Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 386 Pseudo-World Magic Imitation

Training Area, Lord’s Castle.

Bultom Dungeon City

Cheverton Duchy

April 27th

Year 1052

While the high-level adventurers, soldiers, knights, paladins and mercenaries were busy chatting in the guild, Evan and a group of high-level senior mages, along with the Grand Mage Czac were all squatting on the floor of the training grounds, surrounding a large magic circle drawn on the floor.

The passing knights gave them weird gazes but went back to what they were doing, chalking it all up to mages doing their weird experiments.

They most definitely did not see their prime minister’s son discussing weird terminologies with the mages, not they did not.

As for the prime minister’s son in question, the boy was looking at the pseudo-world magic imitation that he and the mages were very close to completing, however, his mind was elsewhere.𝑶𝑽𝐋xt.𝓬𝗈𝗆

‘Levels aren’t absolute, you know?’

He was remembering the words he had spoken to Zacular the night before, taking a deep breath as he thought about how his very existence was proof to back up his words.

‘A lot of people on Aidos believe levels to be absolute, but realistically speaking, it’s possible to defeat a person 100 levels higher than you if you’re smart about it. But that doesn’t happen often.

And then there are ‘bugs’ like me, the kind that can beat people above their existence level.’

He remembered the fight against the Demon Xakon from five months ago, a battle that he was sure to have lost if levels were absolute.

‘But I won…Of course, I did get my ass handed to me and had to use Demonic Possession + Limit break, but I still won.’

But despite this, Evan still understood that even if levels weren’t 100% absolute; they were still very important.

‘Because if my level is low, then my maximum stat values would be low, and against someone with a higher level with higher stat values, I’d be a sitting duck for them to slaughter.

The only reason I can easily fight people higher level than I am is because of my increased stat efficiency and my higher stat boosts.

But they are all percentage boosts, meaning that I still have to increase my base stats, and levelling up is the fastest means to do this.’

Evan moved his hand and tapped a part of the spell circle, imbuing it with his magic power and pointing out something to Sir Czac whose eyes gleamed with light before he started using some sort of simulation magic.

The boy waited for his simulation to be completed, pulling up the tab for his skill’s hidden conditions in the meantime.

|Hidden Conditions:

Acquire title: ?????????- ✔

Acquire Five Elemental Attunements: ✔


x7K*GL&wcP ???????????: ✔

Successfully 1Ek?Xma a World Magic Spell: ❌

Gain Resistances to 12 different Phenomena-✔

Experience Required for Evolution: 100%/100%✔

Kill and Absorb the Energy of an Existence over Level 300-✔

Achieve a total of 200+ Levels within a period of 12 months-✔|

‘Only one condition left.’

Unlike Evan had expected, it was a lot harder to gain the experience required, and he had only reached 100% after fighting the undead that Zacular tossed at him last night.

The only thing left was to do something he didn’t know to a World Magic Spell, and he really hoped what he was doing was right.

If it wasn’t, then it was going to take him a lot longer to finally level up again, which was bad as Pride’s Kuro’s and Kayla’s levels were linked to his.

‘Even if they accumulate experience, if my level doesn’t increase, theirs wouldn’t too.

I can’t have them stagnate because of me so I have to increase my level.

Come to think of it, I didn’t contract with Greed.

I left it because Pride can rein him in if he goes overboard but I would really like to use his idiosyncrasy.’

As Evan was thinking that, a notification board appeared in front of him with a message he most certainly didn’t expect.

|Title Consolidated|

|Your title: ????????? has undergone a slight advancement|

|Revealing Title…|

|You have received the title: Irregular|


Type: Titular Trait

An existence that contradicts that which is normal or established.

The strongest entity in this universe who originates from the q7?n8 level World, Aidos, has deemed you an ‘Irregular’ by the world’s standards.

As multiple other powerful beings originating from Aidos who possess sufficient causality index, affirmed this title of their own volition, all the conditions for you; the entity with the name; ‘Evankhell Vondante Bourne0!be’ to be considered a true ‘Irregular’ have been met.

Currently, the title ‘Irregular’ is no more than just a title, however, the more you prove yourself to not conform to that which has been established, both to the people of Aidos and those of other worlds, then it is sure to go further than being just a ceremonial title. |


Evan just dumbfoundedly stared at the notification board in front of him, not knowing where to start being surprised from.

So much information was just randomly dropped on him that it took him a moment to collect himself despite the new mental type skill he recently stole from one of the senior mages beside him.

After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and decided to address things from the top.

‘The strongest entity from Aidos? The Five? Was it Rathal? Why did they suddenly label me as an irregular out of nowhe-!’

Perhaps because he had just looked at the hidden conditions tab, but Evan suddenly noticed a minute detail about his new title that he would have normally missed.

‘Wait…the number of letters.

It’s the exact same as the unknown title that I had!’

Opening the hidden conditions tab, confirmed his suspicion.

| Acquire title: Irregular ✔|

‘This title…Artemisia was the one responsible for it.

But the title’s description says that it was the most powerful entity originating from Aidos…’

At this point in time, Evan didn’t need a hyper cognition skill or a genius mind to figure it out.

A simple title that sent not completely filtered information to Evan, easily helped him reveal one of Artemisia’s greatest secrets that only three other beings in the entire universe knew.

‘Aidos is Artemisia’s birth world!’

This was an astounding revelation, one that caused a lot of things to make more sense to Evan.

‘Artemisia doesn’t want to save Aidos because its destruction would reduce the number of worlds in her control, she wants to save it because it’s the world she was born on!’

The only thing he didn’t quite get was why she did not take action herself.

‘Even if she’s restricted, do the silly restrictions apply to a god’s home world?

That would be stupid…having to watch your home world get destroyed by another because of some restrictions caused by another god.

Or is it NOT common knowledge that Aidos is Artemisia’s home world?’

Evan’s mind was running wild, with him computing various possibilities as to why this was, however, he was snapped out of it by the voice of Sir Czac.

“Lord Evan, I’ve achieved an optimal solution!”

“Huh…? How?!”

The boy put the thoughts about the title to the side and focused on the more important World Magic, spending the next thirty minutes talking magical theories and adjusting the magic circle until it the World Magic Imitation spell was complete.

The scene of multiple senior mages and a Grand Mage sitting on the floor while wiping sweat from their brows was a sight that all those who passed the training area were able to see on this fine day.

As for Evan, he was the only one standing, with his mystic eyes glowing as he used the skill on the magic circle on the ground while downing a few potions and waiting for them to take effect.

When he was done, he closed his eyes, clenched his right fist and took a deep breath.


He roused his magic power, attracting the attention of everyone nearby and practically everyone in the City Lord’s estate, with the shockwaves from his burst of mana knocking back the mages around him with the exception of Sir Czac.

Evan then opened his eyes and his fist, with a small miniature version of the magic circle on the ground floating atop his palm.

Duke Cheverton, Ralphie, Luke, Pride and all the others who sensed Evan’s magic, arrived just in time to see him move his lips and whisper softly.

“Pseudo-World Magic Imitation.

Spell Number 13…”

The moment those words left his lips, the sky was covered by dark clouds, enough to trap the sunlight and prevent it from reaching the ground.

It was so dark that it almost seemed as if night had fallen, despite it still being daytime.

It was a phenomenon that every single existence capable of using magic in Bultom City could sense, even if they were not close enough to visually see it.

Even the adventurers and knights who were in the guild messing around dropped their food and drinks and rushed out towards the Lord’s Estate.

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