Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 387 Adaptive Evolution Takes The Stage

The adventurers and knights who were in the guild messing around dropped their food and drinks and rushed out towards the Lord’s Estate.

However, thanks to Duke Cheverton’s timely interference, they were blocked from going any further, with Guild Master Dasyra and the two S ranks being the only ones allowed to proceed further.

Upon arriving at the training grounds, the three of them stood face-to-face with the source of the sudden citywide unrest.

There was Evan, radiating an enormous amount of magic power while having a small miniature magic circle in his palm.

Looking up at the sky, they could see a huge replica of this magic circle, about 10 meters across, radiating outward with the point above Evan’s head as the centre.

The spell circle let off a multicoloured glow that consisted of white, blue, gold, red and a few other colours, as patterns like translucent letters or symbols appeared across it.

Tendrils of multicoloured lightning snaked around Evan’s arm, with larger flashes of lightning appearing amidst the dark clouds, each accompanied by the sound of rumbling thunder.

Sir Czac stared at the magic circle in the sky, having recovered from his initial shock as he murmured to himself.

“What on Aidos did I just help this kid create…?”

Everyone present could tell that the spell circle floating and spinning in the air was absurdly powerful and even the two S rankers were not so sure how they’d fare if faced with such a spell during a battle.

And the part that shocked them was that it was Evan, someone they could sense that was over a hundred levels lower than them who was responsible for this.

Having confirmed the workability of the spell, Evan clenched his fist and shattered the spell circle in his hand, with a few sparks of lighting being released from his clenched fist.

Afterwards, the overbearing aura disappeared, along with the dark clouds and the huge magic circle in the skies.

“Kukukuku…Eighth Finger Dominik Velak…you are sooo dead.”

Evan spoke in a low voice after making an eerie laugh, however, his words were cut short when a familiar notification board appeared in front of him.

|Hidden Condition met|

|Successfully Recreate a World Magic Spell: ✔|

|Hidden Conditions:

Acquire title: Irregular ✔

Acquire Five Elemental Attunements: ✔


x7K*GL&wcP ???????????: ✔

Successfully Recreate a World Magic Spell: ✔

Gain Resistances to 12 different Phenomena-✔

Experience Required for Evolution: 100%/100%✔𝑶𝑽𝐋xt.𝓬𝗈𝗆

Kill and Absorb the Energy of an Existence over Level 300-✔

Achieve a total of 200+ Levels within a period of 12 months-✔|

|All conditions met.

Adaptive Evolution has been Triggered.

Beginning Process. |

|Warning: The host’s body would shut down during this process. Advising the host to find a suitable location to undergo this process. |

‘Give me the Warning BEFORE you begin the process you damn skill!!’

Evan screamed out internally as he suddenly lost all feeling in his left leg, dropping to one knee and snapping everyone out of their states of shock.


Eliza screamed out as she rushed towards him, with the boy only letting out a short laugh before turning his gaze towards Pride and saying.

“The same stuff that happened after the fight in Geto…it’s happening again.”

Both the high demon and Eliza instantly remembered the time when Evan’s body was randomly shutting down for a period of time following the battle against Xakon.

“Horrible timing, don’t you think?”

Pride spoke with a sigh as she grabbed Evan’s right arm and swung it across her shoulder, helping the boy to his feet as he replied.

“It’s not my fault you know, and save your magic, Liz. It’s not gonna help this time.”

As he was speaking, he lost all feeling in his left arm, sighing in exasperation before turning towards Duke Cheverton and Ralphie who came up to him with worried expressions.

“Why are you all looking so glum, I’m only going to take a short nap for…. a while?”

Evan’s words turned into a question as even he didn’t know how long this evolution process was going to take.

‘Hopefully, it ends before the Eighth Finger launches his attack.’

The information he learned from the senior Demonic Hand members he ‘talked’ to this morning was still fresh in his mind, causing him to frown involuntarily, something that was misinterpreted by those looking at him.


Why are you all looking at me lik-Oh Fuck, my right arm just went offline.


The black cat didn’t waste a second in responding, already having constructed the transfer magic circle around him and those nearby before turning to Duke Cheverton and Ralphie and saying to them.

[Don’t try to resist the teleportation. It’s just to his room.]

Immediately after, their visions went dark and their bodies sank into the ground. When it brightened up once more, they were in the guest room of the Lord’s Castle where Evan had been assigned to stay in.

Pride Immediately laid Evan on his bed, just in time for his right leg and torso to ‘shut down’ with him losing all feeling in his entire body, save his head.


And just like the last time this happened, Evan muttered a word of gratitude before his vision faded shortly after as he lost consciousness.

◇ ◇ ◇

Unknown Location

Unknown Continent

Unknown Planet

Unknown Date;

“Tsk…what a disaster.”

The goddess Artemisia clicked her tongue as she spoke while looking at the floating screen in front of her with the video of the unconscious Evan playing on it.

“He figured out your secret, huh?

This is what you get for not placing countermeasures beforehand.”

“And whose fault is that?”

“Who indeed?”

She turned and glared at the heterochromatic-eyed man who was lying on a floating couch while munching on a bag of potato chips and humming a weird tune.

“Still…the fact that the title was consolidated, means that one of those five children seems to have acknowledged it.

I’m ‘guessing’ it’s the one you ‘gave’ that law crystal to.”

Artemisia nodded in response to the man’s words, before sliding her palm across the screen and stopping the video from playing.

“What’s done is done…”

“…and CAN be undone.”

The silver-haired man completed Artemisia’s words, gazing at her with an amused gaze while twirling a light blue eight-ringed magic circle around his fingers, with the goddess barely holding in the urge to smack his handsome face.

She took a deep breath before picking up a small chip on her desk and wrapping it with the power of a few laws, programming some things into it when the man suddenly spoke up.

“Hmm…how about we go back to that world where the four of us met on that day many thousands of years ago?”

“Huh? Hold on, I’m still designing the suppression patch for Evan-!”

Before Artemisia’s words could even finish, the man had grabbed her and warped the both of them out of the space they were in, leaving the chip that Artemisia was holding to fall back onto the table in the now silent room.

◇ ◇ ◇

Unknown Mountaintop

Cerul Duchy

Beast Kingdom

April 27th

Year 1052

|You have contributed to the birth of an ‘Irregular’ in this world|

|Your universal influence increases slightly. |

‘Strongest Human’ Rathal stared at the two notifications in front of him with raised eyebrows, placing a hand on his chin as he thought about the reason they appeared.

“Because I acknowledged that kid’s new nickname, huh?”

[Pardon? What did you say, Sir Cox?]

“Don’t worry about it. Just keep me updated on what’s happening.”

[No problem, Sir.]

After that, Rathal cut the connection on the guild card in his hands, placing it into his interspatial ring right before another voice rang out nearby.

“So, you use S rankers as your informants, huh?”

“It sounds somehow when you put it that way, but basically, yes.”

Rathal turned towards the other man seated at the top of a small nearby rock as he replied. It was a large muscular man with an unruly mane of deep brown hair. He had similarly coloured eyes and a metal headband with horsetail crests framing his face.

The two lion ears atop his head and the fairly long tail emerging from his lower back showed his identity as a Lion Beastman.

He only shook his head when he heard Rathal’s reply, thinking about the S rank adventurer who was trying to suck up to the purple-haired man by providing him information on the happenings in the Cheverton Duchy.

This was the reason why Rathal had discovered Evan’s new nickname. The S ranker who Greed was arm-wrestling with, overheard the conversation happening nearby and reported the information to Rathal, who acknowledged that Evan was indeed an irregular, resulting in the young hero gaining the titular trait.

The other person who was nearby with Rathal at the time also played a part in this process, and as for his identity, it was none other than the ‘Beast King’ Kolvar whose current whereabouts were ‘unknown’.

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