Power and Wealth

Chapter 1646

Chapter 1646

It's ten o'clock.

In the office.

Dong Xuebing indulged his eyes.

"Just came over in the morning," Luo Haiting said.

"Just arrived and in such a hurry?" Dong Xuebing glanced at her.

"Yeah, the city urgently needed someone to handle things," Luo Haiting sighed.

"What's the matter? You tell me first, and I'll see if I can help," Dong Xuebing asked.

Luo Haiting sat back, her chest trembling slightly, but she didn't notice her exposure. She peeled an orange slice, gave half to Dong Xuebing, and then took one for herself before speaking, "Actually, it's not very serious, but it's not easy to handle. Some petitioners from Fenzhou City came to Beijing a few days ago. The people at the liaison office failed to intercept them, and it was just a coincidence that they found a cadre from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and caused a scene for several days. Finally, that cadre probably couldn't take it anymore and handed their petition to the Complaints Office. We only found out about it yesterday."

"What are they petitioning about?" Dong Xuebing asked.

Ads by PubFuture "They're accusing our City Commission for Discipline Inspection. We investigated a corrupt official and gathered evidence, but those petitioners started causing trouble. It was supposed to be confidential, but the news got out somehow. We hadn't collected enough evidence because of their disturbance, and the official under investigation fled. We missed the opportunity, and now the petitioners are accusing us of negligence, claiming that we deliberately let the official go. Where can we go to reason with them? We would have controlled the situation if they hadn't caused trouble, and the other party wouldn't have received advance notice. But now they're blaming us."

"Has the petition been accepted?" Dong Xuebing asked.

Luo Haiting shook her head, "Not yet, but we've received information. Maybe the Complaints Office will submit it along with this month's complaints in the next few days. Generally, it should be fine after the leaders review it, but I'm worried something might go wrong. If the leader in charge of our province at the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection sees it and casually calls the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, our City Commission for Discipline Inspection will be in trouble. It'll be too late to do anything then. So, they sent me over to handle it. I don't know how to approach it yet. I don't know anyone here, so why would they withdraw the report and not report it? Why should they give me face? It's really difficult. I have no other options, so she thought of asking you to see if you can come up with a solution."

"Regarding this matter..." Dong Xuebing nodded but didn't make any promises. He stood up and said, "You seem quite anxious. How about this? I'll take you over and ask."

Luo Haiting smiled, "You're always so good to me."

Dong Xuebing coughed, "Let's go and see where the petition is."

The two of them left the office, and Dong Xuebing also greeted He Zhou and Han Fei before saying he was going out to handle some matters. Then, he went downstairs with Sister Luo.

In the front yard.

The Complaints Office was also a large department with many offices underneath and had a separate office building. It wasn't close to the Second Section's office building but near the second cafeteria.

It took five minutes to get there.

On the way, Luo Haiting looked around strangely, "Xuebing, why do I feel like everyone is watching us? Did I come at the wrong time?"

Dong Xuebing knew she had overthought it. "Hehe, I guess they're all looking at me."

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Luo Haiting blinked, understanding. Dong Xuebing was Dong Xuebing. Wherever he went, he always seemed to bring trouble. Sister Luo had worked with Dong Xuebing for a long time and naturally understood his character well.


Dong Xuebing had just arrived and had little interaction with this side. The first person was to find someone he knew, and that would be Lan Xuewen, the Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Information Department of the Complaints Office.

They arrived at Old Lan's department.

As soon as they entered, many people's eyes turned to Dong Xuebing. Some looked at him strangely, and others whispered to each other. Some people in the Complaints Office also knew about the conflict between the two departments yesterday.

Dong Xuebing didn't mind. "Is Director Lan here?"

An office door opened. "Oh, Director Dong."

Dong Xuebing smiled slightly. "I have a bit of a matter."

Lan Xuewen walked out with some documents. "I'm about to go out. Let's talk as we walk."

In the hallway, Dong Xuebing gestured to Luo Haiting beside him. "This is a colleague from the Fenzhou City Commission for Discipline Inspection, an old friend. Since we couldn't find the Complaints Office, I brought her over. There was an incident with petitioners recently. Who do you think we should talk to?"

Lan Xuewen pondered for a moment. "Ah, that matter. I heard about it recently. The petition was handed over to our department. It was supposed to be reported with other files from the past two days. After all, Director Zhang from the rectification side transferred it. If you want to withdraw it, I can't make the decision alone. We might need to consult with the higher-ups."

At this moment, someone approached them in the hallway.

Lan Xuewen immediately said, "Director Sun."

Director Sun, head of the Complaints Office, looked at them, and his gaze finally fell on Dong Xuebing's face. He nodded slightly at them and continued up the stairs.

However, Lan Xuewen stopped him. "Director Sun, this is a colleague from the Fenzhou City Commission for Discipline Inspection, here regarding the petition."

Director Sun acknowledged with a grunt but didn't answer. Instead, he looked at Dong Xuebing. "Is this Section 8’s case?" It was clear he knew Dong Xuebing. Otherwise, he wouldn't have known he was from Section 8.

Dong Xuebing smiled. "Not really. Director Luo is an old colleague of mine. Since she couldn't find her way to the Complaints Office, and the yard was too big, I brought her over. Hehe, I'm just responsible for showing her the way. I won't interfere with the specifics. Director Sun, it's up to you to give them directions." Although he said he wouldn't interfere, he mentioned that Luo Haiting was his old colleague, which was already interfering.

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Luo Haiting quickly added, "Director Sun, the issue with the petition is completely unfounded. Most of it is based on one-sided claims, so the leadership asked me to come over and explain."

After listening, Director Sun grunted again. "I glanced at the report when it was sent over. Don't worry about it. You can go back." Then, he looked at Lan Xuewen. "Withdraw it; there is no need to report it. That's it." With that, he turned and went upstairs without saying anything more.

Upon hearing this, Luo Haiting hurriedly said, "Thank you, Director Sun."

Once everyone left, she quickly said to Lan Xuewen, "Director Lan, thank you very much for this."

Lan Xuewen smiled, "Forget it; Director Sun obviously gave face to Director Dong. I don't have that much influence." That was the truth. Lan Xuewen was quite self-aware.

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