Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 389 Affected Skills And Racial Traits

“Except for my strength and energy, my other stat values are at their peaks, meaning a little more boost and they’d nudge over to the next sub-rank.

My level also didn’t go as high as I had expected but given that most of my exp was being siphoned by adaptive evolution, it’s a miracle I up went by 10 levels.

The main issues here…”

“…are the strange symbols beside your class and skills?”

Evan nodded in response to Eliza’s words, heaving a sigh of exasperation as he appraised the strange symbol beside his energy sword master class.


Type: Evolution Symbol


A symbol showing that this class has been affected by a semblance of the ‘Pseudo-Authority of Evolution’. |


“…isn’t this a bit too short?”

“Tell me about it.”

Evan appraised the strange symbols beside the two unique skills and received a similar result.

| Γ

Type: Evolution Symbol


A symbol showing that this skill has been affected by a semblance of the ‘Pseudo-Authority of Evolution’. |

“Thought so.”

Evan sighed once more as he saw the short description, deciding to open his mystic eye skill description to see what exactly adaptive Evolution did to it.


The boy’s eyes widened in shock upon seeing the results, with him moving back to his energy swordsman class and checking its class effects and noticing similar effects.

He then opened up his boosts tab and the effects of adaptive evolution were clear as day to see.

|Boosts, Bonuses and Title Effects;

32.5% Stat Boost.𝑶𝑽𝐋xt.𝓬𝗈𝗆

Boosted Life Force.

130% Stat Effectiveness.

400% Leveling Efficiency.

12.5% Increase in Skill Effectiveness.

12.5% Mimicked Skill Effectiveness/Damage.

22.5% Increase in Energy Manipulation Speed.

12.5% Increase in Sword Attack Strength/Damage.

30% Increase in Destructive Skill Strength/Damage.

30% Increase in Destructive Magic Strength/Damage.

300% Overall Power Boost. (1st Activation State Only).

25% Damage Bonus against ‘Invaders’ and ‘Enemies of Aidos’.

12.5% Increase in Energy-Based Sword Attack Strength/Damage and Speed.

12.5% Increase in Destructive Energy Based Attack Strength/Damage and Speed. |

“So many point fives…”

“Yeah…the thing is there were no point fives before. They were all whole numbers.

Adaptive Evolution added the point fives.”

Evan replied to Eliza’s words as he counted his stat boosts, wondering if his body would be able to handle all this extra power.

“So that’s why my Durability increased…so my body would be strong enough to handle the boosts.”

“When you put it like that, it makes a lot of sense.

This is such a handy skill to have.”

“It was given to me by the goddess of Evolution so it’d be weirder if it wasn’t go-Wait up. This thing messed with Blessing of Destruction too?”

The boy pulled up the description for the blessing of destruction and had his eyes widen in shock.

| 1st Activation;

For a total time period of seventy minutes per day, this skill would allow the user to temporarily channel the essence of an aspect of destruction.

The user is also granted limited manipulation over the essence of destruction for this time period.

This envelops the user in an aura of destruction essence that boosts their overall power by 300% and gives them the ability to deal True Damage to an opponent, damaging not only their physical body, but also their soul.

It can only be defended against by using outrageous amounts of energy or with the power of another law aspect, however, this has a low chance as the essence of ‘Destruction’ is more likely to ‘Destroy’ this attempt of defence, provided the user is more skilled at manipulating it than the essence than their opponent. |

“The total duration increased by 10 minutes. A whole extra ten minutes at 300% power…”

Eliza pointed out the difference in the description, with Evan about to respond, only for a notification to pop up in front of both of them.

|The ‘Authority’ contained in the ‘Blessing of Destruction’ is much greater than that of Adaptive Evolution, as such, despite spending most of the accumulated experience on it, Adaptive Evolution was barely able to increase the duration of the Blessing’s ‘1st Activation’.

Any further attempts to infringe upon the Blessing’s authority would have resulted in unimaginable soul-damaging consequences for the host, as such, all attempts were ceased. |

“What the?!”

“Evan…this skill is nice and all but it’s beginning to seem a bit too self-destructive for me.”

The blonde teenager shook her head repeatedly upon seeing the notification, however, she knew it was nigh impossible for Evan to lose the skill after seeing the first few lines of its description.

‘Moreover, it’s a core part of his battle power.

The ability to directly damage an opponent’s soul is much too useful.

He said someone gave this skill to him…just what kind of existence is that?’

Eliza’s eyes narrowed slightly as she alternated her gaze between Evan and the floating skill description, before leaning back and continuing with her thoughts.

‘It’s also not part of the Blessing Series Skills, after all, Amelie said her skill didn’t resonate when she was near Evan and Evan who knows about her skill didn’t mention anything about skill resonance.

So just where on Aidos did this skill come from? Or is it even from Ai-huh??’

“Imma go out for a bit.”

The girl’s thoughts were cut off when Evan abruptly got to his feet and ran towards the window before jumping out of it.

“What the fuck?”

Eliza cursed as she ran to the window and looked out, only to see that Evan was now running in the air using his void steps, making his way to the training ground.

A few minutes later and Evan was ‘testing’ his increased skill effectiveness, but in reality, he was looking at another notification that popped up when Eliza was lost in her thoughts, one he didn’t want her to notice.

|Soul Strength has increased moderately.

Without this increase in Soul Strength, extending the duration of the Blessing of Destruction’s 1st Activation would have been a futile endeavour as the user would have not been able to withstand the side effects of using the skill for more than its original duration. |

|Body-Soul Synchronization level increased.

The host’s current physical body has been further adjusted to match their soul.

Due to this, some of the host’s true racial traits have begun manifesting. |

‘The racial traits of my unknown race, huh?

Apparently, my energy stat increase is a result of this, meaning this race is one where its members possess higher than normal energy reserves.

Thing is, I don’t know what other traits are there besides that.’

Just as Evan was thinking that, Amelie and two other lower-ranked paladins walked into the training area, making their way towards Evan.

Amelie, who had heard that Evan had regained consciousness and came to see how he was, was about to call out to the young hero only for her to feel a wave of dizziness hit her.


Her confused voice rang out as she dropped to her knees, with the two paladins moving forward to assist her, only to immediately fall into similar states of weakness.

The next moment, Amelie suddenly felt like something was sucking out her power from her body and the energy within her body felt like it was boiling hot.

‘No…it’s just…’

Naturally, there was no way that Evan did not notice this as he was merely a hundred metres away from them.

Such distance was reduced to Zero as the young hero blitzed across and caught Amelie before she fell to the ground.

Eliza who was nearby noticed something was wrong and hurriedly came over, followed by a nearby knight trio.

A Bishop and two paladins suddenly collapsing was obviously not a normal situation, with the first possibility being that it was an attack of some sort.

The Knights pulled out their swords and surrounded the trio while looking around vigilantly, while Eliza attempted to use magic to assist them.

Meanwhile, Evan who was holding on to Amelie, suddenly noticed that parts of her skin seemed to be scalding over and she seemed to be in pain that only increased by the second.

Upon appraising her, he saw that all of her stat values had dropped by a whole rank, and the two paladins were not much different.

‘What the-?! Is this some sort of poison attack or something?!’

[No, it is not, you idiot.

In the event that this was some form of attack, then you would be the one considered as the ‘attacker’ in this case.]

The moment Evan heard that voice, the world around him turned monochrome and everything became still.

‘This…Time is stopped!’

Evan’s whole body was frozen along with the rest of the world, however, for some reason, his consciousness wasn’t.

He remembered the last time that such a thing had happened before, five months ago, at the Church in Bonas, where Artemisia had descended.

Right before she did, a certain being had stopped time for some moments.

‘This…. the Eternal…’

[Yes…the Eternal.]

A voice replied to his thoughts, right before a hand grabbed the back of his head.

[Seriously, Artemisia.

You could have just made him think he was a human instead of going through all this stress, instead of blatantly rubbing it in his face that he wasn’t and then giving him a skill that would eventually trigger his non-human traits to begin manifesting.]

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