Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 388 24-Hour Power-Up Sleep

“The Great Western Empire can handle itself. If it comes to worst, then the Former Emperor would make a move in person.

That necromancer was no match for the Former Emperor at his peak, much less now when he’s still recovering from his last death at my hands.”

“Why didn’t just kill him permanently with your law energy?”

To Rathal’s question, Kolvar heaved a small sigh and replied.

“That person interfered, the ‘Fourth Finger’.

Distracted me long enough for the necromancer to die from my normal attack. Not infusing all my strikes with law energy was my mistake, if I had done so then he would have stayed dead.”

Immediately after, Kolvar jumped down from the rock and walked towards the large volcanic crater that was no more than ten meters away from him.

“It’s time, let’s go.”

“I know it’s the law of fire we’re trying to get, but why does it have to be in a fucking Volcano?!”

“Just shut up and jump in already.”

With those words, Kolvar pushed Rathal into the volcano’s open crater that was filled with bubbling hot magma, ignoring the ‘scream’ of the transcendent level human as he jumped in right after.

◇ ◇ ◇

Evan’s assigned room, Lord’s Castle

Bultom Dungeon City

Cheverton Duchy

April 28th

Year 1052

A full day had passed since Evan fell unconscious and Eliz and Pride had already explained what was happening to the young boy, or at least what they understood was happening.

Basically, they chalked it up to one of Evan’s unique skills.

The boy’s high demon contractor stated that he was bound to wake up soon, as the limitation on her levelling was abruptly released while she was sleeping, with her advancing to the Peak of the Master Realm’s superior stage at the same time.

Currently, Eliza was seated on a chair next to his bed, and she wasn’t exactly in the best of moods, given the occasional bone-crunching sounds she had been hearing coming from Evan’s body.

Eliza ran her hand through the unconscious boy’s hair, heaving a light sigh before turning to the cat sitting on the bed and drinking milk from a jar.

“I thought it wasn’t good for cats to take THAT much milk…”

[I’m not a normal cat, so it applies not to me.]

“Fair point.”

Kuro nodded and finished his milk jar, before using a long shadow-constructed arm to drop the empty jar on the nearby table.

He then moved to Eliza’s lap and rested himself there as the girl smiled softly and patted his fur.

“You’ve been sticking with me an awful lot lately.”

When she said those words, Kuro’s tail twitched lightly, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Eliza who immediately shot out a question.

“Hey, Kuro.

Why aren’t you with Evan as much as you used to be, but instead spend more time with me?”

The question had the black cat silent for a few moments, with him taking his time to consider how to answer the question.

‘Should I just lie to her?

…No, there’s no need.’

Kuro heaved a sigh and turned his gaze towards Eliza before replying.

[Well…the current reason is that staying with you feels more comfortable. Perhaps it’s because of the fact that you constantly radiate life essence.

If you could see immaterial spirit bodies, then you would realize that there are quite a few gathering around you.]

“Is that so?

But you said that’s the ‘Current Reason’, so, what’s the former one.”

[The former, or rather, the initial reason, was because of Master’s order.]


Eliza called out in surprise upon hearing Evan being mentioned in Kuro’s words, but the cat only nodded and continued his words.

[Simply put, he had me stay with you so in the event that you end up in danger, I can forcefully teleport you away to safety.

He didn’t want you to know this because he felt like telling me to watch over you made it seem like he didn’t trust you to keep yourself safe, he didn’t have confidence in your strength, or he may hurt your pride.

I did try to tell him that knowing you, there’s no way you’d think that but perhaps his worry got the better of him.]

“…that so…

Honestly, I don’t really care for all that though.

Or rather the fact that he sent one of his trusted contracted spirits who’s a great asset in battle to watch over me has me feeling a bit giddy.

Was I always this easy to please? Or is it because it’s just Evan?”

While Eliza was trying to discover the reason for her sudden good mood, Kuro called out her name with an unusually serious tone.


“Huh? Come to think of it, this is the first time you have actually called me by name…”

[Really? I don’t recall.

However, that’s not important.

I have a vague but important question.]

“Hmm? Ask away.”

[In the event that you end up discovering that Evan isn’t really who you think he is, would you still want to be with him?]

“…. Where are you going with this?”


Eliza stared at the cat on her lap in silence for a few moments before heaving an exhausted sigh as she spoke.

“Come on, Kuro.

For starters, I know Evan isn’t normal, even for a Hero. The guys in the guild called him an irregular but I don’t think that’s enough to cut it.

Evan himself isn’t even trying to hide whatever’s off with him.

I’m sure if I asked him about it the moment he wakes up, he’d tell me everything without hesitation, or at least, whatever part of it he can.”

[I have to agree, he doesn’t seem to make any attempts to hide anything from you.]


I can make a few guesses though; I’m sure Pride has done the same.

The things he says usually give a lot of hints.”

She moved her hand towards the head of the unconscious boy on the bed and rubbed the side of his face as she continued.

“Whatever it really is, I at least know he’d still be the same idiot I fell for, so your worries are unfounded.”

Hearing her words, Kuro stared at her in silence for a few moments before nodding and resting his head back on her lap.𝑶𝑽𝐋xt.𝓬𝗈𝗆

‘If only you knew…

I should inform Lady Kayla about this later, I can’t have her accidentally reveal things that Master isn’t supposed to know yet.’

With that thought, the cat went back to waiting for his Master to wake up while Eliza answered a call from her previous party leader who was calling to check on her after hearing the rumours about her in Cheverton.

He did seem like he was trying to say some other thing but Evan woke up mid-conversation so Eliza stopped listening to what he was saying.

And unfortunately for him, he ended up hearing the sounds of Evan abruptly kissing Eliza first thing after he woke up.

◇ ◇ ◇

“Now, the power-up review.”

“Dude, chill.

You’ve only been up for half an hour.”

“That’s already too much time wasted.”

Evan replied to Eliza as he tossed on a simple collared shirt and buttoned it to the top, before plopping down on the couch right next to her, close enough for their shoulders to rub against each other.

The young battle priestess’s cheeks were still slightly red from the embarrassment of discovering that someone had inadvertently listened in on a part of their earlier make-out session, but she just awkwardly coughed and made no intention of moving away from Evan.

“First, how does my status look now.”

|Name- Evan Von Bourne

Race- Body: Human; Soul: ###e# ###s###e#;

Gender – Male

Age – Body: 13; Soul: 17;

Level- 247

Existence Level – Master (Superior)

Titles- The Second of Seven Heroes, Leader of the Seven Heroes, Reincarnated Hero, Wielder of Mystic Eyes, Loved By Nature, Heir of Eris Dukedom, #####c ########, B-Rank Adventurer, Protector of the People, Anomaly, Irregular.

Class- Energy Swordmaster (υρ).

Health – B

Energy – B+

Strength – B

Agility – B

Durability – B+

Intelligence- B

Condition- Normal, Slightly Excited.

Magic Tiers- Fire Tier 2, Lightning Tier 2, Shadow Tier 2, Ice Tier 2, Wind Tier 0, Water Tier 1, Darkness Tier 0;

Resistances- Divinity, Poison, Charm, Fear, Lightning, Mental, Fire, Wind, Ice, Demonic Energy, Magic Energy, Death Essence, Darkness, Acid, Pressure.

Skills- Full Appraisal, Magic Control, Weapon Control, Paladin, Concealment, Language Comprehension, Martial Arts, Fracture, Void Steps, Irregular;

Mimicked Skills-Energy Blast, Body Transformation, Aura Slash, Blink, Inventory, Limit Break, Blade Cannon, Elemental Shield, Ice Magic (High), Chain Lightning, Track Down, Tenacity, Intimidation, Collapse, Elemental Weapon Projection, Thunderclap, Command, Physical Damage Reduction, Hyper cognition.

Available Skill Slots- 1;

Unique Skills- Mystic Eyes of Mimicry (2Γ), Adaptive Evolution, Blessing of Destruction (1Γ), Vortex. |

Upon opening his status board, Evan was pleased to see the increase in level and stats, but his brow twitched repeatedly the moment he noticed a lot of weird symbols in his status.

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