Power and Wealth

Chapter 1645

Chapter 1645


Office compound.

Dong Xuebing drove his Land Rover in, turned a corner, stopped under the office building, stepped on the brake, and then exited the car after unfastening the seatbelt.

"Oh, Director Dong."

"Yeah, Xiaohan."

"Why did you change your car?"

"The Xiali couldn't be driven anymore, so I got a new one."

"Is this your car?"

"Yes, I bought it more than a year ago."

Ads by PubFuture "It's a good car, so beautiful. Wow, the license plate number 6666 is so cool."

When he arrived downstairs, Dong Xuebing met Han Fei, who came to work today riding a bicycle instead of driving. They chatted for a while at the door. Han Fei was amazed by the Land Rover, which was worth several million, and the license plate with "6666" at the beginning, which caught everyone's attention. Many people were surprised, apparently not expecting a cadre who drove a broken Xiali yesterday to change to a Land Rover today.

So you have money, huh? Previously, driving a Xiali meant pretending to be low-key.

Everyone looked at Dong Xuebing with even more strange eyes.

Dong Xuebing chatted with Han Fei as he went upstairs. Director Yin hadn't arrived yet, but the other cadres of the Second Office were already seated in the office area.

"Director Dong."

"Good morning, Director."

Hezhou and Sun Zhaobang greeted him with smiles.

Dong Xuebing nodded and smiled, "Good morning."

Zhang Dongliang raised the bag of steamed buns in his hand, "Have you had breakfast? I bought a few extra. Can't finish them all. There are still plenty of buns left. Have some."

Dong Xuebing didn't hesitate, "I haven't eaten yet. Okay, three."

"Don't be modest, take five." Zhang Dongliang handed him a bag.

"Alright, thanks." Dong Xuebing took it and went to his own office to have breakfast.

After yesterday's events and the dinner, Dong Xuebing's relationship with the others in the Second Office quickly became harmonious. It was considered that he had completely integrated into this collective. Everyone's impression of this new Director Dong had changed, and no one complained privately about him not fitting in as they did initially.

As soon as Director Dong left, Han Fei started chattering, whispering to everyone, "Hey, did you know Director Dong came in a Land Rover."

Hezhou was stunned. "What Land Rover?"

Han Fei said, "A Range Rover. Top of the line."

Zhang Dongliang was shocked, "Ah, a top-of-the-line Range Rover costs several million, right?"

"Is it appropriate to drive such an expensive car?" Sun Zhaobang clicked his tongue.

Han Fei giggled, "He already has villas worth tens of millions and a courtyard worth hundreds of millions. Is it inappropriate to drive a car worth several million?"

Hezhou smiled bitterly, "That's being rich."

Han Fei chuckled, "You didn't see the expressions of people from other departments. They thought Director Dong was poor, driving to work in a broken Xiali. Now they're all dumbfounded. And the license plate starts with '6666.' Haha, this is what low-key is. They don't understand."

Hezhou was surprised, "That license plate."

Sun Zhaobang added, "That plate isn't something ordinary people can get."

Han Fei had forgotten that she used to have the biggest objections to Director Dong, but now she was helping to praise him, "That's called hiding your wealth."

Inside the room.

Dong Xuebing finished breakfast and began to sort through several documents, leisurely correcting them. Of course, he had music playing on his computer as well. Life after dealing with the issue was relatively comfortable. The usually tedious reports and documents were now interesting to Dong Xuebing. He swiftly reviewed the content, signing where needed and marking others for review. He gradually cleared the accumulated work from his recent business trip. He rarely had the opportunity to do something substantial since he had been at the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for so many days.

More than half an hour passed.

A stack of corrected documents lay on the desk, and Dong Xuebing was about to call someone in when his phone rang.

Without looking, Dong Xuebing answered, "Hello, who's this?"

The voice on the other end belonged to a middle-aged woman. "Xuebing, it's me, Luo Haiting."

Surprised, Dong Xuebing smiled, "Oh, it's Sister Luo. I didn't check the number before answering. It's been a while. How have you been?"

There was a smile in Luo Haiting's voice as she replied, "I've been fine."

Dong Xuebing asked, "How's your husband and child?"

"They're fine too, no problems. How about you?" Luo Haiting asked politely.

"I'm doing okay too." Dong Xuebing paused. "What's the matter? Why are you calling me?"

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Sister Luo was one of Dong Xuebing's older subordinates. When he was in Yantai County, Luo Haiting worked with him and was the first to support him. Later, when Dong Xuebing went to the City Commission for Discipline Inspection and needed help, he brought Luo Haiting along. Even when Dong Xuebing was about to leave, he suggested that Sister Luo take over his position, and she became the director of the Supervision Office of the City Commission for Discipline Inspection. She was already a deputy division Chief-level cadre.

In recent years, Luo Haiting had risen rapidly, and at her age, such quick promotion was considered a late bloomer. In the system, quite a few people like her were still stuck at the department Chief level in their thirties and forties but then suddenly rose to the Sub-Provincial level after turning forty.

However, Dong Xuebing couldn't comment on Luo Haiting's ability because he felt that Sister Luo lacked outstanding skills. She was just an average woman but looked good, especially for someone in her forties. She was good at dressing up, loved to dress up, cooked very well, and could handle things. Faced with such a pleasant Sister Luo, Dong Xuebing naturally took good care of her. It could be said that he had always been biased towards beautiful women, which was inevitable. After all, everyone has their desires and emotions.

Dong Xuebing heard Sister Luo ask, "How's your work?"

"Yeah." Dong Xuebing was puzzled. "Just started working. What's up?"

Sister Luo said, "I'm also in the yard of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Dong Xuebing exclaimed, "You're downstairs in the yard. How did you come to Beijing?" He couldn't help but get up and walk to the window, looking down, but he didn't see Sister Luo's figure. She might be in another direction or somewhere near the front yard.

Sister Luo explained, "I'm here in Beijing this time for a meeting and to deal with some trouble."

Dong Xuebing chuckled, "I see. I am dealing with trouble and then having a meeting."

Sister Luo felt a bit embarrassed. "You could say that. It's also a task assigned to me by the city leaders. Xuebing, I'm unfamiliar with anyone here and don't know who's who. I'm getting dizzy from walking around this yard. Can you help me out? I only know you here."

Dong Xuebing asked, "What kind of trouble is it?"

"I can't talk about it here. Can I go and see you?" Sister Luo suggested.

Dong Xuebing hesitantly said, "Sure, I'm in the Eighth Supervision Office, Section Two. Just come over directly. I'll inform the people outside later."

"Alright, I'll be there soon," replied Luo Haiting.

After hanging up, Dong Xuebing picked up the landline phone on his desk and called the office area outside, "Hello, Xiaozhang, come to my office for a moment."

A few seconds later.

Knock knock, a knocking sound came from the door.

"Come in," Dong Xuebing said, looking up.

Zhang Dongliang entered the room, "Director Dong, did you call for me?"

Dong Xuebing pushed the documents he had just processed forward, "They're all done. Take them away. I'll handle the rest this afternoon." After Zhang Dongliang acknowledged and took the documents, Dong Xuebing added, "Oh, by the way, a friend of mine will come later. If she arrives, just let her in."

"Okay, Director Dong," nodded Zhang Dongliang as he left.

After a while.

Voices could be heard from outside.

"Is this the Eighth Room, Second Section?"

"Yes, it is. Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Director Dong."

"Ah, please come in. Director Dong's office is in this room."

"Thank you, comrade."

"You're welcome. Director Dong said you can go in directly."

The door opened, and a brightly dressed figure entered Dong Xuebing's office. After closing the door, the beautiful woman smiled at Dong Xuebing behind the desk.

Dong Xuebing also looked at her, smiling as he greeted her, "Sister Luo."

Luo Haiting smiled, "I'm causing trouble for you again, Brother Dong."

"Come on, take a seat." Dong Xuebing handed her a disposable cup and poured some water into it. "It's been a while. You still look beautiful."

Luo Haiting took the cup, her face full of smiles, "Where did you see that? Thank you."

It had been several years, but Luo Haiting hadn't changed much, just like when Dong Xuebing first saw her. Her personality was the same, too. Look at her, wearing a long dress in bright red and purple with big flowers, a purple butterfly hairpin on top of her head, and pointed black patent leather high-heeled shoes on her feet wrapped in black stockings. She radiated a kind of brilliance inside and out. Sister Luo was already a cadre in the Discipline Inspection Commission, but she still loved to dress up. Dong Xuebing couldn't help but feel amused and helpless, but she still looked pleasing to the eye and attractive.

Besides her appearance, everything else remained the same.

Her face was familiar and beautiful, and her figure was slightly fuller.

Dong Xuebing couldn't help but take a few more glances, but of course, he did it sneakily. There had been some slight ambiguity between him and Sister Luo, but it had never been explicitly addressed.

The two sat face to face.

"Why did you come here?" Dong Xuebing asked, taking some fruits and melon seeds from the side. "Have some fruits first."

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Luo Haiting glanced at him, then leaned over to pick them up, "You don't have to. I'll help myself." She bent over, her neckline dropping.

The sunlight hit Dong Xuebing's back directly, and the light shone directly into Luo Sister's neckline. This view was as clear as it could be.

The flesh-colored bra.

The deep cleavage.

A glance made Dong Xuebing feel a bit dizzy, and the mature woman's fragrance seemed to emanate from her neckline and bra, hitting Dong Xuebing's face, along with a slightly warm sensation, making Dong Xuebing take a deep breath, feeling itchy in his heart.

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