts’ innate skills.”
Technically, it was a Racial Skill of Remi, but there was no harm in trying.
“Alright. Open your mind and let me show you.” Karl agreed.
{Pack Master Karl Offers Knowledge} Skill [Apocalypse] will be transferred to the disobedient brat Nicholas.
The Lord of Drodh stared at the System Message for nearly a minute, trying to determine what it was insinuating.
Then, he recalled a day during his youth. His first trip into a System Relic, when he had grabbed both prize options at the same time and refused to let go until the instance punished him and kicked him out.
Why he recalled it now, over six centuries later, when the memory was long buried, had to be related to the System, and he knew that the current message was as well.
Fine, he would always be a disobedient brat in the minds of the Gods.
But there were two wands, and he had two hands.
Even now, he fought with two magical weapons. It had become his signature style.
The Lord of Drodh sat silent as he contemplated all the ways that the spell could be used, altered, and upgraded. Then he briefly pondered the implications of an attack spell with a range that was absolutely enormous at his current Rank.
As Dana had said, if you used a spell like this with [Portal] it was a mutually assured destruction tactic, and one that he hoped none of the other leaders ever thought up on their own.
Whoever had come up with this tactic was an insidious genius, but the Lord was glad that they hadn’t publicized the idea. So, until someone actually used it, [Apocalypse Portal] would be a secret weapon.
Now, Dana had meant [Meteor Storm] when she was describing the effect, but he had forgotten the name, and Karl just happened to know a spell by the one he mentioned. So, it all worked out in the end, but in a much grander fashion than anyone had intended.
The Lord was so pleased with the new knowledge that it never even occurred to him to question how Karl had transferred the knowledge.