The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 718 Waiting For The Inevitable

Chapter 718  Waiting For The Inevitable

There was a rather low chance that the enemy would actually attack during the daytime under normal circumstances, but what really got to Karl was that not only had they done it, they had done it twice after he had left for work.

Was it because they were waiting for the increased guard detail at night to relax and fall asleep? Or were they really targeting his friends when they thought he had left them unprotected?

The dishes were efficiently cleared once they had all finished eating, and Thor immediately began to redecorate the main room.

“What are you planning, big guy?” Tessa joked as Thor slid the sofa she was sitting on.

“Not all the spots can see the TV for movies. The last time got interrupted.”

Lotus jumped at the chance, and Karl laughed as she immediately put on a nature documentary, where two clerics were exploring a forest, looking for a new species of magical fruit.

That wasn’t quite what Karl had in mind for movie night the last time, but the plan brought the maids with a tray of snacks and drinks, while Tessa settled in next to Thor and Lotus used Cara as a pillow on the floor.

Dana pulled a blanket over her and Karl, then settled her head on his chest to watch the documentary, which was turning out to be a tragic comedy of sorts. Not intentionally, of course. But the duo seemed to be a magnet for all sorts of monsters and wildlife, and they had kept all the mishaps in the film ‘as a warning to anyone who tried to emulate them’.

After a few minutes, everyone had changed into their pyjamas, settling in for the night while wondering just how long this documentary was.

The answer turned out to be four hours, though everyone but Karl, Rae and Thor were asleep long before that.

Karl didn’t bother to move anyone, except to put Hawk back in his space, as the transformation spell was beginning to fade off without him awake to refresh it. Thor had already stopped using his amulet, and had managed to emulate the skill on his own, following the same learning pattern that Rae had.

As it was, they both found it easier to look just vaguely human, instead of trying to get all the features right. Rae looked scary, but the more that Thor practised, the more like an affable young giant elf he appeared.

In Thor’s version of nightwear, just a pair of silk pants from Rae, Karl could see that the Cerro was mostly scaled across his back and shoulders, but that was all hidden in casual clothing, or his armour.

Once he was sure that Rae had slept enough to keep watch for the night, Karl fell asleep with Dana draped over his chest on the sofa. A deep sleep that ended suddenly when the first light of dawn hit their faces.

He kissed her forehead good morning, before sliding a hand up her back to pull the mage closer. Only, as soon as he did, he caught sight of the glare that Cara was giving him, while holding Lotus like a body pillow.

Karl looked over to Thor, who was similarly entwined with Tessa under a blanket on the other sofa, and the Void Badger laughed in his mind.

[That doesn’t count.] She insisted.

[Still, I’m not getting a head start, Thor has a cuddle buddy for the night.]

Karl briefly wondered when Cara would give up on her mission, then realized that it was no longer about Thor’s dating life. If it had ever been. The badger just enjoyed frustrating him.

[Any action during the night?] He asked Rae, while doing his best to avoid having to get up and give up the warmth of Dana’s body against his own.

[A whole lot of nothing. Some of the stuffed suits say that it might have been a one-off incident, in their words.]

[Stuffed suits?]

[That’s what the Guards call them. The useless ones with titles that make up reasons for everyone else to work.]

Karl understood that concept very well, and the name actually suited them very well.

[Am I on watch again today?] Rae asked.

[I think that is for the best. I will leave Thor here with you as well. He would never forgive us if he didn’t get to play knight if there was an attack while we were in an actual Royal Palace.]

Thor rumbled with amusement, waking up Tessa, who simply looked around for a second, then closed her eyes again when she realized there was no danger.

[No better place for it. Princesses need knights, it’s a rule.] The Cerro agreed.

Thor had put thought into this. Princesses needed Knights. Queens needed Knights. Overlords always had a most trusted Knight at their side. In short, there was never a situation where being the Knight was the wrong call.

According to Sister Remi’s romance books, Knights even had good luck in love.

Karl extended his senses outward and found that none of the maids had returned to their rooms last night, they were all uncomfortably sharing the two small beds in the servant quarters of the suite.

They had already heard the talking, and were beginning to get ready for the day, if his hearing were right, so there would be food soon without having to make a request.

There was a soft knock at the door, which brought a maid running to answer, then hand the letter to Rae with a confused look.

Karl looked at the elaborate penmanship on the simple folded parchment letter, which had an old-fashioned wax seal.

“Oh, our lady Bloodbath is getting love letters so early in the morning?” Karl teased.

Rae smiled and nodded happily. “They really know how to sweet talk a lady.”

The curiosity was too much to resist, and Lotus managed to haul herself to her feet without disentangling Cara. She giggled as she read the letter, then Rae handed it to Karl.

{Lady Rae bloodbath. His Majesty’s Royal Guard would ask for your assistance should there be any further incidents in the west wing of the Palace during your stay. We will have agents in the area as well, and ask that you not eat them if you should happen to detect them.

If you have any questions about current deployments and situations, please feel free to contact me directly.

Guard Captain Scruggs}

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