Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 360 Orddiar (Part 2)

Inside the ancient stone church, Kaizen and Orddiar faced each other in a deadly duel. Kaizen held a long sword with a sharp, shining blade, while Orddiar carried a war sickle with a sharp, curved blade.

There was a small, shallow cut on Orddiar’s cheek, but it continued to bleed. Dripping and dripping, one second after the other. This was all because Kaizen had managed to give him a single glancing blow with the Næġling Falske, which caused severe bleeding.

As the two faced each other, Kaizen tightened the hilt of his long sword and resumed the fight, quickly advancing on Orddiar and attempting to cut him with a horizontal slash. Orddiar spun his scythe, blocking the attack, and advanced with a vertical strike that Kaizen narrowly avoided.

Next, Kaizen made a quick move, leaping toward Orddiar and attempting a diagonal strike. Again, Oddiar dodged to the side and landed a blow with his scythe, which Kaizen blocked with the side of his sword. They continued to exchange blows in a deadly dance, each looking for an opening in the other’s stance and technique. Oddiar advanced again, spinning the scythe in an arc, and Kaizen dodged back, but Orddiar continued to advance, attacking with powerful blows from the scythe. Kaizen blocked the attacks with his sword several times in a matter of seconds, but was gradually pushed back by Orddiar’s strength.

Knowing that he could not be at the mercy of his enemy, Kaizen recovered quickly, spinning the sword in a quick one-handed motion, trying to hit Orddiar with a diagonal strike. Orddiar blocked the attack with the hilt of his scythe, but Kaizen took advantage of the fact that he was able to get close enough and continued to attack with subsequent strikes.

Orddiar stepped back and waited patiently. He watched Kaizen’s movements, looking for an opening to attack. Kaizen continued to attack with quick blows, but Orddiar finally found his opportunity. After another block, he spun his scythe in an arc and slashed at Kaizen’s chest.

Kaizen fell to the ground, panting and revealing the torn tunic beneath his armor.

Orddiar approached, ready to deal the final blow, but hesitated for a moment. He looked at Kaizen, realizing that they both fought with honor and skill, and remembered what Kaizen had done earlier, sparing him when he had the chance. Instead of killing Kaizen, Orddiar put down his scythe and offered his hand to help Kaizen to his feet.

Kaizen took Orddiar’s hand and stood up, acknowledging his opponent’s humility. They stared at each other for a moment, knowing that both were skilled warriors. This fight was now tied, 1-1. Therefore, they had to decide it this time, they couldn’t prolong it any longer, even though it was so much fun.

Kaizen smiled at Orddiar, admiring his skill with the scythe and his nobility of character. He knew that this fight would be even more intense than the previous one, and that he would have to use all of his knowledge and experience to win.

Orddiar was also excited. He had found a worthy opponent and was determined to defeat him. He knew that he would have to use his cunning and strength to overcome Kaizen.

With a silent nod of their heads, the two prepared to fight again. This time, they were more cautious than ever, judging each other’s movements more carefully. Kaizen started the fight this time, advancing with a swift sword strike that Orddiar blocked with his scythe. Orddiar tried to attack, but Kaizen deftly dodged to his left, swinging his sword in one swift motion to strike Orddiar in the flank, who blocked with his scythe.

The two continued to exchange blows, each trying to land a decisive blow. Kaizen was a natural user of quick and precise movements, while Orddiar used brute force and ranged strikes to knock his opponent out. They were like opposing forces with different abilities, but at the same time, they were very similar. They moved gracefully and swiftly, like two predators in a ballroom dance.

Orddiar tried to hit Kaizen with a horizontal blow from his scythe, but Kaizen chose to parry this time, meaning he attacked the blow coming at him with equal force. When the two gray blades collided, Orddiar was surprised, and Kaizen took the moment to strike a diagonal blow with his sword to end this once and for all, but Orddiar was very skilled, so he used his scythe to save himself.

At this point in the battle, they were both panting and sweating. It was an intense battle in every way, both mentally and physically. Both players were experienced, cautious, skilled, and clever. Neither could even blink without thinking first.

Kaizen gave it his all, and even when he used <Giant’s Lungs>, the results were not satisfactory. There was no doubt that Orddiar was the most powerful player the Psyker had ever faced, even more so than Taznaar.

After a brief pause, Orddiar lunged forward and swung his scythe forward with one hand, trying to hit Kaizen with a powerful blow, but Kaizen knew he couldn’t dodge every blow forever, so he moved forward as well. Once again, the two stood face to face, each looking the other in the eye, only the blades of their weapons separating them.

This was the moment, this was the final showdown.

Orddiar knew that he could not defeat Kaizen with only his limited skill with this scythe. His movements were not enough to create an opening in Kaizen’s guard, as he was able to do with weaker players. Therefore, he would have to disregard his personal code and finally use a skill.

Suddenly, Orddiar’s eyes glowed a greenish hue, and a glow appeared beneath Kaizen.

The Psyker looked down as he resisted Orddiar’s power and saw a green magic circle beneath his feet.

What is that? Kaizen thought, suddenly feeling his muscles contract and unable to move. Looking down, he saw that the circle was now glowing red.

Orddiar looked at Kaizen, finally jumped back with empty eyes and said:

“Sorry for ending our little party like this, but there are still other people I want to face in this tournament, so I can’t lose to you.”

“Now I get it. You went that long without using a skill.”

“Yes, of course I have. That’s how real men fight for real. Haven’t you?”

“Yes, yes. I didn’t use any skills.” Kaizen said.

“Well, then I’m sorry that I betrayed your trust and dashed your hopes. It’s for things like that that I live and ask God for forgiveness and…”

Kaizen snorted, “Dude, can you finish the job soon? If you’re going to kill me, I don’t want to waste too much time listening to you talk.𝗈𝑽𝑙xt.𝗇𝓔t

Orddiar was shocked for a second, but nodded silently. Soon after, he raised his scythe high and aimed for the Psyker’s head.

“It was a pleasure to fight with you.” Orddiar said, and then delivered the blow.

But as you can imagine, Kaizen would never surrender so easily. On the contrary, from the moment he fell for Orddiar’s trap, Kaizen was already thinking about how to get out of the situation. When Orddiar stepped aside to talk to him, Kaizen knew immediately that this was a precautionary move on the part of the scythe wielder, meaning that the trap was not perfect. Thus, all Kaizen had to do was find a way to break this ability, and in a way, he knew that with <Psychokinesis>, all that limited him was his imagination.

Even with his hands busy holding the Næġling Falske, Kaizen focused the energy of the <Psychokinesis> under his feet, right where the magic circle was, and let it wrap around him, finally expressing it until it broke, and that’s exactly what happened. With a sound similar to the shattering of glass in a window, the magic circle of Orddiar’s ability broke at the same time that the spear was headed for Kaizen’s neck, decapitating him.

Kaizen knew he had to act quickly before Orddiar had a chance to stop his attack, so he moved forward quickly with his sword pointing forward to stab Orddiar, who was surprised by the quick attack but had no chance to react and the Næġling Falske stuck in his chest.

Orddiar fell to his knees, panting and with blood dripping from his wounds. He knew the fight was lost, as he immediately received the critical damage warning and the bleed effect warning, but he still smiled for the first time in the battle.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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