Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 359 Orddiar (Part 1)

Kaizen felt a chill as he looked into Orddiar’s eyes. With all his life experience, it was not hard to see that this man was not a simple gambler with the profession of a repentant priest, but a ruthless killer who would not hesitate to kill him, even if he felt a little guilty about it.

They stared at each other for a few seconds in the church, and Kaizen realized there was no other way. He would have to fight this boy.

Suddenly, a long scythe appeared in Orddiar’s hand, and in one swift motion, he threw it at Kaizen as he turned forward. Kaizen managed to dodge it by ducking, and the scythe sliced through the air with a sharp whistle, hitting the large church door just behind him and shattering it into dozens of pieces.

Seeing this power of destruction, Kaizen knew he had to think fast. Concentrating, he took a quick look around his surroundings. His eyes moved like those of an eagle looking for prey among the branches of a forest, but instead of looking for prey, Kaizen looked for opportunities in the battle scene. His eyes suddenly focused on the pews and pillars of the church. Knowing that he could use them as cover to protect himself from further possible attacks, he quickly moved to hide behind a pew.

Surprisingly, the scythe that had just destroyed the door dematerialized from the ground and reappeared in Orddiar’s left hand, who threw it in Kaizen’s direction.

Kaizen quickly ducked behind the pillar next to him, dodging the scythe that flew past him and destroyed the bench he had been hiding behind.

I won’t be able to hide forever, I need to create a distraction to move forward,” Kaizen thought.𝗈𝑽𝑙xt.𝗇𝓔t

When Psyker saw the scythe disappear from the ground again, he knew that Orddiar would soon throw it again, so he used that split second to throw a fireball at Orddiar, who managed to deflect it with only a minimal movement of his shoulders. As Orddiar looked ahead, however, he noticed that Kaizen was no longer behind the pillar. He immediately began to look around for him. At that moment, Kaizen took the opportunity to attack. He came out from behind a pillar and shot a tower of flame at Orddiar, who quickly dodged it with a backward jump, causing the fire to hit the stone altar of the church and melt the candles on it.

Orddiar wasted no time in throwing his scythe again in Kaizen’s direction, almost hitting him, but dodging by a hair’s breadth and sending the scythe crashing into one of the church’s pillars. Taking advantage of the opening, Orddiar quickly approached Kaizen and prepared to strike with his scythe, but before he could hit him, Kaizen reached forward and used <Psychokinesis> on the tip of the scythe, stopping it in midair.

“What’s that? Orddiar thought, not understanding what was happening.

Kaizen was also a bit surprised and relieved. After all, he had not yet had time to experience this advanced version of <Telekinesis>. Still, Kaizen could not feel how different these two abilities were, until he noticed something moving in the top left corner of his screen and saw that it was his MP bar, which was rapidly dropping.

Orddiar didn’t move after that. In fact, he frowned at Kaizen and asked:

“What was that you just did?” He wore the same blank stare, but this time there was a hint of curiosity.

Kaizen didn’t react. Instead, he jumped backwards, away from Orddiar’s scythe, and prepared to throw another fireball, but before he could, Orddiar threw his scythe again, this time aimed directly at Kaizen’s chest, who tried to dodge, but the scythe hit him, cutting through his armor and leaving a shallow wound in his chest. He recoiled, feeling the sharp pain, but did not give up.

With a swift lunge that could roar with rage, Kaizen lunged at Orddiar, using <Giant’s Lungs> to amplify his movements. He punched Orddiar in the stomach before he could react, causing him to stagger backwards, and then hit him in the face with a hard kick.

Kaizen didn’t dare move forward again. He stood in a guard position, holding Næġling Falske with both hands as he watched Orddiar. The scythe user was calm and confident, and quickly recovered, resting the long handle of the scythe on his right shoulder. The two stared at each other for a few moments in silence, each waiting for the other’s first move. Suddenly, Orddiar stepped forward and swung his scythe in a wide arc toward Kaizen, who deftly dodged to the left, the blade slicing the air beside him. The Psyker took advantage of the opening in the scythe’s movement and made a quick strike with his sword, but Orddiar was very skilled, spinning his entire body around and blocking the blow with the curved blade of his weapon.

Kaizen jumped back, avoiding Orddiar’s counterattack, and after the weapons clashed, he swung his scythe again, this time with more force and intent to do more damage. Kaizen copied him and turned to face himself, dodging the blow and then delivering a precise strike to Orddiar’s chest, who also dodged at the last second.

The two warriors faced each other again, each studying the other with sharp eyes. Once again, Orddiar advanced first, this time in a rapid series of short strikes, the blade of the scythe glowing in the air as it moved from side to side. Kaizen defended skillfully, blocking and dodging most of the attacks.

At that moment, Kaizen finally took advantage of an opening in Orddiar’s defense and landed a powerful blow with the Næġling Falske. The blade sliced through the air with a whirring sound, but Orddiar jumped aside and narrowly avoided the blow. He swung the scythe again, but Kaizen already expected him to dodge the first attack, so he prepared for it. Kaizen quickly approached and came within inches of Orddiar, but instead of attacking with his sword, he grabbed Orddiar’s hand and twisted it, causing the scythe to fall to the ground.

Orddiar immediately stepped back, holding his injured hand, while Kaizen stood in a guard position with the Næġling Falske pointed at his opponent. For a moment, they stood motionless, each assessing the other, until Orddiar realized that Kaizen wasn’t trying to kill him quickly, he was just enjoying the fight, so he gave himself time to retrieve the spear, causing it to materialize again in his left hand.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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