The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 719 Rae's Reputation

Chapter 719  Rae’s Reputation

Even the Maids got a laugh out of that. The spies and stealth agents of the Palace were supposed to be among the finest in the world, and regular attempts were made to poach them for elite foreign forces.

But the Guard Captain hadn’t mentioned any chance of Rae being injured, only a concern that she might consider them a food product.

“It seems that you have a fearsome reputation, Lady Bloodbath.” One of the maids noted, then slowly processed the actual name that she had spoken.

“Oh, you haven’t seen me yet, have you? Just this human form.” Rae noted.

The maids looked confused as Rae jumped back into an open area of the room and transformed back into her natural form, which brushed the ceiling with its back, even with her legs crouched at her usual standing height.

“Dragon Gods above, what sort of power is that?” One of the maids asked as Rae shifted back into her usual ebony skinned humanoid indoor form.

“I am a Monarch Rank Bloodbath Spider. This form is the disguise, but it’s much more convenient for indoor pursuits. Lord Thor over there is a Divine Thunder Cerro, and he’s three times my size. There is no way that he could transform indoors without knocking down a chunk of the Castle.” Rae explained.

The maid smiled. “And we’ve seen Hawk’s natural form when he first arrived on the balcony. Truly impressive, all of you.”

Cara looked up, waiting her turn for praise.

“And then there is this furry bundle of joy.

I suspect that she is actually much more dangerous than she looks. Well, that is a given because she is adorable, but she feels powerful as well.”

Thor laughed, and all the maids turned to look at him. “Void Badgers are basically indestructible. The guards could hack away at her all day with swords, and unless they used skills, it would only massage her.” He explained.

Cara thought about it for a second, then nodded. None of them could do enough damage without skills, no matter what weapon they had.

“Well, then we’re in the safest room in the Palace if something does go wrong. I will ensure that the maids gossip makes it to Lady Bloodbath so that she can be kept up to date on any strange happenings through the Palace.

Just in case there is a pattern that we might have missed.” The maid agreed with a smile.

Karl sighed as he alternated between eating breakfast and feeding bites to Dana, who was still under the blanket on top of him.

“I suppose that I should go to work. This whole having a day job thing is highly overrated. Who wants to go with me today, and who wants to stay here and play with the ladies?” He asked curiously.

Cara looked deep in thought. There was a whole group, and maids, and a bubble bath here.

But there was a Fizzspark over there.

Flying around the laboratory with a Gnome was a lot of fun, and if they were attacked, she would have a tiny artillery piece. Well, if the Gnome actually had combat skills. She might just have a panicked Gnome on her back, which would be even more fun.

In the end, the higher chances of fighting if she remained here with the others seemed like the better option.

Now, where was that bottle of bubble soap?

Remi returned to her space, more interested in the research of Runes. She was learning a lot in the lab, and she didn’t want to miss the second day of lessons.

So, it was only the two of them that went, along with the Epic Guard, who just silently followed Karl once it realized he was leaving.

Nobody else even seemed to realize that it was with him, other than the guards, who did a double take when they noticed it silently trailing him.

Karl got on the train, trying to ignore the eerie feeling that the abandoned station was giving him. It was morning, and there should have been workers on shift change coming and going. But there was absolutely nobody. Even the guard on duty gave Karl a confused look. There should have been workers for the day shift arriving, but he hadn’t seen anyone.

[The train station is empty. I think that things are about to get spicy.] Karl’s warning made Rae do a little dance in the living room of their suite, much to the confusion of the maids.

“Has anyone arrived?” Karl asked.

The guard shook his head. “The train was exactly on time, but empty. The driver is as confused as I am. There was nobody at either station waiting for the train.”

Karl nodded and got on board, waiting until the driver gave him a nervous thumbs-up through the small window in the door to his compartment in the transit train.

The train glided out of the station toward the University, but didn’t pick up its usual speed. The driver was becoming nervous that something might have blocked the tracks, or that there might be an ambush waiting for them. But there was nothing moving under the city except them.

Absolutely nothing, Karl noted, and that was not right.

There should be flowing water, rats and other vermin, insects in the stagnant water that gathered near the surface ventilation holes, or even maintenance workers.

But none of them was present today.

Karl focused on the area around him and cast [Nullify] at full output as an area effect.

He had fully expected to see something extreme, like a train full of corpses and a demon driving. However, what he found was that everything looked exactly as it had before, only there was now sound. Far too much sound.

[Rae, Thor, inform the others that there is a battle in the city. I can hear it through the ventilation shafts. Cara, remember to rinse the bubbles from your fur when you’re finished your bath, or you will get itchy.]

Hawk laughed at the warning. He was also transformed in the bath, preening his feathers. But he didn’t use soap, and he had fire to dry himself.

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