Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 498 Arriving In Niflheim (Part 2)


“… Could you tell us exactly what it is and why it is so important that you have to come to another world to look for it?” asked the Descragon named Kara, looking curiously at Kaizen.

Kaizen looked at Kara for a moment, understanding her curiosity and the importance of sharing their mission with the group. Knowing that mutual trust was crucial to the success of his quest, he decided to open up completely.

“What I am looking for is a flower called Isara’s Tear,” Kaizen revealed with a serious expression on his face. “This Tear is a plant that is almost mystical to the people here, because it has an extraordinary healing power. Legend has it that it can bring life to barren lands, cure incurable diseases, and bring balance to the world. Of course, I don’t want to use this flower to make a healing potion like that, what I want is to explore another side of it.”

“Another side?” Xisrith inquired.

“According to some books I have in my library, this flower was once highly prized by the gods, and especially by Asgardian warriors, who would descend from the foot of Yggdrasil to its base in Niflheim just to find it. When mixed with some common ingredients, Isara’s Tear Flower can also grant an improvement in physical evolution ability, meaning that muscles become more powerful.”

Xisrith raised her eyebrows in surprise. “That means…”

“Exactly.” Kaizen replied. With this flower, basically any player can get an experience boost to level up faster. He concluded mentally.

The Descragons listened intently, absorbing Kaizen’s words with renewed interest. They quickly understood the importance of the item he was seeking, and the magnitude of the positive effect it could have in their hands.

“However, we should be aware that the Tear of Isara is also likely to be the target of greed and ambition. Considering this place, there are surely those who wish to obtain it for their own purposes,” Kaizen continued. “Of course, I hope that being here in Niflheim, a distant and unknown world, we can find this flower without too much trouble.”

The Descragons nodded, showing understanding and determination. They were willing to help Kaizen in his search for the Tear of Isara. With the information shared and the purpose clear in their minds, Kaizen and the Descragons prepared to face the challenges of the Icy Farms region in search of the appropriate place to begin their quest.


The region of the Icy Farms was a cold and unforgiving land, covered in a thick layer of snow and ice. The biting winds blew constantly, making it even more difficult to explore. The landscape was dominated by vast white plains, snow-capped mountains in the distance, and a few small villages of ice dwarves.

Kaizen and the Descragons advanced cautiously, carefully mapping the region as they went. Using their tracking and guiding skills, they searched for any sign or hint of the characteristic spot where the Tear Flower of Isara might be born, beneath mossy rocks.

The information the Ice Dwarf had shared earlier helped them get a general idea of the area and where to avoid the mountain with the glowing skull, but it still took a lot of work to avoid the natives.

As Kaizen’s group traversed the Icy Farms in search of the Tear of Isara, the icy winds sliced through their skins and the dense fog made visibility difficult. They moved cautiously across the vast snow-covered plains, their footsteps leaving deep marks on the frozen ground that were quickly covered by the ever-falling snow.

Suddenly, a commotion was heard in the distance. Kaizen raised his hand, motioning for the others to stop.

As he crouched down, hidden behind a small mound of snow, they could see an imposing shadow moving across the plains ahead.

Kaizen’s eyes widened, for although he could not see clearly, he could use <Analyzing Eye>.

“Ice trolls…” Kaizen warned.

These giant creatures had a terrifying appearance. Their massive bodies were covered in a thick layer of gray skin that could withstand extreme cold. The skin was rough and had protuberances, like small stalactites, that formed in the areas exposed to the icy wind. Each troll was about four meters tall, and their robust muscles revealed their formidable strength. The trolls’ eyes glowed a menacing blue that contrasted with their pale skin. They had flat, broad noses, scarred from past battles. Their mouths were filled with sharp fangs, ready to tear apart any enemy who dared challenge them.

On their muscular arms, the trolls carried large logs, either dragged along the ground or slung over one of their shoulders. They moved slowly, as if they walked only to find something to hunt.

Ice trolls were known for their ferocity and thirst for battle. They showed no mercy or compassion when confronted, and were capable of crushing their opponents with a single blow. They were feared creatures on every world, and only the bravest dared face them.

Kaizen and the others watched in silence as the ice trolls continued their march across the plains, searching for prey or unwanted intruders. Adrenaline coursed through their veins, but they knew they had to plan their next move carefully if they were to cross this troll-infested region safely.

With a racing heart, Kaizen gathered the group in a circle, then whispered his instructions in a low voice.

“The Ice Trolls are dangerous and ruthless. We are strong and can easily defeat them, but they are unruly and noisy, so it is best not to get involved,” he warned. “We must be stealthy and avoid any direct confrontation that might draw too much attention. Our mission is to find the Tear of Isara, not to fight them.”

The Descragons nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of following Kaizen’s suggested strategy. But before they could leave their hiding place, a roar echoed across the plain ahead, a deafening roar.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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