Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 362 Sea Dragon Fang

Watching the fight between those two extremely strong players made Kaizen feel for the first time the adrenaline rush of watching a Rise Online battle. Watching them was like watching a championship match, no wonder there were so many cameras flying over the battle area.

However, Kaizen knew he didn’t have time to watch this battle to its ultimate end. So, after one last look at the two players, Kaizen slowly walked away.

“Ah, yes, I have to go to the mine.” He remembered aloud what he was doing earlier. “Um. I’m only at six culls, I’m sure that won’t be enough to be in the top four of all the groups, it will take a lot of players in the mine.” Kaizen went back on his way.

The mine he wanted to explore was further on, a little way from the area of the battle he had just observed. Kaizen knew that this would probably be a popular place with players, especially those looking for greater challenges and rewards, because the mine was probably one of the few places in the entire battlefield where one could find good items or fight monsters.

The snowy and seemingly inhospitable region could not hide the entrance to the mine, perhaps only during big snowfalls, because the mine was located in an area of steep and stony rocks, which stood out from the clear environment because of their very dark hue. Train tracks and old mining carts were scattered near the entrance, and there were also some wooden huts, which were probably the service huts of the miners who had worked here for a long time.

Kaizen didn’t follow the tracks straight to the cave entrance, that would have been too dangerous. Instead, Kaizen entered the back of one of these old huts and watched for a few seconds the entrance to the mine through a broken timber wall. And finally a worry afflicted him.

‘I only have swords and a spear that I can’t even use yet, how will I cope with the little space inside the cave tunnels?’ Kaizen asked himself.

This was a very valid question, after all, there could be players inside the cave who would be there precisely to take advantage of his close range abilities or the like. If he insisted on using any of his swords and such a player crossed his path, Kaizen would probably be in big trouble, since he would not be able to wield his sword freely, nor take advantage of his greatest advantage, which is movement.

So Kaizen wasted no time and quickly opened his inventory to see if there was anything that could help him.

After a minute of scrolling down his inventory screen, he finally found something that fit the requirements: the Sea Dragon Fang.

This item was, as its name said, one of the fangs of the Ancestral Sea Dragon that he killed a few days ago, and it had a Mythic rating. Despite this, this item was equippable, meaning Kaizen could use it to apply damage if he wanted to, and it was the right size for close-range combat, like a dagger.

[Item: Sea Dragon Fang.

A small, short secondary tusk of an Ancestral Sea Dragon, a creature that has withstood time and extinction. When wielded by a user, this tusk becomes such a fierce weapon, carrying the identity of its owner.

This item can also be used as primary material for forging.

*The durability of this item will decrease considerably more than ordinary weapons with each use.

Class: Mythic

Item Level: 1/1

Attack: 150

Defense: 150

Physical Fitness Level Required: 60]

Kaizen had a very limited range of options at that moment. This was a very difficult and risky decision to make. With the prey, he could still explore the cave to try to find the various players that were hiding there and had a way to protect himself, but there was also the risk of losing his rarest item if it broke during battle, which would be a huge loss for him.𝗈𝑽𝑙xt.𝗇𝓔t

As Kaizen looked at the prey in hand, he heard footsteps and whispering voices outside the hut. He walked through the small hole in the wall and saw a trio of male players, specifically a druid, a samurai and a dwarf. This was an unusual mix, but they were all smiling and laughing as they walked to the mouth of the mine, as if they were too strong to worry about their own safety.

Kaizen looked at them with disappointment, as if he was looking at children fooling around away from their parents’ eyes, and the mistake of this trio finally came to light for them as they entered the mine, for Kaizen wasted no time and followed them stealthily, taking care not to be detected. If they were going to act so dumbly, he would take advantage of this for his own benefit. Obviously, Kaizen used the shadows of the huts to his advantage and cautiously approached the three players, but always kept far enough away.

Although they were laughing and joking, Kaizen could tell that the trio was tense and alert, as if they were waiting for some kind of ambush. As the three players entered the main tunnel of the mine, Kaizen held the Sea Dragon Fang in his right hand, feeling a different energy pulsating. And then Kaizen entered the mine, following the rusty railroad tracks and right behind those three players.

The air grew colder and colder and more humid as he went deeper into the main tunnel, and the sound of their footsteps echoed off the rocky walls as they moved on, but there was no sign of any other players around, which was very strange.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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