Manaless Mage

Chapter 82 No Joy

[A/N: I edited the last chapter, I didn’t change much; only a few things at the chapter’s ending. Please go back and read it if you don’t understand this chapter.]

While he pitied Nash, only a few seconds had passed and it was still too early for him to jump in.

Just then, Harry suddenly released his grip on Nash. He still wanted to try out some of his skills on an. actual person and ending it with only one skill was too early.

Due to the unexpected release, Nash lost his footing as he staggered on his feet for a few seconds before falling to his knees.

He kept grunting as he stared at his right hand.

His fists up to his elbows were now black, the Lightning had burnt them to the point that they had become charred.

That part of his uniform was now tattered and his uniform that was only ruffled slightly after his fight with Hart had now become very rough.

Even now he could still see smoke rising from his hand.

One thing he would pray for was to never experience that kind of torture again!

Unfortunately, his troubles and suffering were anything but over; just as he lifted his gaze, the first thing his eyes came into contact with was the face of the brown-haired devil that put him in this condition.

“Wa—” Harry didn’t let him finish his words as he immediately threw a punch to his face.

Harry’s fist collided squarely with his face, his nose broke due to the force behind the punch as his head flung backwards.

The punch hurt a lot more than he expected, it felt like he was hit in the face with a huge rock and he couldn’t help but wince in pain.

It was a well-known fact that Elementalists’ strong forte had never been in strength so Nash couldn’t help but wonder: ‘How strong is Harry for him to be able to inflict this much pain… all from a single punch?’

“Arrrg!” Nash grunted in pain. Blood dripped down from his broken nose, even his lips were already swollen and bled with blood.

What he didn’t know was that Harry had even held back with that last punch; if Harry had used his full strength, then the earth Elementalist would have lost consciousness.

Nash hurriedly gathered the remaining strength he had left in his drained body and got up on his feet.

To his surprise, Harry simply watched him as he stood up. He didn’t even move an inch and only stood in the same position watching him with an evil smirk on his face.

The earth Elementalist knew that his opponent wasn’t pitying him or anything. He already knew how sadistic Harry could be from his first ‘experience’ alone.

That smirk alone made shivers run down his spine, he couldn’t help but regret ever challenging Harry. If only he had known, he would have chosen another person or better still, walked away.

However, he had made the wrong choice and now he had to deal with it.

Harry didn’t know why but he was enjoying this… seeing his opponent tremble before him without being able to do anything filled with a lot more joy than he’d like to admit.

He didn’t care what the other students thought of him, all he knew was that he was enjoying this moment and he had no plans on stopping anytime soon.

While his actions may be described as sadistic, he simply justified himself with the fact that Nash was the one who challenged him.

Besides, he had a quest to complete.

His eyesight was already blurry and he couldn’t see clearly. However, he could still see the medium-sized cackling ball made purely of blue lightning dancing above Harry’s hand.

“Lightning ball.” Harry calmly muttered as he launched the blitzing ball above his palm.

Unlike other Elementalists, Harry didn’t need to shout the name of his ‘spell’ before ‘casting’ it, in fact, he didn’t even need to say a word.

As long as he willed a skill to activate, it would activate; no need for the extra drama and stress of shouting it out.

The only reason he kept saying his ‘spells’ out was to reduce the number of attention and possibly suspicions that he might receive.

While [Mana core illusion] did its job by making it seem like he was truly casting a spell, he did his part by saying out the ‘spell’ name and a few of its chants.

The medium-sized ball travelled at astonishing speed towards Nash, leaving a trail of lightning.

Compared to the last time, the Lightning around the ball was a lot denser and the speed at which it travelled had increased.

The skill was obviously more powerful, even though the size didn’t change, the strength and power did.

In a few seconds, the ball made purely of lightning hit Nash squarely in the chest.

The earth Elementalist arched backwards as the force behind the ‘spell’ pushed him backwards by a few centimetres.

He grunted as a mild shock ran through his body for a few seconds before he finally dropped to the ground and lost consciousness.

Immediately, a familiar notification flashed in front of Harry’s eyes.


[Sudden Quest Completed]

[Manaless Mage’s Pride]

[Rewards Granted: +5000EXP]

[Hidden Punishment for Quest Failure: NONE]


Harry’s eyes squinted slightly as he read through the notification.

He was quite surprised and also glad that there was no punishment associated with this quest.

Although he never planned on failing the quest, he had still expected the quest to come with hefty punishment of either a fifty per cent stat reduction or complete loss of an affinity(element).

‘He lost consciousness already?’ He thought in disappointment as he stared at the figure of the black-haired boy laying on the ground.

The instructor on the stage rushed towards Nash and hurriedly fed him with a healing pill.

The wounds and bruises on Nash’s face and hand rapidly healed as the pill took effect almost immediately.

The eyes of the blue-haired man wandered around the hall for a few seconds before resting on Harry.

If he said he wasn’t surprised by the brown-haired student, it would be a lie.

Not only was he very brutal with his attacks but he also didn’t act rashly as most Elementalist.

Coupled with the fact that the student’s spell-casting speed was a lot higher than that of every other student in the second year, his strength and speed were no joke too, it was as if he had it all when it came to talent and potential!

‘He honestly reminds me of “him”, I can’t wait to see how powerful he will get in the future.’ The instructor thought with a slight smile on his face.

It only took a few seconds for the injured earth Elementalist to heal completely, his brows furrowed as he slowly opened his eyes.

All his injuries had healed and the only sign that he was recently involved in a fight—or rather, taken a beating, was his burnt and rough uniform.

However, that wasn’t a problem as the academy would get him another one without the need for his parents to pay anything. bn𝚘v𝚕.𝚘𝚛𝚐

Nash’s body subconsciously shivered as his eyes met with that of a brown-haired boy standing at one end of the stage.

He gulped as memories of what transpired in the last few minutes replayed in his mind.

Though even a blind person would have already figured out who the winner of the fight was, the instructor still walked to the centre of the stage and then announced; “Harry Wins!”

But unlike the last time, there were no cheers, noise or even murmurings.

The hall was quiet for a few seconds as all the students stared at Harry with mixed expressions on their faces.

Even though they all witnessed what happened with their bare eyes, they still found it hard to believe.

A new student completely overwhelmed an Earth Elementalist in both strength and spells, Nothing about that sounded ordinary or possible!

Both the students and instructors subconsciously reevaluated their impression of Harry in their hearts.

The students made up their minds to never cross his paths or offend him while the instructors stared at him in a new light—as a once-in-a-century prodigy.

Harry simply walked down the stage nonchalantly as if he had just done the most normal thing known in the academy.

Harry didn’t care if the students cheered for him or not, for him, this wasn’t an honourable victory.

Since he had fought against someone far weaker than him, he couldn’t take joy in the victory.

The murmurs gradually increased again as they watched Harry walked back to his position.


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