Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 361 Other Players

Seeing the smile on Oddiar’s defeated face, Kaizen smiled as well. It had been a fruitful and entertaining battle for both of them, and there was nothing more to say.

So the Psyker swung his sword again and sliced Oddiar’s head off, instantly turning him into cube-shaped particles.

[You have killed the player ‘Oddiar’.]

[You gained +10,000 XP.]

Normally, players gained very little experience from killing other players, 100 XP at most, to avoid attacks on starting players or random attacks, except that this rule obviously did not apply to events where players had to eliminate other players, such as the Three Great Human Kingdoms Tournament. As a result, Kaizen gained a lot of experience with each slaughter. At first, he found this strange, but it wasn’t as if it was something difficult to accept. The more experience, the better.

After Kaizen defeated Oddiar, he obviously didn’t want to miss the opportunity to loot a player so powerful that he was able to resist his advances with the amount of attributes of a 200+ level player. This was not something to be found very often.

Kaizen placed his hand inside the flaming orb, and a few messages appeared.

[You have received a  ‘Ambar Liquid’.]

[You have received a ‘Ekko Family Bracelet of Honor’.]

[You have received a ‘Small Chest of Silver Bullion’.]

Disappointingly, he did not receive anything extraordinary. If Kaizen could choose any of Oddiar’s items by placing his hand on the flaming orb, Kaizen would surely choose the scythe, which he thought was very beautiful.

With the items obtained, Kaizen kept the amber liquid in his inventory, put the new bracelets on his wrists since they were of epic rank, and opened the chest to see the contents. The silver bars gleamed in the light, and he estimated that he could sell them for a good amount of money or use them to make an item. After placing all the bars in his inventory and leaving the chest on the ground, Kaizen looked around to see if there were any other players nearby. He knew that now that he had defeated one player, he could not hesitate, not least because he was a bit tired. But when he left the church, he noticed that the village was empty as before, there was no one around. So Kaizen decided to make his way to the mine, which was probably not far away.

As he walked, Kaizen moved cautiously. He knew that from this point on, only the strongest and most skilled players were still alive, which explained the complete silence. Suddenly, just as Kaizen spotted the entrance to the cave, a loud bang echoed through the air and a gust of wind whipped his hair to the left. He immediately stopped and looked around, trying to identify the source of the noise. Then he realized that the sound was coming from his right, a more open area of the region.

Curious, he ran toward the sound, and when he got there, he found an amazing scene: two players in large armor were fighting, and the battle seemed intense. Judging from the way the wind had shaken a minute ago, both of them were certainly at a very high level.

One of them was using a golden longsword and a large shield, while the other was wielding a spear. Both of them were wearing heavy armor, which didn’t necessarily indicate that they were high-level players, but their strength seemed overwhelming.

The long sword was forged from a shiny, golden metal, and the shield was also decorated with golden ornaments. The spear, on the other hand, had a sharp, shiny point that reflected sunlight. The armor of the swordsman was made of polished steel, while the armor of the spearman was made of black leather, heavily reinforced with metal plates.

Kaizen was impressed by the skill and strength of the two players. They moved with both brutality and precision, blocking and attacking with agility. The fight was intense and evenly balanced, neither player seemed to have the upper hand, except that every time their blades collided, there was a thunderous boom.

Before Kaizen realized it, he had completely stopped what he was doing to watch the fight unfold before him, curious to see who would emerge victorious and what they were capable of.

As he watched, Kaizen noticed that the players were fighting on open ground, which meant that there was a chance that he would be seen by them if he tried to interrupt them. He decided to stay where he was and watch the fight, but he was also alert for any signs from behind.

The players’ movements were quick and precise, each attack perfectly defended. Kaizen could see the determination in their eyes and the will to win in their movements. It was obvious that both were fighting with all their might.

As he watched, Kaizen couldn’t help but think how far superior these players were to most of the opponents he had faced in the past; they definitely seemed to be on a completely different level. The thought of fighting one of them made him both excited and afraid at the same time.

The fight continued for several more minutes, each player looking for an opening to attack. Kaizen could feel the tension in the air, and his heart quickened as the fight intensified.

Suddenly, the player with the spear managed to dodge the other player’s shield, piercing his armor with a powerful blow. There was a sound of tearing metal, and the swordsman staggered back, clearly stunned. The man with the spear seized the opportunity and stepped forward to deliver the final blow. But with impressive agility, the other player managed to recover and block the attack with his shield, breaking the tip of the spear.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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