Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 390 System Patch And New Ally

[I was going to patch it the instant he woke up, but you decided to drag me over to another planet and delayed me long enough for Amelie to get within range of him.]

The familiar voice of the goddess Artemisia was heard, right before the black-haired and golden-eyed woman appeared in front of Evan and pulled out Amelie’s body from his hands.

Snapping her fingers, the scalds on Amelie’s skin disappeared like they were never there, and she moved the bishop’s body into a standing position before turning her gaze to Evan.

[Huh? You left him conscious?]

It seemed that the goddess only just realized Evan’s mind wasn’t frozen in time, with her turning her gaze to glare at the being who Evan couldn’t see standing behind him.

[Oh, whatever. Let’s just get on with this.]

Seemingly not caring anymore, Artemisia held out a hand to Evan’s chest and pulled it backwards, dragging along what looked like an illusory motherboard of some sort.

Before Evan’s surprise could even set in fully, the voice of the Eternal once again rang out from behind him.

[Surprised, aren’t you? I can ‘see’ it.

But yes, it is what you are thinking, or rather, what you were about to think.

That is a core piece of the thing you called ‘Reincarnated Hero System’. The source of your extra stat boosts, effectiveness and levelling efficiency.

That little thing over there that looks like a hard drive, IS a hard drive. It’s where the information in your Archive is stored-huh?

Hold on for a moment, Artemisia.]

A long arm covered in black sleeves and black gloves stretched out from behind Evan and picked up the chip that Artemisia was about to place into the illusory motherboard.

[Hmm…your solution is slightly flawed.

This would only be 95% effective.]

[I know, I made it that way on purpose. 100% effectiveness would have adverse effects.]

[Not if I can help it.

The reason why the vessel of yours and the other humans collapsed was that Evan who wasn’t aware of his racial power was subconsciously releasing that power into the surroundings and the vessel happened to fit the bill for people it worked against.

However, the reason he has this type of power is because of his breed.]

The Eternal’s hand tossed the chip into the air and released a thin beam of white light that hit the airborne chip before catching it and slotting it into the illusory motherboard which was then pushed back into Evan’s body.

[All done.

Now he wouldn’t accidentally cripple any Church Paladins or clergymen he comes across in the future.]

Artemisia only rolled her eyes in response before speaking.

[Just resume time already.]

[Hmm? With us still here?]

[Obviously not!]

Artemisia shot back before facepalming and sighing in exasperation. She then stretched out her arm and grabbed the head of the laughing man standing behind Evan and warped away, a moment before the flow of time resumed.

Surprisingly, the knights looked around at each other in confusion, wondering why they were suddenly standing with their swords drawn, while Eliza was wondering why she was trying to use her skill just now.

The two paladins were confused as to how they got to the ground; however, Amelie’s eyes were perfectly clear without a hint of confusion.

She looked at her arms and then towards Evan, with her eyes widening in surprise as she muttered to herself.

“The divinity increased…”

Evan caught onto her small mutter and understood that she meant the divinity around his body, instantly linking it to Artemisia’s presence just now.

The boy appraised himself to see if anything was wrong but besides the slight alteration in his race tab, there was nothing different.

| Race- Body: Human; Soul: ##### ###s###e#; |

‘The letter ‘e’ in the first word, vanished.’

Evan narrowed his eyes as he remembered the words of the man who he could not see, heaving an exhausted sigh which Eliza noticed.𝑶𝑽𝐋xt.𝓬𝗈𝗆

“Is there something wrong?”

“Hmm? Don’t worry. It’s nothing serious.”

The boy took one last glance at his status board before closing it and moving to comfort his worried girlfriend.

â—‡ â—‡ â—‡

Lord’s Castle

Bultom Dungeon City

Cheverton Duchy

April 29th

Year 1052

“🎶I am the storm that is-“

“Evan? You here?”

Eliza’s voice cut Evan off from his singing as she walked into the room and met the young hero standing in front of the mirror with an overcoat in his hands.

“…what are you doing?”

“Dressing myself up like a game character?”

“Can you be serious for once?”

The girl heaved an exhausted sigh and facepalmed upon hearing his reply, before walking towards the wardrobe and pulling out a perfectly normal outfit and tossing it towards Evan.

“This is a lot better than whatever it is you’re trying to do. Or rather, you probably planned to wear this already.”

“Yeah…was just seeing how the game character look was going to go.”

“How does that even wor-Nevermind.”

Eliza gave up trying to understand what Evan was talking about and just plopped herself down on the couch while the boy changed to a more casual themed outfit.

Naturally, it was the style with a pair of simple black jeans and a collared shirt with a grey hoodie and sneakers that he had taken a liking too recently.

On a side note, a few clothes shops in Bultom had mysteriously seen an increase in hoodie orders over the past few weeks.

As for Eliza, the girl was wearing a grey turtleneck shirt, with a black coloured skirt and panty hose under knee high black boots.

“Oh, we match.”

Evan pointed out as he pushed his hair back and grabbed the badges on his desk, before taking Eliza’s hands and leading her out of the room as he continued.

“We should do this next year…missed Valentine’s day this year, to think we spent the whole day at a casino.”

“Valentine’s day? What’s that?”

“A whole day dedicated to a martyred saint.”

“Really? His or her name is Valentine? What’d they do during their life that got them a whole day dedicated to them?”

“To be honest, I don’t really know.”

Such was the conversation between Evan and Eliza as the two walked towards the Castle block that had the cabinet meeting rooms.

All of a sudden, Eliza stopped in her tracks and vigilantly looked around, narrowing her eyes at a ‘random’ spot in the sky and infusing it with life energy.

‘I could have sworn I sensed something there…’

Evan was about to ask her what was wrong when the door of the building in front of them opened with both the Duke and Sir Luke barging out and looking towards the sky too.

“Huh? What’s going on?”

To the confused young hero, Sir Luke only narrowed his eyes at the sky before saying.

“Nothing…must have been a mistake.”

Of course, Evan was still confused but they two men offered no more explanation before moving back into the building where the rest of the dignitaries were waiting for their war meeting.

The Duke did pull out a communicator and order his mages to perform a clean sweep of Bultom for any suspicious, more powerful than normal existences, as he walked back.

Evan was talking with the two Dukes as they went towards the cabinet room, which was why he didn’t see the expression on Eliza’s face behind him.

‘They noticed something too! I wasn’t mistaken.

There was indeed someone there.’

The quartet reached the meeting room without bringing up the topic again, with Evan giving his usual nonchalant greetings and plopping down on his seat.

The people in the meeting room were the same set from before, but this time with the addition of a few more people, like Evan’s party members, two more S rank adventurers, a Mercenary Guild leader and a few other high ranked military personnel.

After a few magic oaths to not leak information on the presences/whereabouts of Luke and Ralphie, the meeting for sharing new information and planning the final phase of dealing with the undead crisis commenced.

Evan did a little touch up on the plan for dealing with the Eighth finger’s trump card, once again citing the importance of Ralphie and Luke to this plan.

“…so basically, the moment I give the signal, Ralphie would be the one to attack the summoning circle; it’s a sure fire to weaken the undead that’s coming out from it, afterwards, Sir Luke would handle the creature.

Dealing with it in its wakened state would be easy for you.”

The meeting ended after a few hours with those words from Evan, followed by the young hero sighing exhaustedly as he leaned back on his seat, only for the Dasyra to suddenly speak up about something else to Evan.

“Ah… if almost forgot to say this, but there was someone who wanted to meet with you, Lord Evan. He seemed like he knew you personally.”

“Huh? Who?”

“An adventurer. He’s a rising star like you. Only registered a month before you but he’s also B rank.

His strength is on the A rank level though.”

“Oh, cool. More battle power.

What’s his name?”

“His name’s Yetu.”

Receiving Guild Master Dasyra’s answer, Evan placed a hand on his chin and shook his head before saying.

“Doesn’t ring a bell.”

“Well…he did say you’d probably say that, and that I should only tell you five words at that time and you’d realize who he is immediately.

It’s because of that I even took his request seriously because one of them was too familiar to ignore.”

“Five words? What five words?”

Dasyra closed the file in her hand and swept her gaze across the room before looking back at Evan and saying.

“Dungeon. Sixth Seith. Sealed Demon.”

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