Power and Wealth

Chapter 1647

Chapter 1647


Before 11 am.

Dong Xuebing and Luo Haiting left the Petition Office's office building. Lan Xuewen came out to handle some business and followed them outside.

"Director Dong, I'm leaving."

"Alright, we're heading back too."

"Okay, if you need anything, just call me."

"Haha, I'll probably trouble you a lot; you must be busy, too."

Lan Xuewen walked to another office building while Dong Xuebing and Luo Haiting headed back.

Luo Haiting, wearing a fiery red dress, was quite eye-catching in the courtyard. After all, this was the Disciplinary Committee, where many people dressed formally, even wearing suits. Even female disciplinary comrades tended to dress more formally, with even casual wear or dresses leaning towards very dark colors. Luo, however, stood out with her brightly colored clothes and hairpins. Plus, being a very beautiful woman walking with Dong Xuebing, who had recently caused some trouble, many people couldn't help but glance at her more than once.

Ads by PubFuture After a turn, the two walked inside.

Luo Haiting smiled and said, "You are influential. I didn't know how to handle it; it was quite troublesome, but you solved it for me with just a word. Thank you, Xuebing. Oh, these past few years, you've always helped me, making me feel embarrassed."

Luo Haiting hadn't expected this matter to be resolved so easily. Dong Xuebing hadn't even said much, just stood with her, and the deputy director, Sun from the Petition Office, had given Dong Xuebing face. Previously, Luo Haiting thought Xuebing had just taken office and might not have such broad connections, but it turned out to be the opposite. By resolving this matter, a weight was lifted off her's shoulders.

Dong Xuebing hadn't expected it to be so easy either. He had a good impression of Sun, the deputy director of the Petition Office, who reciprocated respect when respected.

Respect is mutual.

Dong Xuebing smiled, "Do we still need to be polite? We've been old colleagues for so many years."

Luo Haiting sighed and said, "You always help me, big sister hasn't helped you much."

"Stop being polite to me," Dong Xuebing said, "You helped me during our time in the Investment Promotion Agency and the City Disciplinary Committee."

"That's all trivial matters," Luo Haiting said.

Dong Xuebing chuckled, "I don't think they're trivial matters."

"Alright, big sister won't thank you then. I'll treat you to lunch at noon." Luo Haiting looked at him, "I'm just not sure if you're busy or not if you have time."

Dong Xuebing glanced at her, "If Sister Luo invites me, even if I'm busy, I'll make time."

Luo Haiting smiled knowingly and adjusted her long hair. "Then it's settled. Hmm, there's still some time before noon. Why don't you continue working? I'll go out and wander around, and when it's time for your lunch break at twelve, will big sister come over?"

Dong Xuebing waved his hand. "You came from far away. How can I let you wander outside waiting for me? It's still early. Just come to my office and sit down."

Luo Haiting smiled, "I'm not worried about you being busy; I have nothing to do anyway; the meeting is only in the next two days."

"I'm not busy over there." Dong Xuebing gestured for her to continue walking, "I sit from morning till night every day now. I'm worried about not having enough work to do. It's different from when we were at the Municipal Disciplinary Committee. There's not much going on here. Most of it is guidance and inspection work for the lower levels. I've been here for a month and haven't encountered any cases yet. It's all miscellaneous small matters, making me feel like I'm not using my energy."

" If you have a case that involves officials at the ministerial level, it would attract a lot of attention. I guess there wouldn't be these kinds of things happening often. Oh, I envy you. Over on my side, there's a pile of work every day. Sometimes, we have to investigate cases, handle reports, and provide guidance work. It's really busy." Dong Xuebing asked, "How are our old friends doing?"

Luo Haiting replied, "Mayor Xie... Secretary Xie, when you left, we felt quite pressured here, but Mayor Zhong has been taking care of us."


Second Office.


The two came in and closed the door.

Dong Xuebing sat down behind his desk and heard Sister Luo's phone ringing.

Luo Haiting looked at the number when she sat down and said to Dong Xuebing, "It's Mayor Zhong."

This matter was of concern to the Discipline Inspection Commission of Fenzhou City and the city. After all, it was escalated to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and nobody's face looked good.

"Hello, Mayor Zhong."

"Old Luo, what's the situation?"

"Everything's been resolved."

"Oh? So quickly?"

"Yes, the Petition Office has already withdrawn the petition letter."

"Well done. Haha, did you see Director Dong?"

"I did. Director Dong brought me over."

"Good, give him my regards. If he has time, I'll invite him to dinner in Beijing."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Haiting relayed Mayor Zhong's words to Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing nodded, "But if anyone's inviting Mayor Zhong, it should be me. Haha. Oh, by the way, Sister Luo, did you come alone this time?"

Luo Haiting nodded, "Just big sister alone."

Dong Xuebing asked, "When are you going back?"

"I have a meeting the day after tomorrow. Maybe Monday or Tuesday next week," Luo Haiting replied.

"Well, that's still early. Tomorrow's also the weekend, and I'll be at home anyway. Let's contact each other when it's time," Dong Xuebing said.

Luo Haiting said, "Okay, I will follow your arrangement, haha."

Dong Xuebing then checked what to eat for lunch, "Where do you want to eat?"

Luo Haiting touched her bright red dress and said, "Anywhere is fine, I will listen to you."

"Don't just agree. I'm not sure what to eat either. I haven't eaten much at nearby restaurants. There are some good ones farther away, but I'm afraid we won't be able to come back in the afternoon," Dong Xuebing continued to browse the web.

"Then let me take a look?"

"Sure, take a look."

Luo Haiting came up and stood behind Dong Xuebing.

"There are probably seven or eight restaurants," Dong Xuebing pointed to them, "Which one do you think is good?"

Then, in the next moment, Dong Xuebing felt a warm and soft pressure on the back of his head, and his mouth twitched.

So soft!

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Pressing against him softly!

Luo Haiting leaned over, bending at the waist, her chest pressing against Dong Xuebing's head, even wrapping around his neck as she leaned lower. "This place seems nice. Roasted lamb leg? I've had it once before; it was really delicious, and I've been thinking about it."

Dong Xuebing felt embarrassed, "Ahem, then roasted lamb leg it is?"

"Okay." Luo Haiting smiled, taking her gaze off the computer screen and sitting back on the chair very naturally.

Dong Xuebing smiled wryly in his heart. Sister Luo always pulled this trick, sweat, but Dong Xuebing fell for it every time.

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