Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 489 Slaying A Legendary Creature (Part 2)

Lord Varkin was unlike any creature Kaizen had ever encountered. Although his knightly appearance was humanoid, he did not even remotely resemble a human, for his height was greater than any human could ever dream of, and he had a slender body shape that perfectly matched his sword, which most closely resembled a rapier.

In addition, the armor that surrounded Lord Varkin’s entire body followed his every move perfectly, so perfectly that even a blacksmith like Kaizen doubted that it was actually armor and not a skin or something.

In any case, Lord Varkin was a monster, a creature beyond human comprehension, and this origin might serve to explain some of his strange powers, which ranged from his supernatural physical abilities, which were so powerful, to his magical abilities, which didn’t even need a whisper, a wand, a grimoire, or anything else to be activated, as if they were player abilities.

Despite all this, Kaizen was not surprised to see all these facts come true before his eyes. In fact, Kaizen had been expecting something like this, and Lord Varkin’s strength only served to cheer him up even more.

With a determined smile, Kaizen focused on his next move. He knew that defeating Lord Varkin would be an immense challenge, but he was not willing to back down, for with the help of the Descendants, this was his best chance. It was time to put his strategy into action.

As Lord Varkin regained his balance after Kaizen’s powerful attack, Xisrith quickly approached and launched a series of energy blades at the boss. Each wave of her sword created magical blade shapes that attacked their targets from afar. The glowing slashing attacks sliced through the air, trying to pierce Lord Varkin’s impenetrable armor. Some of the blows struck him, but only superficially, leaving only small scratches on the surface of the armor.

Meanwhile, the Descragons continued to unleash their magical abilities and physical attacks against Lord Varkin in a coordinated dance of battle. Flaming arrows flashed across the hall, all shot by a single Descendragon archer. Then sword blows struck the boss, making him feel the pressure. Each attack was a desperate attempt to weaken the formidable foe.

Kaizen watched Lord Varkin’s attack patterns closely. This was a game, there should be a pattern, right?

However, as Kaizen paused to observe the movements of the legendary monster, he noticed that the boss was moving with increasing speed, gliding through the hall with an almost preternatural agility. It was as if Lord Varkin was always one step ahead, anticipating the Descendragon’s movements.

Still, there was a way to stop him. With a strategy in mind, Kaizen focused and used his healing ability on the badly wounded Descendragon, while the Descendragons continued to distract Lord Varkin with their flurry of attacks.

The regenerative healing energy restored the Descendragon’s strength and vitality, and it turned to Kaizen with a confident smile on its face, thanking him for his assistance. Now that they had everyone, they were ready for the next step.𝒪𝒱𝗅xt.𝗇𝓔t

Kaizen stepped forward and with his Ragnarok Sword glowing brightly, he summoned a powerful blast of light energy. The blast was launched at Lord Varkin, who was distracted, and hit him hard.

The burst of energy lit up the hall, causing more cracks in Lord Varkin’s armor as it contrasted with his powers of darkness. This was the chance the Descendragons had been waiting for. In one coordinated move, they all attacked the exposed weakness, unleashing powerful magical blows with all their might.

Lord Varkin roared in pain and fury, and with a deafening roar, plunged the hall back into darkness. The Descragons moved quickly away, knowing that something was coming next.

As darkness enveloped the hall, Kaizen and the Descendragons prepared for Lord Varkin’s next attack. Last time, lightning had come out of nowhere to attack them, and they expected something similar this time. But they were caught off guard. Suddenly, a wave of black energy erupted from the ground, forming sharp spikes that quickly rose toward the boss challengers. They dodged skillfully, but some were slightly injured by the dark thorns.

Elsewhere in the great hall, Lord Varkin emerged from the shadows, now shrouded in a sinister aura that increased his strength and speed. He moved forward with even greater speed than before, causing Kaizen’s eyes to widen.

“He didn’t teleport from one point in the hall to another, he moved!” Kaizen exclaimed.

Lord Varkin unleashed a series of agile blows, combining his rapier skills with his magical powers. And those quick movements, combined with his strength, made the whole place tremble, as if a vendetta had begun. The Descendants wisely spread out to avoid the attacks, but Lord Varkin continued to relentlessly pursue each of them. Each of the boss’s blows was powerful and devastating, causing the ground to shake with each impact.

Seeing his companions in danger, Kaizen focused on the blade of his sword and took a deep breath. The Ragnarok Sword was not a sword like any other, it was not just a weapon with the ability to throw nearly indestructible crystals. The Ragnarok went beyond what any other sword was capable of.

[Activating Ragnarok Sword feature…]

[Feature activated]

[Now, any skill you use will be increased by ten times.

With that, Kaizen used <Psychokinesis> to cast a powerful protective shield. The magical shield enveloped the entire environment around the Descendragons, protecting them from Lord Varkin’s blows. However, the shield soon began to crack under the intensity of the boss’ attacks.

Determined to turn the tables, Kaizen decided to risk it all. He channeled his mana into one hopeful final attack. Raising his sword above his head, he summoned a stream of fire that transformed into a flaming phoenix that soared toward Lord Varkin.

The phoenix literally roared and advanced with fury and determination, colliding violently with Lord Varkin. The resulting explosion filled the hall with smoke and flames, blinding everyone’s vision in a blinding flash.

When the smoke cleared, the Descendants saw Lord Varkin on his knees. His armor was completely open, proving that he, like the Guardians of the Mage Tower, was made of immeasurable emptiness.

But before anyone could think of celebrating, Lord Varkin slowly rose to his feet, and an intense purple glow began to emanate from the holes in his helmet. His black aura intensified, renewing his strength and power.

“You are stronger than I imagined,” Lord Varkin said in an ominous voice.

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