The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 819 Mara

Chapter 819  Mara

Karl got up and showered the next morning, then went to the front yard to watch the sun come up.

But just as he was about to sit on the porch swing, he noticed that there was someone in the blanket on it. He knew this person, Karl was certain of it.

It was the little girl from the trash weapon’s wholesaler by the dungeon.

Karl picked the tiny lizardfolk girl up and carried her inside, shushing the curious Mick, who was setting up for the day in the front room.

He put her in a bed on the second floor, and left her asleep. When she woke up, someone could ask her what brought her to the Darklight Host Guild House in the middle of the night. They hadn’t come back until after the fireworks, and there was no way that he would have missed her presence in the dark, when Soul Sight was so much more active.

Moira and Dala, the two female teachers from the Lared Capital Academy, were waiting outside the room when Karl had finished tucking her in.

“A friend of yours?” Moira asked.

Karl shook his head. “She’s a shop attendant at a wholesaler by the dungeon. I’m not sure what she’s doing here at such an early hour, but she didn’t appear to be injured when I brought her in. Well, I suppose that’s a given, as there is a healing totem effect on the yard, and she had likely been there for hours. But we can find out what she needed when she’s awake.”

The teachers nodded, and Dala looked around the room. “Is Miss Remi awake? I would like to get started on the Alchemy lessons early today.”

Karl mentally searched for her, and found her in the illusionary space.

“She’s already in her lab. You can go meet her there now. I will meet Moira and Mash back right here after breakfast. We will start the day with theory, and then there are some changes to how we will be doing business that I need to go over with everyone.

But Davis isn’t here yet, and we’re nearly out of stock anyhow.”

Davis came in only minutes later, as Karl was getting settled in at the table to eat.

“You’re early.” Karl noted.

“Mother is being insufferable this morning. The holiday got her all worked up about grandchildren, and now she’s pushing me to get married. She even set up a date for me with the daughter of her friend last night.

A Seraphim, if you can believe it. I can’t imagine how she thought that was going to end well.” The Appraiser muttered.

A Seraphim, if you can believe it. I can’t imagine how she thought that was going to end well.” The Appraiser muttered.

“Well, if your mothers can be friends, I don’t see why it can’t work.” Three suggested, gesturing with the spatula she was using to stir eggs.

“My mother isn’t a Fallen Angel, my father is. My mother is a Fox Demon.” Davis explained.

Lotus looked up from her food. “What’s the problem? Have you seen our tabards with the black and white wings? Maybe you’ll get a cute kid with one of each colour?”

All of the demons stopped to stare at her.

“What? Did I say something strange? It would be adorable.”

Davis smiled at the oblivious cleric. “There are larger issues than aesthetics. You see, our species are literally eternal enemies. We have been at war since time started, and even now, it’s only a ceasefire between Seraphim and the Dark Angels. Even touching each other causes our magic to react, preparing us for battle.

In extreme cases, it can even cause physical pain.”

Lotus frowned. “Well, that’s just sucky. What fun is a girlfriend with big, fluffy wings you can’t even bury your face in when you hug her?”

Davis laughed softly. “Oh, that doesn’t stop them. You see, the Seraphim are all warped in the mind. Even if the contact is physically painful, they like it. They actually enjoy causing and enduring pain. That’s just creepy.”

Mick set down her suspiciously red juice and smirked at him.

“Oh? I hear that it’s a pretty common thing among Demons.”

Davis actually blushed when she said that, and the Vampire doubled down on the teasing of her workplace mentor.

“Or is that the problem? Maybe you like it a bit too much? Or you like watching it?”

Davis thumped her on the head, and the Vampire’s teasing turned to full-blown laughter.

“I get it, no more teasing about your love life. Everyone knows that the Seraphim are weird. But you still have to deal with them when they come in. They like stealthily blessing themselves so that it burns Vampires when they shake hands.”

Soft footsteps alerted them all that their guest was awake, and seconds later, a very embarrassed young Gecko type lizard girl came down to the shop.

“I’m so sorry, I fell asleep on your porch. I came for some healing, and there was a blanket, just sitting there.” She mumbled.

“Oh, are you alright now? We can have the cleric look you over.” Karl suggested.

The girl smiled at him.

“I’m good now, thank you. But I have a thing. I forgot the word.” She paused a moment, rummaging through a small bag at her side. Then she pulled out a piece of paper with very rough handwriting on it.


Shoppe assis asusta… helperr – wholesale weapons and armour]

Karl paused to smile as he realized that the shop name was the first thing she spelled right other than her own name. Then he continued reading.

[4 years working]

Then the rest was just pictures of how she counted the price of items, exchanging them one by one for coins.

“Oh, a job application. Did something happen to your shop? I thought the area by the dungeon survived the attack?” Karl asked.

Mara nodded. “It did. Dad lost it gambling yesterday, and now I don’t know where he went. But I heard that your Guild House only has two people in the shop, and I have experience.

I can count to eight, and I never forget an item price.”

Karl pretended to consider it, then smiled.

“Well, do you mind doing a different job for us? Caretaker Jo needs an assistant, there is only one of her.”

Mara nodded her head happily. “I can do that. But I want a hand print paper.”

“A contract? We can sign a work contract. Come sit at the table and I will write one up.” Karl agreed.

Mara took a seat, and One put a plate of pancakes in front of her.

The girl froze and stared at the food, drooling at the smell.

“They’re for you. Eat breakfast, you’ve got lots of work to do today.”

Karl wrote the contract while Mara grabbed a pancake and stuffed it in her mouth as if afraid someone would steal it. Then promptly began to choke.

Tessa took the rest of the pancake away and thumped her on the back, then gave Mara a glass of water while she cut the pancake into bite – sized bits.

“Eat slowly, work doesn’t start for another hour.” Tessa chided her, then put a bit of syrup on the diced pile of pancake.

Karl finished writing, and Tessa took the short contract to show their new hire.

“Alright, here are the terms Karl offers. A room at the Guild House, with three meals a day plus snacks. Three silver coins a week in wages, and a new uniform.”

Mara looked shocked. “Did you really mean to say silver coins every week, not copper?”

Tessa nodded. It’s right here. “Three silver coins a week. That’s what new apprentice cleaners get in most of the city.”

To Mara, that was huge. A silver coin at a time was as much as her dad gave her, and he wouldn’t even pay that every month if he had been drinking.

“I will take it. I can’t wait to have a uniform. Will it be cute?”

Caretaker Jo chuckled quietly. Naturally, it would be a simple black dress with a white apron like hers, but the lizard girl would be cute in anything.

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