Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 940 - Diagnosing-II

Sam didn't stay within the formation. He went back to the residence he was given and placed all kinds of concealment formations. He didn't even let Agar in. After making sure that no one is looking at him, he entered the divine dimension.

He directly went to the second floor and closed his eyes before creating a simulated version of the whole body of the Five-Elemental King.

He simulated the whole body except for the skin, and then the simulation of the energy flow, but the model collapsed as he didn't simulate the formation.

It would take a lot of time for him to do that, so simulated the functions of the formation. Absorbing the energy that was coming out of the body and injecting the energy into the body.

As he did that, the model finally stayed still.

The first thing he did is treat the model for elemental energy poisoning. He knew that the body wouldn't be able to take the backlash of the cells taking in the energy once again. But he has to know how much time he would have if he takes this route.

But he was disappointed by the result. Once the organs are forcefully cleaned of the poisoning there is barely ten minutes time.

Now all, he has to do is find the origin of the cellular change and see if he can think of a curing method that wouldn't involve the direct clearing of the elemental poisoning.

So he started checking the blood sample, the skin sample, and the bone sample he got as he used the observation ability to the maximum. Now that he is focusing all his energy on a small sample, he has better access to the cells and he can pick up things that he might have missed before.

But it is indeed difficult to find the problem is just by looking at it. The cell seemed pretty stable the only unstable thing about is the energy content of different elements.

After a long examination, he still couldn't find any anomalies.

He couldn't think of the reason for that instability and no matter how much he examined it there are no results and no changes.

He even tried the simulation techniques, introducing different medicines to see how it will really work, but an excess usage of any medicine even if it is perfectly balanced five elemental energy medicine it is still causing instability within the body which is killing him.

After even more tests, he finally got a conclusion. Even in this balanced state, this guy wouldn't be able to stay alive for a long time.

From the simulated figure, he observed that this guy even though is sitting there on the stone casually, is actually still cultivating. In fact, that cultivation process is what makes him stable. It took some time to understand that and the cultivation no matter how slow is increasing his level which would push him to the breakthrough and his body wouldn't survive another breakthrough.

He would definitely die.

The breakthrough will prompt the body to take all five elemental energies with even distribution to all corners, but the organs that are attracting different elemental energies will cause inevitable chaos which results in the body failure due to that large amount of energy involved in the breakthrough.

Which made it impossible for Sam to even put this matter to rest and take some time to think this through and do some proper research.

He has to finish this as fast as possible.

He came with a goal in his mind. To recruit this guy, but now he is obsessed with the problem. To solve this puzzle that stumped him like this.

He sat beside a lake as he skipped the stones over the water and made up of random thoughts inside his head that might relate him to the issue.

"What if the spiritual core is damaged?

What if the merge of the elemental energies is collapsed?

What if something in his body is making the five energies compete?

What if there are different types of parasites present?"

He kept on making up random assumptions and then rectified them himself. He is bouncing off of the ideas with the mirror image he could see in the water.

As he saw the ripples that were caused by the stones he is throwing he made a lackluster analogy. The stone is the problem that is causing the problem in the body while the water is the body and the ripples are the effects the body is going through.

As he threw stones, again and again, he suddenly kicked a large boulder which made an arc in the air and landed in the center of the lake.

The whole lake rippled and the boulder drowned, but the splash of water that raised into the air landed and caused even more ripples. Which is causing more chaos in the still water.

He suddenly had an epiphany.

'What if I am not looking at the ripples caused by the stone? What if I am looking at the ripples caused by the water itself?'

Suddenly his hand stopped and he thought more into this. All this while he was assuming that the instability of the energies is caused by some external problem. But what if it was caused by an internal problem. A problem that was triggered by something external but not relevant now since it is already gone.

This might be just the aftereffect of that. Just like how the boulder drowned quietly after it caused the initial splash and the ripple but after that, it became almost significant compared to the disturbance the water splash caused.

What if the problem is not with the five elements, but the five elements themselves are the problem?

When this thought came to mind, he couldn't let go of it.

He completely ignored the fact that the other party can use five elements and considered it as normal, because he himself can use multiple elements.

But this is not exactly normal. At least for the Five-element King who is a human, this is not exactly a normal thing to occur.

So why is he able to wield the five elements like that, he went back to his tent and started checking the samples once again.

But this time, he also took samples from his own body to take a look.

To compare the cells. His own body is the perfect specimen as he had almost ten elements in balance.

But the only problem is his body is not human anymore. His cells are all changed and every consists of the part-human cellular structure, part vampire structure and eight parts beast structures.

He knew that the comparison would not be ideal but still, it is better than nothing.

But when he saw what both of side by side, he was stunned in silence.

He immediately went out to meet Agar and asked.

"Find a human and get me some samples. Skin, blood, and bone. Please, hurry up."

Agar was surprised by Sam's agitated state. He was always calm, this is the first time she ever saw him show that many emotions on his face.

"What cultivation level?"

"Doesn't matter. Just needs to be pure human. No cross of another race."


She immediately went out and came back in fifteen minutes with the samples he asked her.

Sam took them back in and started testing them. He saw the comparison between the three cell structures.

This made him confirm that his shock is not just his overreaction.

Because when compared with the cellular structure, the cells of Five elemental King are closer to his than a normal human cell in similarities.

This is completely unexpected and almost impossible.

He saw the spiritual core of the five elemental king which has five different colors indicating the five different elements and it looked stable. This is also one of the reasons he overlooked the impossibility of five elements in the human body.

He once again went through the book he had on the spiritual cores and constitutions to get the information.

There is indeed a five elemental spiritual core, but it is not exactly the same as the one he saw in Five-Elemental King's body.

Something is extremely wrong and he has a conclusion in mind, but he doesn't dare confirm it.

He came out of the ten and asked Agar.

"Do you know any information on Five elemental King before he was famous? Where was he born? Where did he awaken? Where did he train in lower-level cultivation stages? Anything abnormal?"

"Not really, that information is not available anywhere. It was said that some of the friends of the Five elemental king asked him about that, but he said he suffered severe memory loss due to a battle and all he can remember from the past is the battle and the damage. Not the opponent, not the days and life he lived before that."

Sam took a deep breath.

He went back inside and did some other tests. In fact, he activated his vampire bloodline and tasted a few drops of the remaining blood in the sample after smelling it with Raiju bloodline.

And he finally reached the inevitable conclusion. The five elemental King is not a normal human.

He was not born this way. He didn't awaken five elements. He was made into this.

He is a laboratory experiment with the objective is making a person who can wield five elements artificially.

And if that is true which it has to be, then the current symptoms are all result of the failure of the experiment.

All this while he was content when he saw the stable structure of the cell but only the instability of the energies which made him ignore this, but that artificially stabilized structure of the cell is what made the energy unstable.

The problem is not affecting the body on the cellular level. The cell itself is the problem. Each and every one of them.

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