Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 500 Ice Giant (Part 2)

Kaizen moved with skill and speed, delivering powerful blows with the Spear of Able Fury. His movements were fluid and precise, striking the ice trolls at vital points, causing them to recoil and scream in pain. Meanwhile, the Descragons also joined the fray, for though they were not as physically strong as the trolls, they were dozens of times faster.

Samantho was some kind of powerful mage, as he could spew burning flames from his mouth that consumed his enemies.

Sure, the trolls’ roar was deafening, but Kaizen worked nimbly enough to silence them as quickly as possible. Kaizen leapt and whirled in the space between the trolls, dodging their attacks and taking every opportunity to strike back.

As the battle raged, Kaizen kept a watchful eye on his companions. He moved strategically, protecting them from the trolls’ blows and launching precise counterattacks when necessary. His resolve was evident in his face, his eyes focused and determined.

But even Kaizen’s efforts were not enough to silence a horde of ice trolls that grew exponentially the more noise they made.

The roar of the ice trolls could be heard for miles across the Frozen Farms region, and even the ice dwarves in the surrounding villages could hear and realize that something was happening.

Despite this, the number of ice trolls began to dwindle. Their attacks became slower and more uncoordinated, and the strength of their group dwindled.

Soon, the area around Kaizen’s group was once again filled with partial silence.

“Huf… Is everyone okay?” Xisrith asked, keeping his red sword in its sheath as he stood over the last ice troll of the horde.

Kaizen looked around to assess the condition of his companions. They were all panting and drenched in sweat, but seemed unharmed.

Samantho, with his powerful burst of flame, had a satisfied smile on his face.

The other Descragons were a little tired, but their eyes shone with a sense of victory.

“We’re all fine,” Kaizen replied with a tone of relief in his voice. “We overcame another challenge together.”

The group gathered around the last defeated ice troll, watching its sluggish body on the ground. Partial silence reigned, broken only by the icy wind that blew across the frozen landscape.

Kaizen approached Xisrith and held out his hand to help her down. The warrior took the gesture.

“You fought bravely, Xisrith.” Kaizen said, expressing his appreciation. “Your skill with the sword was essential to our victory.”

Xisrith smiled and shook Kaizen’s hand gratefully. “We are on this journey together, Klaus. I owe you one.”

The other members of the group joined them, offering words of support and congratulations on the victory. The fatigue began to fade, giving way to a sense of triumph.

“Guys, I think I saw something when I climbed on top of one of the ice trolls. From over its shoulder, I could see beyond these snow mounds, and I think there is a more mountainous region ahead.” Xisrith said, looking at Kaizen again. “Perhaps this is the ideal place to find the Tear of Isara flower you mentioned.”

Kaizen listened carefully to Xisrith’s words; the chances of finding the Tear of Isara in the mountains were much greater than finding it on the rocks, but the terrain would also be more rugged and dangerous because of the snow.

“If there really is a mountainous region ahead, as you mentioned, Xisrith, then we should proceed,” Kaizen replied with determination. “The Tear Flower of Isara is all we need, then we can go. And if the possibility of that flower is anywhere near here, it is surely near the mountains. We can’t miss this opportunity.”

The group joined in agreement, sharing a sense of renewed purpose. Their victory over the ice trolls had boosted their confidence, and now they were more motivated than ever to face the challenges ahead.

“Let’s keep moving toward the mountains,” Kaizen declared, raising his Spear of Capable Fury with determination. “Each step will bring us closer to finding the Tear Flower of Isara and restoring peace to our kingdom.”𝒐𝑣𝓛xt.𝗇𝓔t

With Xisrith at his side and the rest of the group prepared, Kaizen led the way into the next region. The area was once again silent, and the icy winds whispered the promise of new challenges. So, with steady steps and eyes fixed on the nearest mountainous horizon, the group advanced in search of the legendary Teardrop Flower of Isara.

As Kaizen’s party approached the mountains, the surrounding landscape began to change. The icy farms gave way to a region of small mountains covered in a thick layer of white snow.

The terrain soon became even steeper and more rugged, but it had a rugged beauty, with majestic peaks in the distance and deep valleys between the small mountains sculpted by the relentless cold wind. As they approached the larger mountains, the air became thinner, and a sense of grandeur and sublimity enveloped the group.

The mountains stood before them like frozen sentinels, silent witnesses to the secrets they held.

The snow covering the mountain slopes glistened in the pale sunlight, creating a dazzling scene.

Ice crystals hung from the branches of the rare trees, sparkling like diamonds as an icy breeze blew. Silence reigned in this remote region, which seemed to be suspended in an eternal winter.

The trails here were narrower and more winding than any place Kaizen had ever been. Huge cliffs rose up all around, challenging every passerby. Sometimes, bridges of fragile ice spanned deep chasms. But despite the apparent aridity, the mountainous region had a wild and unique beauty, and only one thing troubled Kaizen and the members of his party: the body of an ice giant lying beside one of the great mountains.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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