Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 499 New Skills

[Wot? Whyish everwone looshing at me funnie?]


Evan and Eliza could not help bursting into laughter as Kayla’s appearance with her cheeks puffed up with ‘food’ was quite funny.

Kayla wanted to retort at them, but the ambient energy around them suddenly became supercharged with electricity and a storm raged overhead.

A bolt of pure lightning arced out of one of the stars and shot straight towards Kayla who casually held up her palm and caught said bolt.

The two Automations had their eyes widen in surprise as they saw Kayla causally catch the lightning bolt.

Lightning spirit or not, ‘catching’ that bolt was not something that should have been possible for any mortal type existence.

After all, they did not have ‘Authorities’.

‘Could she perhaps be…’

The gaze the Female Automation gave Kayla changed and the spirit instantly noticed it, realising that ‘catching’ the lightning bolt was a ‘bad’ move.

She instantly ‘let go’ of it and the lightning, allowing it to condense into a small ball that entered her body.

|Skill Acquired: Laser Ring|

|Skill ‘Upgraded’: Pseudo Authority of Lightning|

Those two notifications appeared in her field of view but she only tilted her head to the side and spoke of the first one.

[I got a skill called Laser Ring…]

“As expected, What grade?”


“Hmm…weird. I expected you to at least get a Unique skill…”

Evan muttered to himself while Kayla silently looked at her Pseudo Authority and thought to herself.

‘I’d be hard-pressed to find a lightning skill more powerful than this…’

If it wasn’t already obvious, Kayla’s Pseudo Authority was a lot more powerful than the spirit had been making the skill out to be, or rather, Pseudo Authorities were a lot more powerful than what she had been using hers for in general.

Of course, the true power of what was currently displayed as her ‘Pseudo Authority’ far outstripped every other skill or ability with the same naming sequence.

“So that’s the effect of the third one. New Skills…”


There’s a Chance for the Skill Acquired to be a Unique Skill. And although very low, you can get a Series Skill from this.”

Replying to Eliza, Evan turned towards Milena who was gazing at her status board with a confused gaze, the plate in front of her completely empty.


I think your flame affinity might have affected me a tad bit too much.]

“Huh? What do you mean?”

[The name of the skill I got is called ‘Aquafire’, and it’s a Unique skill.

I also gained Tier 1 Fire affinity, which is very strange considering I’m a spirit of the opposing element. It’s like Amy becoming able to use Water Magic, nigh impossible even by unconventional means.

So, the only plausible explanation is that I was affected by your Elemental Affinity via our contract.]


Evan nodded in understanding as he appraised Milena and saw the details of the skill, understanding that it was quite a powerful skill but one that needed her to greatly improve her proficiency with it to see its true effects.

[It seems I cannot use flames without the aid of the skill, makes sense though.]

Milena muttered to herself before stretching out her arm in a random direction and snapping her fingers, activating one of the skill’s abilities.

“Hydro flame Ignition.”

A pale blue flame appeared in the air, floating there for a few seconds before sizzling out.

Looking at it, the Male Automation requested her to reactivate the skill which she did. He then pulled out a monocle and studied the flame for a few seconds before nodding to himself and speaking.

“This ability has great destructive potential. May I suggest an application for it?”

[You may…]

“First, I want to know your level of understanding of the components of the ‘air’ you breathe.”

After hearing Milena’s answer, he nodded to himself in satisfaction before finally stating his suggestion.

“You can cause Oxyhydrogen Explosions using this skill.

If you concentrate Oxygen and Hydrogen (Water Components) around a certain point, you can ignite them using this ‘Hydro flame Ignition’ and you would have a wonderful display of your targets getting blasted to bits.”

He removed the monocle and cleaned it with a handkerchief, before returning it to wherever he pulled it out from as he spoke.

[I see…. thanks for the suggestion.]

“You are most certainly Welcome.”

He took a step back and bowed lightly, after which everyone turned towards Kuro who was silently sipping his starry wine.

[Twilight Veil- Rare Skill.]

With those four words, Kuro went back to sipping his wine, completely ignoring the gazes that wanted to know what he could do with the skill.

Seeing that Kuro had no intention of speaking, they then turned to Eliza who sighed and tossed her own last sphere in her mouth.

After a little light show and a few bursts of energy, Eliza acquired her own Rare skill that at first glance, was greatly influenced by her newly gained control of Ether.

“Ethereal Equilibrium.”

“From the skill description, it seems your Class: ‘Battle Priestess’ is also a huge determiner in you gaining this skill.”

“Indeed, it is.”

|Ethereal Equilibrium;

Type: Ultra Rare Active Skill

As a battle priestess attuned to the ethereal energies, this extraordinary skill allows you to harness the power of ether to enable you seamlessly switch between Combat Mode and Support Mode, granting you unparalleled versatility on the battlefield.

This skill cannot be lost or taken away unless very special circumstances are met.


In Combat Mode, you wield the power of the ether to enhance your physical and elemental prowess. As you channel the ethereal energy through your body, you become swifter, stronger, and more agile. Your strikes become imbued with ethereal might, allowing you to deliver devastating blows and swift, precise attacks. The ether empowers your combat abilities, granting you an advantage in battles against formidable foes.

Additionally, the ether coursing through your body acts as a potent healing force. As you unleash your attacks, the residual energy mends your wounds and restores your Health, ensuring that you can endure even the most gruelling battles.

In Support Mode, you draw upon the ether in your core to channel healing and protective energies. By tapping into the ethereal essence, you can mend wounds, soothe pain, and restore vitality to your allies. Your touch acts as a conduit for the rejuvenating energies of the ether, allowing you to amplify your allies’ offensive and defensive parameters.

Moreover, you can erect ethereal barriers that shield your comrades, deflecting incoming attacks and safeguarding them from harm.


In Combat mode, your base support type abilities do not see any decrease in efficiency, however, you are restricted from using certain other skills.

In Support mode, your base combat abilities decrease in efficiency by 30%, but in return, your Support type abilities are all enhanced by an extra 100%.

Initial Activation and Mode Switching Require Great Energy Costs. |

“That’s quite the lengthy explanation.”

“Some of the restrictions are vague too, I do not know what other skills I’m restricted from using in my ‘Combat Mode’.

I don’t even know what this Combat Mode looks like.”

[Why don’t you try it out now?]

“Nahh…After Evan gets his own skill.”

Eliza replied to Kayla’s suggestion as she fixed her gaze on Evan, along with the other five who were waiting for him to eat the last red sphere on his plate.

“I have this stinking feeling things would not go so simply.”

“Evan, that’s a flag.”

[A big red flag.]

[No Milly, It’s a black flag.

Whenever master says something like that, nothing ever goes simply.]

Seeing his girlfriend and the two spirits’ reaction to his words, Evan nearly dropped his fork back on the plate.

Nevertheless, he kept his grip on it and put the red sphere in his mouth, finishing it in a few bites while Eliza took a picture of him with the Polaroid.

Once again, the two automations moved at speeds faster than she could catch and posed with peace signs behind Evan before returning to their normal positions.

Ignoring the Automations’ mischievousness, Evan was expecting something to descend from the skies like with Kayla or a little light show like Eliza but even after nearly thirty seconds, nothing happened.

“…. this is wei-!”𝐎𝑣𝓵xt.𝗇𝓔t

Just when he was about to comment on the situation, the phenomenon he was awaiting occurred.

|You have consumed fragmented Starry Essence. |

| High-Class Prime Evolution Catalyst Detected|

|Adaptive Evolution has been triggered|

|Starry Essence Core Extracted|

|Searching Host’s body for requirements|

|Host’s Level is 299|

|Host’s Existence level is ‘Undefined’|

|Host’s Existence type is…. MORTAL|

|Negative! |

|Negative! |

|Host is a Mortal Type Existence: Mortal Type Existences are neither permitted, qualified, nor allowed to wield such power. |

|Extracted Starry Essence Core deemed incompatible for current Host. |

“Who told you to extract the damn thing in the first place?!”

Evan’s outburst in response to the notifications appearing in his field of view left the others lightly startled, but he was not paying them any mind at the moment.

Just when he tried to navigate the system to see if he could do something about Adaptive Evolution’s bullshit, something strange happened.

|Ejecting Starry Ess-:*KeY3A[6XrqctT2|

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