Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 939 - Diagnosing

Sam doesn't know why this Lonava was here. But he knew he had to be low-key. Still, it is pretty hard to digest the fact that he should give up his place just like that. He hasn't done that in decades.

So, he thought for a moment and asked the Supervisor.

"May I know what the judging criterion is?"

The Supervisor looked at him and said.

"There are many variables, but the time is taken for the diagnosis and the details of the diagnosis are the main factors."

Sam sighed when he heard that. Because he knew this is going to be hard if he tried to hold on to his place. If he really revealed the results right now, that lady would be humiliated beyond belief.

Because, Sam's diagnosis barely took a minute for him to complete and in that minutes, half a minute was wasted as he observed the residual effects of the poisoning.

If he brought that up and things blew up this prideful girl might weep ad he would be poking a hornet nest.

If it was any other day, he would have just did what he wanted to. But his forces are spread thinly and his organization is being run on a tight schedule. If something happens, things wouldn't go well and he has a lot to lose. Things were a lot simpler when he doesn't have anything significant to lose.

"I give up my spot to her. Just let the test go."

Sam said with another sigh. He is not worried that someone would treat the Five-Elemental King before him.

All the candidates will get an hour to directly examine the body and note down any valuable information and they will try to use that information to diagnose for over a day. If they can come up with a treatment plan which the Five-elemental King thinks would work, they would have a shot to really treat him and at that time the order is decided by himself.

So, there is no need for Sam to worry about. He just walked around and observed the surroundings and the man from afar with the energy vision.

Meanwhile, Lonava who took Sam's spot and saw him sigh was pretty prideful and walked towards the Five elemental King with her nose high in the air.

But what bothered Sam the most is the look she gave me. It is almost saying 'It's good that you know your place.' He almost wanted to take his word back and put that girl in her place. But he knew his pettiness is not something he could use here.

The girl went on with all kinds of tests she could think of and used her one hour pretty efficiently and she is also not an ordinary healer.

She is a wood and fire dual elemental user. Which is quite a rare combination. She used the wood elemental healing and fire element for making pills and potions. He must say she is skilled But not to the point it is impossible to catch up.

She has an above-average talent in all three fields and the only specialty about her is the ability to link the three fields she specialized in.

After making this observation he lost interest in her and as soon as she finished. Sam went towards the Five elemental King to take his turn. He placed his hand on that guy's back and spread his spiritual energy and closed his eyes as he used the observation ability.

First he focused on the hole body to get a view at cellular level. He wanted to observe the nature of every cell in his body and the first thing he observed when he did that, all the cells contained five elemental energies.

This should have been a normal scenario given that he is a five elemental user, but the five elements are not exactly in a balance. They are extremely disproportionate. The disproportion is minute given the amount of energy a cell can accumulate.

But when it was factored to the whole body which is basically a lump of cells, the disproportion is too large.

Another observation he made as he looked at the body of the whole is the energies from each cell are moving towards the center of the body and following the spine, it is moving out. Sam couldn't get a proper detail from it as the five energies are merged disproportionately. He needed a much more detailed observation.

After confirming that he started checking each part of the body from the heart, lungs, blood, and skin and so on, separately to get the specific details of each body part.

He checked each and every bone separately, the bone marrow was also tested. He even checked the eyes both from inside and from outside giving them a normal examination.

When he was done he stood beside the man in a confused state. He has a lot of time left. Barely twenty minutes passed in his allotted time.

He can brainstorm while checking the body more and more.

At first glance, it looked like five elemental poisonings. But Sam ruled it out pretty quickly. Even if the elemental poisoning is present it is a little more than a side effect. It is definitely not the main cause of the illness.

But a lot of other symptoms are aligned with the five elemental poisonings. The large presence of different energies in different organs.

For example, the liver is full of fire elemental energy. The heart is mixed with earth and metal elemental energy, the spleen and kidney are full of water elemental energy.

This is a classic sign of elemental poisoning. If Sam hadn't taken a look at the cells of the body, he would have also come to the same conclusion.

But that is not the case now. He understood why Elemental poisoning occurred as a symptom.

It is all caused by the disproportionate balance between the elements in the cells. The cells that made the liver all had more fire elemental energy than the rest of the energies which caused the liver to go through fire elemental poisoning.

Same with the lungs, heart, some bones, and all the other body parts. The only part that has five elements distributed evenly is the blood inside the body. But that is not helping, because each body part which is run by the blood is taking whatever energy it needed without any balance. The liver is taking more fire elemental energy, the heart is taking more earth and metal elemental energy, the spleen is taking more water elemental energy.

But this should be impossible. This type of disturbed balance at the cellular level should make the body collapse a long time. But it didn't. It stayed in its place.

And the reason for that is the formation. The five-elemental formation is not there to just provide energy. It is there to circulate energy. As the five elemental energies entered the body and the blood, they are being distributed to different body parts and the Five- elemental king is trying his best to consume the energy to live and move the rest of the energy to his center and back into the formation so that his body wouldn't collapse.

From the state of it, he would barely survive three to four hours in this state if the formation was turned off.

But there is one thing Sam couldn't understand, the origin of the problem. Unless he learned the origin of the problem he couldn't treat it.

Because since the defect is on a cellular level not on the level of a tissue or an organ as a whole, even if he treated him for the elemental poisoning and took the excess energy off of his body, the organs will only work normally temporarily, but once the effect wore off, the cells will revert back to the disproportionate nature which will make it absorb a lot more energy than normal to get back to the original state before the treatment.

This might make the organ collapse in failure.

The Five- elemental king must have tried a lot to maintain this balance. If he loses it by any chance, it would be hard to gain the new balance without hurting himself too much.

To cure this problem, he has to find the problem regarding the change in the cells and how to turn it back.

"I need to take some samples of your blood and skin, if possible the bone."

Sam asked and the Five elemental King nodded in consent. Sam took out a knife and cut some skin and drew some blood into a small blood collector and collected a small bone fragment from his toe.

He then took some potions and gave them to him before saying.

"You shouldn't be healed normally for these injuries. These are some potions with low efficacy and are made of the wood element. If you take them with a good enough gap between each dose, you would be able to maintain the balance while healing.

But I suggest you wait for the rest of the diagnosis to finish."

When Sam was about to leave, the Five elemental King opened his eyes for the first time since they came to the valley. He looked at Sam with a look of intrigue in his eyes.

"Thank You."

He said those two words and closed his eyes back again.

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