Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 488 Slaying A Legendary Creature (Part 1)

[Quest Name: Incomparable Challenge.

You defeated Lucia, the seventh bishop of the Eye of Hermodr, but when you defeated him, you realized that there was something more to their plans, something beyond what Linus Farwynn had originally theorized. So you continued through the labyrinth and found a mysterious path that led you to the Hall of Lord Varkin, a mysterious being who is presumably the target of the Eye of Hermodr.

Quest Objective: Defeat Lord Varkin so that the Eye of Hermodr cannot complete its plans.

Possible rewards for completing this quest

– 5000 Fame

– Recognition from the entire Order of Dalamyr

– Special armor set

– Oktariorite Ore

– Scroll of Wisdom

– 25 class points]


When the group consisting of Kaizen, Xisrith, and ten other Descragons arrived at the imposing door of the boss’s great hall, they exchanged tense glances.

The door was massive, made of an unknown material, with intricate carvings and mysterious runners. A sense of tension and anticipation hung in the air as everyone exchanged glances.

Kaizen, who was leading the group, had his eyes fixed on the doors with determination. He took a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline rush through his veins. Next to him, Xisrith showed a mixture of apprehension and tension, knowing that they were about to face the strongest creature he had ever faced.

Fighting a legendary creature was several levels above what most of these people were used to.

A solemn silence filled the air as the group prepared to enter the hall. They stood in formation, weapons drawn, hearts pounding with the excitement of the impending battle. The only healer in the group was Kaizen, and even then he was a terrible healer, his one regenerative ability allowing him to heal only one ally per day and himself once.

In contrast, the brute strength of this team was unmatched, perhaps stronger than any other Tretidian guild.

All of the Descendragons had remarkable physical abilities, and to give a sense of their power, Xisrith was seen only as a messenger between them, though she was also very strong.

After a few seconds, Kaizen’s words of encouragement were no longer needed, as determination was evident in every glance.

With a firm gesture, Kaizen pushed open the doors of the hall, revealing a vast and majestic dark environment, with dozens of pillars making up the underground room and a large throne beyond.

The torches on the walls suddenly lit up and began to flicker into blue flames, creating a dark and mysterious atmosphere.

In the center of the hall, the Guardian of the Gates of Nielfheim appeared in much the same form as last time, emerging from behind a pillar.

Kaizen and the Descendragons approached slowly, their footsteps echoing through the hall. The impending confrontation filled the air with an intense electricity. The tension was palpable, and each member of the group was ready to give their all in this epic battle.

And Kaizen was the first to move, drawing his Ragnarok Sword, completely changing the atmosphere around them. His first move was an agile leap to the side, his left hand dodging a dark ray launched by Lord Varkin.

The attack hit the ground, creating a crack from which chains came out, trying to grab some of the group, forcing them to scatter.

Xisrith, quick as an arrow, advanced on Lord Varkin with her unmatched agility and dexterity. She used her red sword to deliver a series of swift and precise blows, trying to hit the most vulnerable areas of the boss’s armor. Lord Varkin’s endurance proved impressive, however, as he wasn’t even scratched, and he pushed Xisrith away with a slap, sending her flying through the air like a fly.

Meanwhile, the other Descragons surrounded Lord Varkin. Some launched fiery fireballs, others swung their weapons with brute force, trying to pierce the boss’s armor. Once again, Lord Varkin showed his agility and skill, dodging with fluid movements and countering with a shield of dark energy that reflected each magical attack.

However, Kaizen took advantage of an opening and struck again against Lord Varkin’s rearguard. He masterfully twisted the Ragnarok Sword, creating a spinning blade of ice that sliced through the air toward the boss. The blow struck hard, drawing a roar of pain from Lord Varkin, but it obviously wasn’t enough to defeat him.πžΈπ“‹π“›xt.π’žπ—ˆπ“Ά

Despite the pain, Lord Varkin retaliated against Klaus’ advance with a blast of dark energy, enveloping the group and the entire room in a magical storm that was able to plunge the boss’ entire hall into darkness by extinguishing the torchlight. Amidst the darkness, black lightning struck the ground as energy balls were hurled in all directions.

The Descendants struggled to dodge the attacks, but some were hit.

Recovering from the previous blow, Xisrith took advantage of the darkness and advanced once more toward Lord Varkin, who was the only thing glowing with a purple aura in the midst of the darkness. With her impressive agility, she leapt over the boss and delivered a series of swift blows to his neck.

At the same time, Kaizen channelled her energy and launched a powerful attack with the Ragnarok Sword, driving it into the ground and freezing the boss’ feet, stopping the storm.

Lord Varkin tried to break the ice with his sword, but soon discovered that it was not ice at all, but extremely strong crystals, which explained how he had been injured by the previous spinning attack. And as the boss tried to break through the crystals that surrounded his feet and trapped him, a wave of light energy enveloped Kaizen’s blade and was launched at Lord Varkin, hitting him full-on. The impact was devastating, enough to shatter part of the breastplate of the boss’s armor, causing him to retreat a few steps.

Lord Varkin, however, was not about to give up so easily.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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