Manaless Mage

Chapter 95 Feeling Threatened

‘I’m getting closer to balancing my mana and elemental mana between my mana core and affinity orbs.’ He thought with a slight smile on his handsome face.

Though Trent had already broken through to the third mana core stage, he still hadn’t ‘balanced’ the elemental mana in his two affinity orbs with his mana core.

‘Balancing’ simply meant bringing the amount of elemental mana in the affinity orbs to that of the mana in the mana core—that is, making them roughly the same amount.

Since Elementalists mainly used elemental mana for their spells, they drew it from their affinity orbs instead of mana core.

Whenever an Elementalist broke through, the amount of mana in the mana core would naturally increase.

However, the amount of elemental mana in their affinity orbs would remain the same.

They would have to convert the mana in their mana core to elemental mana by moving some of it to their affinity orbs.

This process was actually more difficult and strenuous for Elementalists with more than one affinity.

Unlike those with one affinity who only had to focus on one affinity orb—and one type of elemental mana, they had to focus on two, or for some, even three.

Trent remained seated on the bright yellow mat.

He was already exhausted as he had been doing this for a few hours.

Since he had to divide his mana and simultaneously move them to his two affinity orbs, the mana in his mana core has drained considerably.

And still, the level of progress he had made was quite low compared to what it would have been if he had only one affinity orb.

The difference was like filling one cup with one bottle and filling two cups with one bottle, of course; the water in the latter would naturally drain faster.

‘I still need to draw mana…’ Trent said inwardly.

Though he was exhausted and felt some strain in his mind, he still didn’t plan on stopping now.

He still had to recover the lost mana and repeat the process from the beginning…

He slowly got up and walked to the edge of the room; his steps sluggish.

He opened the small refrigerator that lay there and picked a small bottle filled with cold water before gulping it down hurriedly.

A mild soothing sensation ran through his body, calming his nerves and dry throat.

He exhaled softly and then dropped the bottle before closing the refrigerator. ‘I needed that…’

Since he had been training for the last few hours, he hadn’t drunk any water so he was very thirsty.

As he walked back to the mat, he passed by a long mirror and then paused his steps.

The mirror reflected his features; curly light brown hair, brown eyes and a young handsome face.

His mother had brown eyes and his father had black eyes.

Unlike, Harry who took his black eyes from his father, he took his own brown eyes from his mother.

Trent’s eyes lingered on the image in the mirror for a few seconds before clenching his fists.

His anger boiled and he subconsciously released his mana pressure.

Fortunately, no students were around him so no one was affected by the powerful pressure that oozed out of his body.

Though he was staring at his mirror, his eyes were only focused on one thing—his hair.

The brown colour reminded him of Harry even if he didn’t want to.

While they didn’t exactly have the same hair colour—his was a lighter shade of brown, for some reason, the brown colour still reminded him of Harry.

The shame and embarrassment he felt the last time they met was still fresh in his mind; there was no way he would forget it.

He later found the spell book he was looking for.

Turned out that he truly left it in the library and it was kept by the librarian.

Fortunately for him, his personal instructor didn’t seem too mad about it. However, he wasn’t sure if he would be able to get such a powerful spell from him again. 𝘰𝑣𝘭.𝗇𝓔t

If only he had approached the librarian about it…

Although he was annoyed about what happened with the spell scroll, he felt angrier about the little scuffle that happened between him and Harry.

Not just because of the scuffle, but because of the way Harry stopped his attack with just one fist.

He hadn’t meant to use a tier two spell but he was just so angry that he lost control and casted the spell.

And yet, Harry only stopped it with one hand. While it wasn’t his strongest tier-two spell, it still hurt his pride.

He wasn’t dumb enough to believe it was just luck.

For some reason, Harry had gotten stronger… he felt it then. There was just something different about him.

This fact only served to make his blood boil more.

He had trained and trained to get to his current strength, but that ‘incident’ made all those efforts look worthless.

Apart from that, Harry was now an Elementalist! And a lightning Elementalist at that!

He was sure that Harry’s affinity grade was higher than medium… or else he wouldn’t progress that fast.

He heard some rumours about Harry being a dual or even tri-Elementalist but there was no way he would believe that.

All through their lives, he had always been the special one and Harry awakening his affinity made him feel more annoyed than he’d like to admit.

Although he wouldn’t admit it, a part of him felt… threatened.

Not because he felt that Harry would come after him and try to take revenge or anything.

Even if Harry got stronger all of a sudden, there was still no way he would win a fight against him.

He still had his tier-three spells and those alone were enough to guarantee his victory.

It was only because he felt that his parents’ love would shift to Harry now that he had an affinity.

It was also why he hadn’t told his parents about Harry’s affinity.


I edited the last chapter and changed a few things there, please re-read to understand better.

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