Manaless Mage

Chapter 83 The Power Of Light

The murmurs gradually increased again as they watched Harry walked back to his position.

The training went on even after Harry’s fight—of rather Harry’s utter humiliation of Nash, however, most of the fights were boring.

Elementalists kept coming on the stage in pairs and facing off against each other, however, most of the fights ended within seconds.

The winners more or less won because due to their spell-casting speed being slightly faster than their opponent’s.

There were a few of them that were actually quite interesting with surprising results as the Elementalists showed promising talents and potential. However, they were nothing too impressive or eye-catching.

Some of the unserious Elementalists didn’t partake in the fights, they simply spectated the ones that did, while also making sure to cheer and shout whenever a student from their hall won or lost.

“Tracie wins!” The instructor’s voice resounded from the stage.

Harry sighed as he watched another boring fight unfold in front of him.

Just like the rest, the winner had slightly faster spell casting speed than her opponent and she eliminated him within seconds by the use of one spell alone.

Harry barely held the urge to roll his eyes as he felt the gaze of the students around him drilling into his back.

Even though he was only standing in one position with his focus on the stage, the eyes of the students around him were still glued on him.

Some of them would murmur and then turn their head away the moment he faced them.

Just when Harry was starting to get bored of the training event, two Elementalists were called up the stage.

One of them was a short boy with ruffled brown hair, hanging on his nose was a transparent pair of round glasses that were almost twice the size of his eyes.

The the other Elementalist was a slim girl with long, silky black hair and a round face. Her cheeks were quite puffy making her look quite cute.

This time Harry’s interest was piqued, his eyes squinted slightly as he focused on the two students on the stage.

His eyes were more focused on the girl as he was ‘scanning’ her with [Probe].

He recognized the short boy with brown hair who was Sam, the student he met the other day. But he didn’t recognise the girl which meant she was from another element hall. 𝐞𝗼𝘃𝐞𝐥.𝗰𝐨𝗺


[Name: Annie Reed]

[Race: Human]

[H/P: 50/50]

[Mana Core: 1st Stage]

[Mana: 75/75]

[Strength: 13]

[Agility: 17]

[Stamina: 15]

[Perception: 20]

[Endurance: 14]

[Intelligence: 20]

[Mental: 18]

[Charm: 29]


From Sam’s stats, Harry already knew that he was one of the rather talented second years, even though his personality and behaviour fell more on the nerdy side.

However, what really surprised him was the girl’s stats. Her stats were quite high as they were on par and if not higher than Sam’s.

“Begin!” The instructor’s voice rang out.

“Lightning Dash!” Sam didn’t waste any time as he immediately rushed towards his opponent with lightning dancing around his body.

His countenance and expression changed drastically from that of a nerdy kid to a fierce fighter, it was as if he had become a different person entirely.

With the speed at which he was running, it was quite surprising that the pair of round glasses on his eyes remained unshaken and didn’t fall off.

Within a few seconds, he closed in on his opponent and then tried to spun around.

However, the girl didn’t just watch him and let him do that whatever he wanted.

“Light Flash!” She shouted and then jumped back. A small ‘explosion’ of light suddenly appeared between her and the brown haired student.

Sam’s eyes widened as he immediately tried to slow down his speed and turn around.

Unfortunately, he had already gotten so close to the light elementalist and it was impossible for him to escape the range of the bright flash of light.

The light was so bright that it momentarily blinded the lightning elementalist, forcing him to stop his advance.

Even most of the students closer to the stage slightly squinted their eyes due to the sudden brightness, the only ones that were unaffected were the instructors and the ones farther from the stage.

Meanwhile, Harry eyes widened slightly when he saw the white light. He was quite surprised that the girl was a light Elementalist.

Since [Probe] wasn’t yet strong enough to show a person’s affinities, he only knew her affinity after she casted a spell.

Light elementalists were very rare; even in the academy, the number of students in the light hall were a lot smaller than that of other elements halls.

Though the light only flashed for a moment, it was still enough to slightly tip the scale over to the girl.

Sam’s mana flow and control got slightly disrupted and the Lightning around his body flickered slightly.

Fortunately for him, he was quick to regain control of his mana flow just before it receded completely.

However, the few seconds in which his composure and speed got disrupted were enough for the Light Elementalist to successfully gather her mana and prepare another spell.

“Light Ball!” Annie shouted as she stretched her hand. A small ball made purely of bright white light was conjured above her palm.

Though its size was small, its brightness made it appear larger when looked at from a distance.

Without wasting any time, the Light Elementalist immediately launched the bright ball of light towards the brown haired boy.

The moment Sam focused his attention back on the black haired girl, the next thing he saw was a small white ball shining brightly rapidly closing in on him.

He gritted his teeth as he quickly moved to the side in a bid to dodge the ball of light.

Unfortunately, the speed of the ball was too fast and he wasn’t able to completely escape it.

The bright ball made purely of light hit him in his left arm with full force, pushing him back by a few steps.

‘Arrg, Shit…’ He groaned as a stinging pain attacked him from his left arm.

Even though his spell [Lightning Dash] was still active when he dodged—or rather, tried to dodge, he still wasn’t able to successfully escape the attack.

The pain didn’t reduce but rather increased and the Lightning elementalist could feel the strength in his left hand drop slightly.

Sam endured the pain coursing through his arm with gritted teeth and used his superior speed to get away from the light Elementalist.

He knew staying close to her was nothing short of stupid as he would definitely lose.

As expected, his opponent didn’t wait for him to recover from the pain before she started preparing another spell.

One thing he had noticed was that his opponent’s spell casting speed was a little bit slower than his own and he planned on using that to his advantage.

If her spell casting speed had been just a little bit faster, his chances of winning would have been a lot smaller.

“Dusts of light!” Suddenly the light Elementalist launched another spell with her hand stretched forwards.

Immediately, her hands started shining with a bright white light as little sparking dust rose out of it.

? They danced around her palm for a few seconds before rushing towards the brown-haired boy at the other end of the stage.

As they travelled in the air, they kept interweaving and passing through each other, creating a beautiful image that was quite comical.

However, Sam wasn’t deceived by the beautiful appearance of the ‘light dusts’. He knew how fatal those ‘dusts’ could be if they touched even a hair on his body!

Lightning blitzed around his body as he dashed to the side in order to escape the attack.

Fortunately for him, the speed of the dusts were quite slow as they were easily swayed by the wind.

Apart from its versatility, the light element was also known for its buff and de-buff spells and effects.

While an attack imbued with the Lightning element left a stunning effect or shocking effect, one made with a light element left a slight De-buff effect!

Just as the word “De-buff” suggested, whenever one was hit with an attack from a light elementalist, their strength and stamina would drop slightly, giving the light Elementalist the upper hand.

Though it only lasted a few seconds, those few seconds could be more than enough to determine the winner of a life and death battle.

The light element wasn’t the only element with buff and de-buff spells though, the water element also had buff and de-buff spells. However, the former had stronger and more powerful ones.

The spell that the light Elementalist had just casted was a de-buff spell that was quite popular among stage one light elementalists.

If even a speckle of those dusts landed on his body, his movements would become sluggish and even his stamina would drop faster.

And that was only if one speck landed on his body, if he decided to be careless and let all the dusts hit his body, the De-buff would get even stronger.

So Sam knew better than to take any chances as he increased his speed even more while watching out for any dust speckle that may land or even graze his skin.

A frown appeared on the face of the light elementalist as she watched Sam try to escape from her spell.

She had seen people underestimate her de-buff spell due it its pretty and non-lethal appearance and she had half-expected the brown haired boy to do the same.


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