Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 391 Meeting Yetu, Again.

“Dungeon. Sixth Seith. Sealed Demon.”

The instant those words left Dasyra’s mouth, Evan had a reaction that grabbed the attention of everyone in the room.

His aura suddenly burst out from his body, releasing a light shockwave in the room and his facial expression turned dark.

“Ah, my apologies.”

With those words, Evan restrained his aura, ignoring the shock on the faces of the Military officers, Mercenaries and S-rank adventurers who weren’t present last time as he continued.

“Yetu, huh?

Look at this guy, predicting my reaction.”

An amused smile appeared on Evan’s face as he propped his chin up on his palm, chuckling slightly as he spoke.

“I almost forgot since it’s been over a year, but that happened, didn’t it? To think he came to find me first, saves me the stress of searching for him.”

He told Dasyra to send for him and the half-beast woman complied.

Within the next few minutes, the Mercenaries guild leader, and the other extras in today’s meeting all vacated the room, leaving behind Evan’s party and the original 9 people who were present in the previous planning assembly.


This aura…it’s familiar.”

Pride suddenly looked up from her book and spoke, narrowing her eyes slightly as she gazed towards the door of the room.

“There’s no way it wouldn’t be.

You were neighbours with him for centuries, you know?”

Right after Evan’s words, a knight knocked on the door, asking for and receiving permission from the Duke, before entering the room with a man Evan and Pride found familiar for varying reasons.

“As I thought, you were the one I bumped into at the guild in Kasteblum.”

Evan spoke as he looked at the black-haired and red-eyed man, remembering their short meeting at the door of Kasteblum’s adventurer guild the day before they entered the mansion of the damned.

The boy held out his fist to the man, who initially raised an eyebrow in slight surprise, but shrugged and fist-bumped Evan momentarily after.

Afterwards, he then turned his gaze towards Pride and Ralphie for a brief moment, something Evan caught onto as he laughed and spoke.

“Hey…don’t be mad at Ralphie for killing Gu. We kind of didn’t have a choice given that he tried to kill us first.”

“Killing who now?”

Ralphie, whose name was suddenly called, asked aloud, but Yetu spoke up before Evan could answer.


There were no relations between Gu and me. We had technically never even met.

We only knew each other existed and we were of the same race, nothing more.

In fact, I was more interested in seeing her in person.”

The last part of his was directed towards Pride, who had been gazing at Yetu strangely ever since he walked into the room

“You…you’re that troll who the bastard that sealed me placed in that dungeon.”

Pride’s words instantly evoked a reaction from Greed who had been silent all this while, but before the high demon could speak, his sister continued her words.


You seem similar, but you’re not exactly that one. You should be the Fourth, the one who was there until I left.”

“Haha…As expected of the ‘Deadly Sin of Pride’.”

Yetu’s reply to Pride’s words was basically a confirmation of the man’s identity.

In the Game, the player was not the one who was responsible for taking out all the Fingers of the Demonic Hand, and the rest of the Major Antagonists.

There were a few NPCs who took the mantle of defeating the antagonists, and the man in front of them was one of said NPCs.

He was the fourth Troll Emperor to be placed as the Dungeon Boss and guardian to the room where Pride was sealed, after the first three had died at the hands of adventurers over the years. Naturally, he was well aware of the entity whose seal he was guarding.

In the game, he was the one who once battled and lost against the ‘Sixth Finger of the Demonic Hand’, only to come back to life and defeat the Demonic Hand Executive in a rematch.

“Hmm? You didn’t lose your Emperor title, huh?”

“Surprisingly, I didn’t.”

Yetu replied to Evan’s words as the young hero swung his hands over the man’s shoulder and spoke.

“Allow me to properly introduce someone who would be a great asset when it comes to dealing with the Demonic Hand in the future. At least, until Seith’s Dead.

The former Final Boss of the ‘Graveyard of the Arrogant’, the reborn Troll Emperor Yetu.”

“Troll Emperor?!”

“Yeah, it’s his title.

Don’t sweat the small stuff.”

Evan casually dismissed the S ranker’s words, with Ralphie speaking up before the man could talk once more.

“Graveyard of the Arrogant Final Boss?”


It’s a long story but I’m gonna just give you a quick summary.”

Evan and Yetu sat down as the boy began speaking, turning his gaze to Sir Czac and telling him to prepare a binding contract for the S ranker present.

Ignoring the S ranker’s reaction to Evan’s obvious distrust, the boy began speaking.

“For reasons I’m not allowed to talk about, my dear friends Pride and Greed over here, were sealed at the bottom of some dungeons hundreds of years before anyone in this room was born.

Yetu, was one of the watchdogs for Pride’s seal, and the Boss that Ralphie, Laurene and I were supposed to face when we went to the Graveyard of the Arrogant last year.

However, thanks to me, we ended up being spared the horror of facing him and losing one of our Empire’s Ten Great Swordsmen, as to be honest with you Ralphie, he would have beat the shit out of you if you met him then.

The reason we were spared that tragedy, was because the secret entrance I led us into, took us to through back door.”

“I’m going to ignore your previous comment for the sake of hearing the full explanation.”

Evan lightly chuckled upon hearing Ralphie’s words, only for the smile on his face to abruptly disappear as he spoke with a flat voice.

“I was serious though.

Anyway, there were two doors to the room where Pride was stuck in. Yetu guarded the front door, while Gu, the troll King you killed that day, guarded the back door.

I opted to choose the back door for two reasons.”

The boy held up two fingers, momentarily glancing at Yetu and whispering something to him, and only continuing when the man nodded in affirmation.

“The first reason was simple. The Yetu you see here, is only him at a bit over half of his original strength.”


“Yes, Sir Luke. Half.

If him being a Level 300 Grandmaster level existence is slightly over half, then you should be able to tell what level he was at full power, shouldn’t you?”

Luke narrowed his eyes at Yetu upon hearing Evan’s words, studying the man in silence for a few moments before telling Evan to continue.

“As I have already implied.

Yetu, at full power, was over Level 500. Capable of Combating Epic level existences. That’s not something that Ralphie of a year ago could handle.”

Ralphie’s brow twitched lightly, but he kept quiet as he knew Evan’s words held truth to them.

“The second and more important reason, is that although there was a low probability of this happening, I didn’t want us to meet the man who defeated that full-powered Yetu and caused him to lose his strength.”

The atmosphere in the room turned tense as Evan spoke, with Duke Charles’s eyes widening in surprise as he made a short guess, however, he still opened his mouth to ask Evan who it was.𝑶𝑽𝐋xt.𝓬𝗈𝗆

“You seem like you’ve already guessed it but I’d still say it anyway.

The man who defeated Yetu is an executive of the Demonic Hand, someone with a higher rank than the Eighth Finger who’s behind the undead crisis.

Sixth Finger, Seith Beddoe.”

“That’s the same bastard who came to bug me when I was in Osto.

He was with some other woman; I think he called her Keth-something.”


Evan asked Greed who was having a hard time remembering the name of the woman who was with Seith when the Demonic Hand Executive came to meet him, receiving a positive Reply from the High Demon.


Kethryllia, that’s what he called her.”

“Thought so.”

“Who is this ‘Kethryllia’?”

“The ‘Seventh Finger’ of the Demonic Hand. The one who sent the man you saw me with when I called Laurene while in Osto.”

The young hero replied to Luke’s words, casually revealing that he was aware of them listening in on his conversation with Laurene in the process, however, that wasn’t important at the moment.



Duke Charles’s words were cut off when the Brigade Captain barged into the room abruptly with slightly erratic breathing.

“Pardon the intrusion, but you all have to hear this.

Bring him in.”

Following his words, two high-level knights came into the room with another lower-ranked knight, one whose Knight uniform had the crest of another county on it.

The man was panting heavily and looked like he could barely stand on his two feet as he was relying on the other two knights to stand.

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