Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 500 Mesarthim

500 Chaps!!!!! 💯💯💯💯💯

|Ejecting Starry Ess-:*KeY3A[6XrqctT2|


A strange static sound rang out around them for a few seconds, which was then followed by a Voce Evan found all too familiar.


[|Administrator Login: Ete■■■|]

[|Login Accepted|]

|Request accepted by Administrator|

|Now constructing skill…. |

|Construction Completed. |

|Condition satisfied. Acquired Unique Series Skill- Mesarthim: Prismatic Inferno|

|Skill: Fire Magic (High) has been integrated into Mesarthim: Prismatic Inferno |

|Skill: Blazing Fury has been integrated into Mesarthim: Prismatic Inferno |

Evan looked at the new set of notifications in front of him dumbfoundedly, having little base understanding of what just happened.

|Thank Me Later. |𝐎𝑣𝓵xt.𝗇𝓔t

It was only when that voice rang out in his head that he snapped out of his daze and opened his status, seeing the Unique Skill sitting next to his Harbinger of Ice skill.

“The heck?”

[What was that, Master?]

[I told you it was a black flag. Something clearly went wrong somewhere.]

Indeed, something had gone wrong somewhere.

Since Adaptive Evolution was in the state where it was searching for an Evolution Catalyst for Evan, the Starry Essence he had consumed ended up having its core extracted due to the fact that said the core was an Evolution Catalyst.

However, the core was a Catalyst that was too high level for the current Evan so it was deemed incompatible and nearly expelled from his body if it wasn’t for ETOD’s intervention.

In the end, Evan had gained one of the Unique skills he liked from the game and one he would have gained normally if Adaptive Evolution didn’t butt in.

Kayla gained a Lightning Skill called ‘Laser Ring’, Kuro gained ‘Twilight Veil’, Eliza gained Ethereal Equilibrium, and Milena gained ‘Aquafire Tempest’.

All their skills were influenced by their affinities, as the Starry Essence drew upon the existential records they possessed and awakened skills within them.

So, for Evan whose fire magic was his strongest attribute, then it only made sense for him to gain a flame-type skill.

It being a Unique skill, on the other hand, was simply because he was lucky.

‘Or it’s because I’m the Prota-‘

Cutting his bullshit short, we move on to Eliza chiding Evan to show her the skill description as her curiosity peaked after hearing that strange glitching sound.

|Mesarthim: Prismatic Inferno;

Type: Unique Sub-Zodiac Series Skill

This Multifaceted skill allows the user to command flames that embrace the vibrant hues of the rainbow, engulfing targets in a magnificent display of prismatic flames.

When used offensively, Mesarthim has a fixed chance to ignore a percentage of the target’s durability and resistances, dealing percentage damage in accordance with their maximum Health Values.

As the skill ignites, an ethereal blaze dances with vivid reds, dazzling oranges, vibrant yellows, luscious greens, brilliant blues, and majestic purples. These swirling hues create a mesmerizing spectacle that captivates both allies and adversaries alike.

This skill cannot be lost or taken away unless very special circumstances are met.


Mesarthim’s multifaceted nature allows the wielder to manipulate each individual colour within the inferno, granting them extraordinary versatility.

RED: The red flames of Mesarthim embody relentless fury and unparalleled heat, capable of scorching enemies to cinders. These fiery tongues possess an insatiable appetite for destruction, devouring all obstacles in their path.

ORANGE: [Locked Effect]

YELLOW: [Locked Effect]

GREEN: [Locked Effect]

BLUE: [Locked Effect]

INDIGO: [Locked Effect]

VIOLET: [Locked Effect]


Due to the true nature of the power that is ‘Mesarthim’, certain abilities of this skill are sealed and would only be unlocked either when; The user’s Attunements to Flames increases, their proficiency with the base abilities of the skill increase, or the user gains a deeper understanding of ‘Flames’ and ‘Mesarthim’ itself.

Utilizing this skill demands a deep reservoir of Energy. |

“Why’s almost everything locked?”

“Because my level isn’t high enough…is what I want to say but the restrictions are different from what I remember.”

[Remember? You’ve seen it before?]

“You can say th…”

As Evan was replying to Milena, he suddenly zoned out and his eyes went blank, like he was not staring into anything in particular.

‘Mesarthim… Aires…A Zodiac…Authority…Zodiac…? What?’


“Huh? What were you saying?”

He snapped back to reality upon hearing Eliza’s voice, only to grab his head as he felt a sudden sharp headache.

Eliza instantly placed her hand on his back and activated magic to soothe his pain, but the headache disappeared before the magic could even activate.

“No need, I’m alright.”

“You sure? You looked really weird just now.”

“Nahh. I’m Fine.”

Evan sat up and took a sip of the starry essence wine, the soothing taste spreading across his body as he calmed down and looked at the skill description once more.


With that command word, a rainbow-coloured candle-shaped flame lit up on his finger. Looking at it, one could tell that the red colour was more vibrant than the others which were almost translucent.

Waving his hand, a ring of flames formed in the air, which he then snapped his fingers and changed into a flaming bird, and then into a flaming sword.

“Looks like you can control it as easily as normal flames.”


Quite weird considering this skill is supposed to be harder to control.”

After a few more little experiments, the Automations then laid out a new set of plates and refilled their glasses with the starry wine, before serving actual food for them to enjoy.

Once again, the taste of these meals was otherworldly and Eliza was wondering if she’d ever be content with normal food on Aidos again after this.

While they ate, they chatted lightly with the Automations, discovering that they were usually in a dormant low-power mode and only came active when they detected foreign presences entering the Forest.

Though they refused to comment on their level of strength, Evan had an inkling that they were probably as powerful as Hydran was.

After sharing some stories with each other, the Automations expressed great shock at the fact that Evan and the rest were merely Bronze-level existences less than three years ago, and yet they had already reached grandmaster level of power so soon, a speed that was abnormally fast considering when compared to normal.

“It is strange though. If Aidos is a high-level world like Lady Revi’s friend stated, then you should at the very least, be born as Peak Gold Realm Existences.”


Eliza questioned in surprise upon hearing the words of the Male Automation who pulled out some book-shaped artifact from somewhere and flipped through it.


In High-Level worlds, it is possible for existences to be born in Realms up to the Legendary Realm, and yet, your world’s inhabitants don’t have such occurrences.”

“There are a few dragons who are born as Master level existences but I’ve never heard of anything above that.”

“Which is why I say it is strange.”

The Automation replied as he snapped the book in his hands shut before putting it away.

“But besides that, there seem to be no other strange complications as people grow in strength quite easily due to the Devour Class System’s aid.

He continued in a lesser volume, his words directed at the female Automation who nodded and replied.

“The speed of Levelling up does seem limited though, otherwise 18-year-old grandmasters should be a lot more common.”

“But since most people in this world begin actively levelling up after awakening their skills at age 12, it’s kind of hard for that to happen.”


While the two Automations were discussing amongst themselves, Evan and his group were analysing all the benefits they received from the three starry essence spheres, including the minor ones they did not notice at first.

Especially Kayla, whose Spirit Raiment form had changed up slightly. Her dress had more inscriptions on it and the fragmented crown increased a little bit in size.

To test out their power, the two Automations led the spirit trio to another area at Evan’s suggestion, leaving him alone with Eliza.

“This was your goal from the start, wasn’t it?”

“Of course, it was.”

Eliza smiled wryly as she heard Evan casually admit his true intention of having the both of them alone together from the start.

“Maybe we should have Pride and Greed come over here next time.

Didn’t bring them along because of the possibility of incurring Hydran’s displeasure.”

He spoke as he opened picked up his cutlery and returned to his meal, with Eliza following suit.

Since they had far more powerful bodies that consumed more energy, they could eat far more than a normal human as such their large food servings weren’t anything strange.

As they ate, they chatted about random things that had happened over the few years, from before they met till now.

There was a light argument about a few things they did not agree on, but one does not have a healthy relationship if one could not at least tabulate some of the things they did not like and settle those differences.

After their meals, Evan finally pulled out some of the artifacts he had collected from Silverwing’s nest, some of them having belonged to people who challenged Silverwing in the past and lost.

He planned to sell most of those ones and only keep the most important ones and the unused artifacts.

“You wear little so little in the way of jewellery…”

“This again? Like I said, I just don’t care too much for all that, hence I end up not wearing much.”

Eliza replied with a light sigh, sipping her wine silently when she saw Evan pull out a simple necklace with a small golden chain and a diamond-shaped sapphire gem pendant.

“What do you say about this?”

“Simple…and pretty.”

“I know right? My taste in accessories is impeccable.”

The girl only shook her head and chuckled lightly upon hearing Evan’s out-of-place reply while the boy stood up and moved over before putting the necklace on her.

He then pulled out a mirror from his inventory and held it up for her to see.

“You prepared for this.”

“I guess you could say that. I’d wanted to give them to you for a while now…”

“Ohh…Wait, ‘them’?”

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