Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 499 Ice Giant (Part 1)

Kaizen’s eyes widened in surprise and fear as he heard the roar that shook the ground beneath his feet. He knew this was not the sound of an ice troll. It was something much larger, much more threatening.

“What was that?” whispered one of the descendants, his eyes wide with fear.

Kaizen raised a hand to silence him, pointing his chin in the direction of the sound. There, emerging from the thick mist, was a colossal figure. An ice giant.

The creature was imposing, with a height that surpassed even that of trolls. His body was made of bluish ice, glistening in the faint rays of sunlight that filtered through the dense clouds in the sky. With every step he took, the ground shook and cracked under his weight.

The ice giant had eyes as bright as icicles, radiating an icy aura. His long, flowing hair was frozen by a layer of crystalline ice.  𝒪𝒱𝗅xt.𝗇𝓔t

Kaizen and the others watched in amazement as the ice giant slowly moved across the plain. The ice trolls that had once looked menacing now seemed small in comparison.

“An ice giant…” Kaizen whispered, amazed and afraid at the same time. “They are legends, mysterious creatures that only a few are lucky enough to see. It is hard to believe that these creatures once lived on Midgard as well.”

The Descragons exchanged worried glances. Facing the ice trolls was a challenge, but facing an ice giant, a much larger and more imposing force, was ridiculous.

Kaizen reassembled the group. “We have to be extra careful.” He explained. “Let’s avoid the ice giant at all costs. Let us continue our search for the Tear of Isara, but remain alert and cautious. If we encounter it, we will have to use all our skills and strategy to escape. It is noisy, and the natives should probably try to stay away from it, which should give us some freedom.

With strategy in mind, Kaizen’s party moved through the ice farms, staying out of the way of the ice giant. They used the giant creature’s footprints to bypass its route and avoid inadvertently stepping into its path.

Then, as Kaizen and the Descragons cautiously moved through the Ice Farms in search of the Teardrop of Isara, the towering presence of the ice giant began to recede.

The group was able to walk for a few minutes without much trouble, but they had yet to find the flower. The worst thing was to find an area full of rocks, because then the chances of getting one were higher. Of course, it was a very cloudy day in Niflheim, perhaps like all the others, and the visibility was quite poor, so while the group was walking through an area full of snow mounds, one of the Descendragons named Samantho, so focused on blocking the strong wind from his eyes, walked too close to a steep slope and unknowingly stepped into a deep crevice.

Kaizen’s heart soared with panic as he heard his companion’s scream, which grew louder and louder.

Without hesitation, Kaizen launched himself at the crevice with <Psychokinesis>, and when he saw Samantho falling into the darkness, he reached out and grabbed him before he could get out of reach. With a Herculean effort, he flew back to safety, carrying Samantho and dropping him to the ground.

“Are you all right?” Kaizen inquired.

Immediately, Samantho nodded several times, still looking a little scared. “Sheshh! Yeah, I’m fine, man. You saved my life! Whoa!”

Gasping, the two smiled in relief, and Kaizen reached out his right hand to help his companion to his feet as the other members of the group approached.

However, the incident drew the unwanted attention of a group of ice trolls that were nearby. As Samantho stood up, he saw a troll emerge from behind the hill, near the crevasse he had nearly fallen into.

“Klaus!” Samantho shouted in warning.

Kaizen acted quickly and pushed Samantho to the ground. With both hands, he concentrated his psychokinesis, moving them as if he were opening a bag of snacks. The earth shook under his power, and the crack began to widen, swallowing the surrounding snow and causing the first ice troll to fall, a victim of his own eagerness to reach what he thought would be his easy prey.

But the threat was not over. More ice trolls roared with fury, and without hesitation they leapt over the newly opened crack toward the group. Their sharp claws and menacing teeth were ready to strike.

Kaizen and the Descragons prepared for battle. Knowing that they would have no choice but to face the trolls for their lives. And as the trolls began to leap and land on top of the group, one ice troll, who had been targeting Kaizen, was confused when he looked down at his own fists, which had just smashed the ground, and saw no blood.

While the troll was still wondering where Kaizen had gone, he was already at the back of his head, and with the Spear of Capable Fury in hand, the player spun it with tremendous speed. The spear glowed brightly as Kaizen spun it, transforming it into a spinning blade of pure fury. In one precise motion, he delivered a sharp blow to the ice troll, slicing through its thick, frozen skin.

The troll let out a scream of pain, its frozen blood spurting into the air, and moments later its head fell to the ground.

Kaizen continued his attack, dodging the clumsy blows of the surrounding trolls. With his agility and fighting skills, he attacked with deadly precision, slashing and stabbing his opponents, not wanting to give any of them the slightest chance to roar or make too much noise.

He also wanted to protect his companions, for if any of them were injured, he would have no healing abilities to help them.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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