Manaless Mage

Chapter 97 Cold…

The “creature” slowly sunk its formless figure into his head, its shapeless and formless figure simply going into Trent’s body.

Trent’s body immediately froze with his hand still clutching his forehead and a fearful expression still etched on his face.

He couldn’t even blink nor think, he simply remained in one position, like a statue.

His head felt very cold, as if ice had been placed on it and shivers ran through the rest of his body.

This weird sensation only lasted for a few seconds before he lost all control of his body and collapsed to the ground.

The fall would have been a lot more dangerous if he had hit his head on the ground, but luckily for him, his head didn’t hit the ground.

Even though his strength was higher than that of a normal human being, something like a hit to the head would definitely hurt him a lot.

His body shook slightly for a few seconds before his eyes finally closed and he lost consciousness.

A few minutes later,

A low grunt left Trent’s lips as he slowly opened his eyes.

He was forced to squint slightly as his eyes slowly adjusted to the sudden brightness.

“What the hell…?” He mumbled while slowly getting up. His movements were unsteady and shaky at first and it took a few seconds before he was able to stand properly on his feet.

With still squinted eyes, his gaze wandered around as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

It wasn’t that he didn’t recognize where he stood—he knew that he was in his dormitory, however, his memory of the last few minutes was quite foggy.

“How did I even get here…?” He muttered, staring at the red chair in front of him.

Just then, he was attacked with an intense wave of headache.

His head hurt so bad that he felt as if his mind was splitting.

He instinctively grabbed his head as he grunted heavily due to the pain racking through his mind.

It was only after a few seconds, that the throbbing headache finally subsided. He still felt a slight pain in his head, but it wasn’t up the point that he couldn’t bare.

Though the pain from the headache was mind-wrecking, it managed to completely jolt Trent back to ‘life’.

Now that his mind and focus was back, he now noticed something he hadn’t noticed before.

A confused expression appeared on his face, he hugged himself in a bear hug and realized something—he felt cold… really cold.

Though the cold he was feeling wasn’t too harsh that he couldn’t move or resist, it was still something he found rather uncomfortable.

Since his physical strength and resistance were leagues higher than that of a normal human being, cold of this level didn’t have that much effect on him.

He subconsciously shivered due to how cold he felt.

He touched some parts of his body like his neck and his abdomen, however, they weren’t cold but rather warm.

So how come he felt cold then…? .

He didn’t think too much about it and simply took it as consequences of him lying on the cold floor.

The floor was tiled so laying down on it would naturally make him feel a little cold.

The last thing he remembered was training and absorbing more mana to develop his mana core.

His memories of the last few minutes were still quite foggy but now he at least had a clear picture of what actually happened.

He trained too hard and then lost consciousness as a result of it.

This wouldn’t be the first time something like this happened so he wasn’t too surprised.

While many any thought Trent got to his current level mainly due to his huge talent and his mana affinity body, only those closer to him knew how hard he trained.

Elementalists didn’t just absorb mana, but also compressed it—it was all in the process of developing the mana core.

Compressing mana was anything but easy as it placed a lot of strain on the mind and the soul.

Coupled with the fact that advancing only got harder and harder with every stage, Elementalists at higher stages didn’t have it easier but harder.

The only difference was that they had already gotten so used to it so they had a higher resistance to the strain.

Ironically, the mana core got smaller with every stage.

The mana in the mana core of a lower stage Elementalist was also more sparse and spread out while that of a higher stage Elementalist was more dense and concentrated.

Meaning: the higher the stage, the smaller the mana core; the smaller the mana core, the more mana one had to compress.

Looking at the red sofa in front of him, his plan probably was to rest on it, however, he fainted before getting there due to dizziness and fatigue.

‘This is embarrassing…’ He mumbled inwardly with a wry smile as he turned around.

As he walked, he checked his mana core to see how much progress he had made.

He wasn’t expecting much, but what he ‘saw’ shocked him to the core.

‘The mana in my mana core is… fully refilled.’ Trent thought in surprise.

The main reason he had trained so hard was to refill his mana core so he could continue converting his mana to elemental mana, he didn’t remember fulfilling that aim so it was shocking that his mana was refilled.

‘Damn… I need a good rest.’ Trent mumbled as he rubbed his face ruffled his hair, the light brown strands passing through his fingers.

He didn’t think too much about it and simply walked to his bed, ignoring the mat and the still untidied room.

His memories were still foggy and it wasn’t like this was a bad thing.

He slumped on the large bed, his figure sinking into the soft foam and immediately drifted into the warm and comfortable hands of sleep.

What he didn’t realize was that while he slept, a light blue creature with an ethereal look moved around in his soul, before latching itself on his mana core.

It slowly sunk into it, leaving no trace of its former existence.


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