The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 720 Battle In The City Of Wenmouth

Chapter 720  Battle In The City Of Wenmouth

“Driver, there is a battle in the city overhead. I have enhanced hearing.” Karl warned the only other occupant of the train.

“I will take you to the University, then I will wait for more instructions. I don’t know what to do in this situation. All my instructions just say to wait for passengers unless I have a scheduled pickup.” The driver replied nervously.

They pulled up to the train station at the University, and Karl reached out with [Nullify] again, using it to sense for magic in effect.

He didn’t want to mass dispel the whole area, as there were labs above and below him that would be using magical barriers.

But he didn’t sense anything on the platform, and Soul Sight didn’t find anyone waiting for him.

Karl quickly moved down the hallway, wondering where the guards had gone. There should have been some on the platform, some at the first corner, and more at the elevator.

Karl cast [Nullify] again, targeting the hallway.

There was definitely a spell on it, but Karl didn’t see any changes until he got around the corner and saw the next guard station.

All six were dead, hacked apart with dozens of blade strikes. Whatever had attacked them had to be close to or at the Commander Rank, as the guards had put up a vicious fight before they had fallen, and there was blood everywhere. But there were no signs of the enemy, and all the blood smelled human to him.

Some species had very distinctive blood, but there were no strange colours here, and no distinct scents like Orc or Ogre blood had.

Karl borrowed one of the security cards off a fallen guard, then noted that only one of the others was missing his lanyard. Whoever came before him had the same idea.

The elevator in the next room didn’t just need a key card, though. It also had a passcode to call it. A small detail that the first group had failed to notice.

They had pried the doors apart, most likely using a spell, as Karl could feel the lingering magic in the air, and they were blown right off their rails.

With nothing to stop him, Karl hopped into the shaft and let his fingers bounce off the rungs of the safety ladder as he fell.

When he saw the open exit to the lab, and the rapidly approaching spikes at the bottom of the shaft, Karl grabbed the ladder and swung himself out onto the tile floor.

The security area was filled with blood and bodies, both guards and mages in Spellblade outfits. Karl kicked one to roll it over, but it didn’t have any sort of insignia on it to identify the faction that might have sent them.

The robes were black, and enchanted with stealth spells, but not as good as what the Guardian was using. Even Karl could hardly see it as the construct landed behind him.

He activated [Silent Movement] and [Void Body] on them both, then moved toward the lab, where he hoped the blast doors were still holding.

There was noise ahead of him, frustrated orders, and the sound of some sort of fan, along with a crackling hum.

A sharp whistle let Karl know that they had seen him, so he summoned the Bodyguards behind him and warned Remi to stay hidden for a second, though she summoned her Bodyguards as well.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It seems you are determined to make my workday more difficult than it needs to be.” He greeted the mages in front of him, then noticed that they had an Overlord with him.

In an enclosed space, this was going to be very, very brutal.

The Overlord didn’t reply, and chose to charge at Karl, who hit him with a [Nullify] halfway across the gap, cancelling his movement skill and putting him off balance as he hit the floor.

The Maul came to Karl’s hands, stacked with [Disintegrate]. The hallway rang with the displaced air as he swung, and the head of the weapon hit the mage’s barriers.

The Overlord was flung two metres to the right, into the wall, which crumbled on impact, along with the barrier that he had nearly instantly replaced.

A flurry of blade skills flew in both directions as the Bodyguards engaged with the Spellblades, and the Epic Guard launched herself into combat.

Karl equipped the Haint Claw on the Epic Guard in preparation for the final ambush, and charged at the Overlord again, but the mage used a [Blink] type spell to appear halfway down the hall behind him, putting their fight away from the others.

All of the other mages were at the low Royal Rank, and they wouldn’t last long against the Bodyguards, but they wouldn’t last a single attack around Karl or the Overlord.

Karl attacked again, hurling [Disintegrate] at the mage, who countered with a rapid flurry of sword skills that knocked down the skill and then flew at Karl.

One of the Naga Warriors hurled a Spellblade between Karl and the spell, which simply cut through him without slowing as horror dawned on the doomed man’s face.

Karl smacked the spell down with his maul, the reactivated the spells.

He was burning through a load of energy, but the Haint Claw that the Guardian was wearing was pulling energy from all around the room as the Spellblades died, and her innate skill shared it.

The Overlord was obviously looking to run, but a Portal wouldn’t be fast enough to open, so he would have to make it up the elevator, or into a secure room.

Karl charged, and the Spellblade attacked again.

He was slower than Karl, in a purely physical sense, but his spell activations were nearly instant, and he had more stored energy.

But Karl had one advantage that the Spellblade didn’t.

The Mage’s attack tore through the Karl’s barriers and his armour, leaving him bleeding from a dozen slices that crossed his entire body. But it didn’t slow his swing, and the Overlord’s barriers fell under the mass onslaught for a split second.

Karl could see the victorious smirk on his face, then the pain as the Shadow Drake Treant’s long fingers pierced fully through his chest and tore apart his internal organs.

The Guardian seemed to absorb the blood from the body, while the Haint Claw tore the soul free of the corpse with a keening shriek, as if in his last moments, the mage realized the horror that awaited him.

His corpse fell to the ground, flesh shredded, with a look of disbelief permanently etched on its features. Remi snatched it up before it could be further mutilated. Rae would want whatever blood was left in there, as she was short on human varieties.

Then the Naga Shaman picked up the rest of the bodies, guards and Spellblades alike, and placed them in her swamp to keep until they could be sorted.

“Master, the job is done.” One of the Lamia bodyguards announced from behind him as Karl dismissed his armour and stood nude, watching [Void Body] regenerate the torn sections of his flesh.

That process was exhausting, but he was as good as new in half a minute. Just in time to refresh his armour and smile at the Lamia before the tunnel began to collapse.

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