Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 490 Slaying A Legendary Creature (Part 3)

Everyone’s eyes widen as Lord Varkin’s voice echoes through the hall.

“Did that thing speak?” One of the Descragons asks aloud.

All the Descragons look at each other, surprised by the revelation that Lord Varkin can speak. Until this moment, they had considered him a mere monstrous creature, driven only by the instincts for battle and power. The ability to communicate was a distinctly rational and conscious trait, something that set them apart from the wild beasts.

Always prepared for any surprise, Kaizen did not let his surprise show, remaining calm and focused. He knew it would be a grave mistake to underestimate Lord Varkin.

“It doesn’t matter if he talks or not,” Kaizen said, raising his voice so that everyone could hear him. “Our mission remains the same. We defeat this monster.”

The other Descendragons, though confused by the revelation, agreed with determination in their eyes. They would not be intimidated by a simple act of speech from Lord Varkin. As they regrouped and prepared for the onslaught the creature had promised, a sense of urgency settled over them. Now they knew they were facing an enemy more cunning and intelligent than they had imagined.

The Confrontation Hall fell silent for a few moments as everyone waited for Lord Varkin to make his next move. The air was charged with tension as each Descendragon awaited the boss’s action.

Suddenly, all the shadows of the columns moved, and Lord Varkin appeared before them with impressive speed. This time, however, he would not limit himself to physical attacks. Suddenly, his right hand reached forward and unleashed a blast of black energy that turned into a powerful shockwave towards the group.

Kaizen was the first to react. Swinging his sword, he channeled his energy and created a crystal shield that completely reflected Lord Varkin’s attack. The shockwave hit the shield, shaking the hall and everyone else with its force. But they stood firm, withstanding the impact. When Varkin’s blow finally stopped, Kaizen took the initiative and counterattacked. He shattered the crystal wall into millions of pieces and advanced on Lord Varkin, his sword shining brightly like the sun in the darkness of the universe.

The other Descragons joined him and were even faster. They unleashed a series of coordinated attacks against Lord Varkin. Flaming swords and arcane spells were hurled at the implacable foe. The battle became a whirlwind of swift actions and precise movements, which Xisrith watched from afar, his eyes wide with excitement. There was a light show in the retinas of his eyes.

But Lord Varkin was a formidable opponent. He also dodged attacks with supernatural agility, gliding through the hall with fluid, evasive movements. His sword sliced through the air with deadly precision, leaving a trail of dark energy wherever it went.

Kaizen, the strategist that he was, realized that he had to find a way to break through Lord Varkin’s defenses once again. Lord Varkin was probably already in his third phase, as his insides were exposed, so the question now was how many phases this boss had.

Kaizen focused his mana once more and summoned a firestorm to defend the Descendants from the creature’s advance, which only served to annoy Lord Varkin a bit.

As Lord Varkin was struck by the fire, Kaizen shouted:𝒪𝒱𝗅xt.𝗇𝓔t

“Now! Go!”

The Descragons immediately understood Kaizen’s command and seized the opportunity to launch a ruthless offensive. This time it was only physical blows, but they used all the strength and determination they possessed. With each blow, Lord Varkin showed more signs of weakness, but still fought with unrelenting ferocity.

The battle raged on for what seemed like an eternity, each side fighting relentlessly. Lord Varkin, however, showed no signs of surrendering. He cast devastating spells, hurling hellish flames and blasts of dark energy at the group.

In a moment of desperation, Kaizen had a bold idea. He focused and channeled all of his energy to create a ball of intense fire so bright that it even obscured the darkness emanating from Lord Varkin. With one swift motion, he hurled the orb at the enemy.

The orb exploded in a phoenix-like burst of light, enveloping Lord Varkin in an intense glow. The power of the light weakened him, revealing his true, vulnerable form. A being of pure darkness, with dozens of tentacles and a single pair of glowing points at the center that seemed to mimic eyes. This was the chance everyone had been waiting for.

This is probably the last phase. Kaizen thought.

Without hesitation, they moved forward with everything they had, delivering powerful, magical blows aimed directly at Lord Varkin’s body. Each attack was a crushing blow that weakened the monster’s resistance. But before they could defeat him once and for all, Lord Varkin let out a deafening roar. The hall shook once more, its cracks and holes widening, and a wave of black mass energy erupted from his body, not only pushing all of his enemies backward, but breaking several columns in half.

Kaizen knew instantly that this expanding movement was just a desperate way for Lord Varkin to try to buy time, like a puffer fish expanding to appear larger and more intimidating to its predators. At this point, Lord Varkin knows that he can be killed and that his predators are right in front of him.

Knowing this, Kaizen moves toward the legendary creature and wields the Ragnarok Sword once more. He is exhausted, and the sword is large and heavy, but not even his body, screaming with fatigue, dares to stop him, and as the Ragnarok cuts through Lord Varkin, he begins to quickly turn into crystals, as if frozen as the sword splits him.

Seconds later, Lord Varkin is paralyzed and completely crystallized, and then he explodes, turning all of his darkness into mere nothingness, divided into trillions of shimmering pieces that fall to the ground like shards of glass.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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