Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 941 - Treatment

Sam immediately went back into the divine dimension after the confirmation as he looked at the simulated body that was hovering in the space.

He started checking all the organs, muscle tissues. Even if he cannot have a physical sensation, the body he simulated is the body he observed, so it is pretty close. But none of these showed any difference than a normal human body. They act the same way, they work the same way.

The only difference is the cellular structure.

Just like his own body. Sam's body is also different on a cellular level but there is not much difference in the nature of the operation. Except for some specific functions, the eyes because of the Sky's bloodline, the nose because of Raiju's bloodline, and the stomach because of Mia's bloodline.

They have small changes in their functions, but the lungs are the only ones whose change could be seen beyond a cellular level.

But the balance of energies in Sam's body is impeccable because of his cultivation system. The five- elemental king is also using a cultivation method that could keep this delicate balance, but something external messed the flow up and he cannot go back to normal.

The taste of the blood showed that it might be some kind of Beast's genetics that were used to modify this guy's body.

And they don't seem to be of a particularly high level and even the amount of genetics that were used are also minimal.

But that one large stone that drowned after creating a splash messed the balance of his body and made the organs tilt towards these genetics which made them adopt a certain elemental affinity completely ruining the balance.

He couldn't understand the criterion on how the genetics chose the organs or how the organs chose the genetics, but they surely mutated because of this and the collapse will happen because all five genes will try to take over his body.

Five-Elemental King is currently using the formation in the valley to keep the balance between them. If the genes in the organs didn't have a constant supply of the elemental energy they needed, they will look for another source within the body and the organs will collapse.

So, he is channeling the five elemental energies through the formation while trying to suppress his cultivation all the while feeding the organs and keeping them busy.

Instead of absorbing the excess energy which might ruin the balance, he is channeling all of it outside his body back into the formation.

The process is complicated.

The immediate solution that Sam has in mind is that he could use the bloodline refinement to check the genes of the beasts and refine them within his body.

But he couldn't be sure if it could work. There are five different beast bloodlines or genes in his body and if he refined one, it would take over the rest of the genes. If he has to maintain the proper balance once again, he has to refine them all simultaneously, which is almost impossible.

If only if the genes were taken from the same animal with five elements in it, this would have been easy as there is a refinement technique for that, but that is not exactly possible now.

As he thought up to this point, he got another idea and started simulating something else again. He kept on doing various simulation tests and only came out of the divine dimension after midnight. It could be said it was an unfair competition compared to the rest of the healers, but they might not even get to know the real problem is and life is generally unfair. And this is just a fleeting thought as he looked at the rest of the healers that are prancing around thinking for ideas.

The next day all five of the candidates were taken to the valley once again, to meet the Five elemental King.

He currently had his eyes open and spoke.

"Give me your diagnoses and treatment plan. I will decide whether I would take it or not. No matter what the result is, I am grateful for your effort.

You can go first."

The Five- elemental king pointed at the candidate who got the last diagnosis yesterday.

"I think you have a multiple organ failure due to some kind of infection which caused the deficiency of the elemental energies and impaired their ability to absorb other elemental energies.

We can do a surgery to each organ in which we reboot them so that they would regain the ability to absorb other energies."

Then the King moved to the second candidate from the last.

"I think you are going through the Elemental energy deficiency. When a person has more than one element and they only absorb the same element constantly, it happens.

I can make a special potion which should be taken in multiple doses so that you can fight the deficiency."

The third candidate from the last.

"I think your spiritual core must have been damaged and recovery didn't happen properly. I can give you a pill with five elemental energies that could help you with the recovery of the spiritual energy."

Sam got ready to go with his own diagnosis, but the King moved directly to Lonava which confused everyone including the woman, but she still enthusiastically continued.

"All the diagnoses until now are trash. You are suffering from Elemental poisoning of the five elements. The balance between the energies must have been broken when you are injured and you must have made a mistake when you are cultivating that caused your organs to be poisoned by different elements.

You will be fine as long as I detox your different organs with different elemental poisonings one by one.

It would be complicated and take some time, but I can assure you that I am your best choice. With my surgical skills and healing skills, I can do it easily."

Sam was surprised by the diagnosis and for the first time, he paid real attention to the girl. The Dark Elf race with black skin and a faint golden hue around her skin and some faint golden marks on her pointy ears.

Even with the dark skin, she looked beautiful. Except for that constant arrogance and disdain on her face, she is fairly skilled."

"What about you?"

  The five elemental kings asked Sam. Before he could reply, Lonava interrupted him.

"You don't need another diagnosis. I am sure I am right. I am the disciple of Vardar. Are you sure you want an opinion of some nobody on my diagnosis?"

Sam was even more surprised. Nobody? It has been a while since someone associated that term with him.

"Everyone gets an equal chance." The king replied and looked at Sam.

Sam took a deep breath and said.

"I disagree with all four of the diagnoses. The last one made by Ms. Lonava is the only one that is anyway relatable.

But the problem is not the elemental poisoning. It is a symptom. The problem is a lot deeper than on a cellular level. I think it would be better if I explain the rest to you in private. It wouldn't be pleasant to explain this in front of everyone."

"Acting pretentious? Just agree if you are incompetent. Why try so hard?" The Lonava really had a big mouth.

The King just smiled and said.

"No problem. I am not ashamed of anything. No matter how shameful or degrading my problem is, I will be able to accept it."

Sam thought for a moment and asked.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me anything about your past? When you are in the Initiation stage? Novice? Even at Nascent stage is fine."

"I don't remember. I lost my memory. All I remember is that I was in a battle before I woke up and was severely damaged. Apart from that, there is nothing that I could remember."

"Then what I would say next might come as offensive, I am sorry in advance."

"Please continue."

"I think you are not born with five elemental energies. You were made to have them. And the current condition is a painful side-effect that was triggered because of some serious disturbance within your body.

It might have been caused by an external trauma or some internal trauma or even a mental trauma, but this ruined the artificial balance that was given to you and the instable energy flow in your body is because of that.

The elemental poison is also a result of that.

The genes of yours are not purely human. There are genes of different beasts inside you which are trying to take over different organs which is the cause of your elemental poisoning in different organs.

If you are detoxed of this elemental poisoning, you would ruin the balance you tried so hard to maintain with this formation, and the energy that hit the organ will surely make it collapse.

Even if you come out of the formation, you will die.

Even if you stay here, you will reach the next cultivation breakthrough soon enough and even then you will die.

If you want to live, you have to start my surgical treatment as soon as you can."

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