Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 501 Couple Rings

She did a double take upon realising that Evan had said ‘them’ and not ‘it’ while the boy only nodded silently and pulled out two more accessories from his inventory.

One was a bracelet much like the one she currently had on and the other was a small simple looking ring. They both had fancy-looking runic inscriptions on them but Eliza could instantly tell that they were enchantments.

A longer observation allowed her to infer that one of the enchantments was artificial, while the other was natural.

“This one is an Interspatial ring, basically like my Inventory but with far limited space.”

“How big?”

“A 25 by 25 feet.

You can bind it to yourself so no one besides you can open it.”

“Sounds like It costs a lot.”

“Yeah, but I’m rich so it wasn’t a problem.”

The boy casually waved off her concerns about the price of the ring, as he had personally gotten the materials by himself when he went off to Aspea.

“Does the necklace have any effect too?”

“Yep. Elemental Damage Bonus.

I had it ordered ever since I noticed you were learning Elemental Magic. It was actually a red gem so I had them custom-make one with a blue gem, and enchant it too.”

Evan replied before picking up the second accessory, the bracelet with the natural runes and one of the things from Silverwing’s nest.

“This is a Levelling Efficiency Bracelet. Gives you an extra 50% Levelling speed.”

Eliza’s eyes opened wide in shock and she dropped the interspatial ring she was holding when she heard Evan’s words.

Her expression was quite the sight that Evan burst out laughing but even so she only just blankly alternated her gaze between Evan and the bracelet in his hands.

It took her a few more seconds to snap out of her shock before picking up the interspatial ring and hurriedly asking Evan where on Aidos he got it.

“Silverwing’s nest.

It is one of the things I wanted you to have. It’s useless for me since I level up four times as fast, but your level would lag far behind if you don’t have something like this so I thought I’d give it to you.”

In the game, he had gotten this to make his character level up faster, but now while this extra 50% was not negligible, he could do without it if it meant making Eliza stronger faster.

Seeing this, the girl honestly did not know what to say to Evan giving her such a valuable artifact. People would kill to gain the thing that Evan was casually giving her for free.

She had completely forgotten about how she also participated in the battle to fight the creature that gave possessed the artifact originally.

“Aren’t I the best boyfriend out there?”

“…why do I feel giving you a positive answer would only come to bite me in the back later on?”

Evan’s excitement as he asked that question instantly depleted as he pouted and spoke.

“And here I thought I’d get an instant ‘Yes’.”

While Eliza was chuckling lightly at his sudden pouty face, the Female Automation returned and Evan requested a refill of their miniature starry sky wine.

After clasping the bracelet around Eliza’s wrist, Evan took a sip of the drink, his eyes widening slightly as he noticed it was like a fizzy version of the previous one.

“Like Cola.”

He chuckled lightly as he said that, only for Eliza’s surprised voice to ring out in surprise.

“Evan?! Y-your eyes are glowing!”

She had looked up after taking a sip from her own drink and noticed a dramatic change. Evan’s eyes were now shining with an iridescent light.


Evan blinked, then picked the hand mirror from the table to check and saw that his eyes were indeed glowing.

“Mm? Liz, your hair changed colour.”


This time it was Eliza’s turn to be surprised as Evan turned the mirror to her and she saw that her blonde hair was now gleaming like it had stars in it.

“Wow…it’s pretty.”

As she was absentmindedly admiring the change, she noticed something slip onto her finger and looked away from the mirror, seeing Evan casually slipping a ring across her empty right index finger.


The instant she set eyes on the ring on her finger, her heart plummeted into a storm of emotions.

A whirlwind of astonishment, disbelief and profound shock swept through her.


Despite the fact that this was the first time she was supposed to have seen said ring, she recognized it all too well.

“I got these two from a….”

Evan was saying something but his words were lost on her as the only thing in her mind at that moment was the vision Artemisia had shown her on the day that they first entered the Tower of Trials.

On Evan’s finger, was a ring that looked exactly like the one that was on her finger right now.


Evan’s call snapped her out of her daze and she turned to him, seeing the worry in his gaze that the iridescent lights could not hide.

“What happened? your face is pale.”

She glanced down at her fingers and saw that the ring wasn’t there anymore, instantly guessing that Evan had removed it before shaking her head and replying.𝐎𝑣𝓵xt.𝗇𝓔t

“Sorry, I just remembered something.”

“What is it? You have no idea how bad your expression looked just now.”

Although Evan pressed her for answers, Eliza kept on waving him off and eventually got him to drop the topic as a whole,

“Oh yea, I noticed you had something in your hand, what was it anyway?”

She returned the focus of the discussion from her reaction upon seeing the ring to the ring itself.

“That? Don’t worry about it.”

As she expected, Evan tried to brush it off but she didn’t let him.

‘It’s just a ring, it has nothing to do with that vision.

I can’t act all strange just because of it.’

Telling herself that, she got up from her seat and moved over to the other side of the table, placing her hands on the two arms of the chair Evan was seated on, effectively trapping him in his seat.

She then tilted her head to the side with a sweet smile on her face, a smile that signified she wasn’t going to back down until he brought out what she wanted.

Sighing softly, Evan pulled out a pair of similar rings, two silver skinny rings.

“Oh, pretty.

Where’d you get them?”

“…The jeweller at the place I ordered the necklace gave them to me as a little token since I spent a lot of money in their establishment.

“So, they gave you a pair of couple rings, huh?”

With a graceful gesture, Eliza delicately retrieved the two rings from Evan’s open palm, her touch as gentle as a whispering breeze.

She then pivoted swiftly, her body lowering sideways onto his lap, finding a comfortable position where her back found support against the left armrest of the chair. Her legs cascaded over the other armrest, swaying gently as if caught in a melodic dance.

In a subtle display of intimacy, Eliza reached out and clasped Evan’s right hand, drawing his attention away from the world around them.

She then tilted her head slightly to meet his gaze and with a light smile on her face, she spoke.

“See, we match.”

Following her words, Evan’s gaze drifted down to his right hand where he discovered the subtle transformation that had taken place.

Eliza had adorned his right index finger with the ring, the same way she had done to hers and held their palms up together.

“Do they have any enchantments?”

“Nahh…they’re just normal rings made with slightly special metal.”


Her voice dissipated into a breathless whisper as Evan’s lips descended upon hers, sealing their connection in a fleeting kiss.

At first, a flicker of surprise danced in her eyes, but it swiftly gave way to an undeniable desire. Responding to the electric current coursing through her veins, she reciprocated the kiss with fervour, her arms encircling his neck in a deep embrace.

After their little make-out session, they remained entwined in each other’s arms for a while.

But as the hands of time gradually ticked away, Evan’s gaze fell upon the system time, seeing it edging perilously close to the hour of 3 pm. With a gentle sigh, he reluctantly broke their embrace, his voice carrying a touch of regret as he declared that it was time to depart.

He called over the spirits who returned together with the two Automations and declared their intention to depart.

The female Automation noticed the bracelet on Eliza’s arm and saw through its effect, giving her a slight enchantment to prevent people with analysis-type abilities from doing the same, something both she and Evan appreciated.

They then bade farewell to the Automations and made their way back to the rift. After passing through the same breath-taking sight of the tumultuous spatial sea, they returned to the Cavern of the Frozen Harbinger.

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