Manaless Mage

Chapter 96 Formless Blue “Creature”

It was also why he hadn’t told his parents about Harry’s affinity.

He and Harry’s relationship hadn’t always been like this.

When they were still young, before the affinity test, they were actually the closest of brothers.

But Even then, Trent wasn’t completely happy and satisfied. 𝘯𝑜𝑣𝘦𝘭.𝘦𝑡

Harry used to be the closest and the most cherished one to their parents, whatever he needed, their parents got it for him almost immediately.

Though he wasn’t neglected or maltreated, he still didn’t feel as close to them.

However, all that changed after his affinity test. Everything changed when he was revealed to have a dual affinity—high grade water affinity and medium grade wind affinity.

Due to his huge potential and amazing talent, he became his parents closest son.

They would always play and talk to him and they got him whatever he wanted.

However, things were different for Harry. When Harry’s inability to draw mana came into light, he was more or less casted to the side.

At first, Trent found his parents actions weird.

A part of him had felt sad that his brother was ‘casted’ out, at the same time, a part of him was glad about the attention and ‘love’ he was receiving from his parents.

With time however, his thought process changed.

He finally ‘understood’. He was the special one! The only with astonishing talent.

He had seen how those without talents were ignored and treated as lesser people, and fortunately he was one of the very talented ones.

With time, his view on Harry changed and he started viewing himself as superior.

And that was how their relationship changed.

However, now that Harry had already awakened his affinity and it seemed to be a high grade one, he didn’t feel so “superior” again.

Coupled with the fact that Harry managed to stop his spell midway using just his raw strength, Trent knew Harry was quite strong… at least stronger than him when it came to physical prowess.

While he took solace in the fact that he was still the overall most powerful one, Harry’s sudden transformation still irked him.

Even he had spent months trying to break through to the first stage, yet, Harry did it within… weeks.

It made him feel like he was the one beneath, something that definitely left a bad taste.

He knew if his parents discovered Harry was now an Elementalist; and not just any one, but one that advanced with such astonishing speed, they might change and even choose Harry over him.

He rapidly shook his head in a bid to get rid of those pointless thoughts.

‘There’s no point in thinking about anything, I’m still stronger than him. He’s still… trash.’ He mumbled inwardly with a slight frown.

Though he used that to console himself and make himself feel better, even he doubted Harry’s “trash status” with what he had witnessed.

He walked away from the mirror with an annoyed expression on his face and took out a small glowing bright red stone from his picked.

The ‘stone’ was a stage two beast core, and it was one that was provided to him by the academy to assist with his breakthrough.

He walked towards the mat laying at the middle of the room and then sat back down on it in a cross-legged position with the beast core in his right hand.

He heaved slightly and then started focusing on absorbing the mana in the beast core.

Just as he slowly circulated his mana into the small ‘stone’, his brows suddenly twitched.

He felt something off in the surroundings with his mana sense.

Though he was only training, he had still spread his mana around him to keep watch of his surroundings.

Since he was training and his body would be vulnerable to attacks, he had to keep his guard up.

It was something the instructors of the academy had always hammered into Elementalists at all times—always keep your mana sense active, though it was easier said than done.

A slight down appeared on his handsome face as he slowly stood up while focusing on his mana sense.

He could feel that mana in the air had suddenly become unstable, and he could also sense another presence in the room.

The presence was very faint, in fact, he would have never sensed it if not for the unstable mana fluctuations that made him expand his mana sense.

He rapidly channeled his mana, preparing to launch a spell in case some one attacked him.

While he might appear calm, his mind and thoughts were anything but calm!

His breaths were bated and his heart was beating very fast.

Whatever presence he was sensing had surely broken through the academy defenses and crept its way to his room.

On its way, it had definitely came across the instructors who had powerful mana senses and yet, it had able to escape them.

He wasn’t sure if something… or someone was really in his room, but he knew his mana sense couldn’t be wrong.

If the sudden fluctuating mana didn’t give it way that something was wrong, then whatever he was sensing did.

However, Trent knew he couldn’t lose his focus.

If he let his mind get clouded by fear, then he would definitely be unable to cast a spell as his mana channeling would be unstable.

He slowly traced whatever presence he sensed in the room.

He noticed that with every step he took, the mana fluctuations around him slowly for more unstable.

He kept following it until he got to a small red chair at the corner of the room.

He suddenly slowed his steps and a confused expression appeared on his face.

‘Something’s off…’ Trent mumbled inwardly. The fluctuations had just… stopped and he couldn’t sense anything again.

It was as if things suddenly returned back to… normal?

Trent face squeezed into a deeper frown.

Though he didn’t sense anything off anymore, he still didn’t stop channeling his mana; just in case he had to cast a spell.

Just as he turned his head backwards, a shapeless, light blue “creature” suddenly jumped out from the top of the chair.

It was formless and its appearance was quite transparent and ethereal, making it seem like it was there and at the same time, it wasn’t.

“What… the… hell?” Trent muttered in shock.

His eyes widened the moment his gaze came in contact with the weird blue… “creature”.

He subconsciously took a few steps backwards.

In his shock, he even forgot to launch the spell he had already prepared beforehand.

The formless blue creature didn’t give him anytime to regain his composure.

Its body wriggled slightly on the ground before suddenly lunging forwards at a speed so fast that Trent couldn’t follow.

It leapt above Trent’s whole body, its light blue transparent body gleaming strangely before landing on his forehead.

Trent’s face paled in fear and he instinctively moved his hand to his head in a bid to grab the formless light blue creature that landed on it.

However, he couldn’t get a hold on it. It was as if there was nothing on his head and his hands were simply holding his forehead pointlessly.

“Get off—” His words were cut off from his mouth as he felt a sudden cold and cooling sensation on his forehead.

The “creature” slowly sunk its formless figure into his head, its shapeless and formless figure simply going into Trent’s body.

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